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Everything posted by seedy

  1. Used to share a house with a guy who would have won Gold for his ability to sleep, and wake up at the exact time he tells himself. Parties, music shaking the walls, shouting, screaming - no problem. Like you he fell asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow - background sounds be Damned
  2. I own an MU-X. It and the Fortuner do not have true All Wheel drive ala Mitsubishi Pajero which enables engagement on hard surfaces like asphalt and concrete. They only have 4WD
  3. Yuo - just look at this picture ! Much better to look at some painted bricks or concrete - 555
  4. Know a lady back home - Dawson, YT - who still uses sourdough her relatives brought over the Chilkoot Pass in 1898
  5. When you are 'not sure' about something, is it not expedient to learn what the facts are ? Or just post away - guns blazing - with no knowledge of what you are voicing your opinion on ? You know WHO knows about 'it is' these days ? The people who ride the brand, many for untold years. Do you hear on this Forum riders of HD talking trash about bike ... A or B or C ? DucaTriMW ? No. Always the other way. Always from people who have never owned one, never rode one, and know nothing of the brand.
  6. So ... still no experience ? Only your taste ... Based on what ? Nuttin' ...
  7. Wrong. This is YOUR understanding - not anyone else. And I have been exactly what I wanted to be since I was 17 - not an image of what others see when they see me. Your post smacks of Intolerance, Bias, Bigotry - a big one in this instance. Walk this way, talk this way, you are this way ? Please ... You see what you want to see - not what is really there. Mine has never let me down. Parts are everywhere, as is service. You see it as a lifestyle - I see it as a great bike to putt down to Singapore with, as I have done many times.
  8. No problem with criticism. Problem lies with the eternal P and M from people too, well ... "Challenged" to improve their lives in the face of such appalling air quality, traffic, and hordes of tourists. Truth be told - most posting negatives - I hazard - do not even live here, have NEVER lived here, and posting from a foreign country. Or - as said - just may well be 'Old Women' masquerading as residents.
  9. Read the post. Did I say 'Go to your home country' ? NO so the answer to your question is NO
  10. Pray tell us your experiences which made your decision not to have one. Because of what 'Others" look like, think, act ? If you have no first hand experience then your 'opinion' carries no water. And will remain forevermore.
  11. Best solution - have all the Whiners and Snivelers who profess to hate CNX leave. And take your AQI reader with you. Every year the same 'ol same 'ol - "Oh the traffic ! Oh the air ! Oh the tourists ! Don't like it here - don't stay. Pull up your Granny panties and shove off.
  12. So you know absolutely nothing about HD bikes, yet post how 'awful' they are. My HD never returned from Laos in the back of a pickup because parts for it were not available in this country.
  13. Bull manure You obviously NEVER rode one, or owned one.
  14. Unfair to single out the USA All countries, in all times, in all wars, did exactly the same. Colonization did all this - and much much more. Think the Congo as just one of the most glaring examples. South Africa and India as 2 more.
  15. As if taking down a hunk of granite depicting a hero from any war would help 'Heal' Just another PC gesture which means nothing at all. If all the rainbow warriors actually worked toward change, instead of making empty gestures like these, then improvements in society will be possible. But Oh No - so so much easier to make a token, symbolic gesture to get your 30 seconds of fame in the media - both established and social - and sit back and say "Oh Boy, we really accomplished something today"
  16. I do - best condition goes on the spare, 4 new ones on the car. As said before - all that keeps you on the road are those 4 small contact patches. You really want to risk not having good quality - and newish - tires as you sally forth ?
  17. I have a good rapport with my mechanic. He had a MG HS on his site, which he kindly allowed me to check out while a minor repair was done on our MU-X. It looked quite nice, fit and finish was OK, panel gaps not too bad, not too much orange peel. Interior looked good, but passing your hand over the surfaces showed where cost cutting was performed. No surprise by the price they were selling for. Long term reliability, parts availability, service department expertise remain an unknown due to their entry into the market in 2013. The car I saw was there almost 3 months waiting for parts. 2019 got 5 Star rating from Euro NCAP As good as Honda - unknown. Altho' Honda off my list due to their use of CVT
  18. Thought for a second I had stumbled into the Pattaya Forum
  19. From the Thailand Motor Forum description ... "all things petrol, diesel and EV" And - as you are so fond of posting ... your reply is off topic. Discussion is the JAC E10X
  20. The first Electric Vehicle tested by Latin NCAP, the JAC E10x also called e-JS1, E-S1, produced in China and/or assembled in Mexico, achieved zero stars. The model showed unstable structure and unstable footwell area in the frontal impact with poor protection to driver’s chest, which means a high probability of life-threatening injuries leading to zero points in the frontal crash for adult safety. https://www.latinncap.com/en/media-area/new/863986dae1e631/latin-ncap-latest-results-disappointing-zero-star-for-first-electric-vehicle-three-stars-for-kia-new-sportage-and-mitsubishi-returns-to-five-stars JAC is owned 70% by VW
  21. Go back - read the post I quoted - then read my reply. FAH
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