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Everything posted by seedy

  1. Arctic does not get as cold as interior due to the breeze which prevents inversion. Saw 7 straight nights Dawson YT - located in a river valley - minus 57C (minus 71 F) No vehicles moved. 555
  2. I found the Thai brands - for your basic run around - to work fine. Re: Chinese brands ... only have first hand experience with large truck tires in Canada. 11R24.5 They have taken over the market - for everything but steer tires - due to their price and the fact that they perform and last just as well as the better known brands like Goodyear, etc
  3. The Musk-mobile has a nasty habit of running over motorcycles traveling in the same lane .
  4. The only rational response to this 'news' story is sorrow for the victim and hope of his recovery. We know nothing to allow us to form a conclusion as to what happened. In a court of law this would be expressed as "Expressing Facts not Introduced as Evidence" In other words, hearsay. Unless you were a witness to the whole altercation, you are basing your 'opinions' on this same hearsay. Until and unless the whole truth is made public, no conclusion can be drawn. Hence the need for an investigation. But this plays right into the 'medias' hands. This is what they want you to do. Form opinions and express them without the whole story and without a shred of evidence. Divide and Conquer. Much easier to maintain control. And the vast majority play right into their hands. Idiots
  5. An estimated 80 percent of Americans frequently express significant anger while driving. Many do not realize that road rage is a criminal offense. A study analyzed 10,000 road rage incidents over 7 years and found they caused at least 218 murders and 12,610 injury cases.Aug 23, 2565 BE https://www.dolmanlaw.com/blog/road-rage-statistics/ And how many murders and injuries in Thailand ? Pot - meet Kettle. Kettle - this is Pot !!!
  6. I have lived and worked in the High Arctic in Canada my whole life. Trust me when I say that no one 'lives in igloos'. Hard these days to even find an old timer who remembers how to build one. That being said, I have overnighted in them on hunting trips and they work excellent.
  7. Pirelli tires on 3 of my bikes are made in Indonesia. Are they still what you would consider 'premium' Have you ever run a set of Thai manufactured tires ? Just curious as you have a wealth of automotive knowledge and help a lot of people who have zero understanding of the vehicles they own, or vehicles in general. Thanks for that.
  8. Hit and Miss - open and inspect sometime, pass right thru others. Customs ain't stupid - even marked as a "gift" one look will tell them no one sends clutch plates as a present. Duty not onerous - take a chance. That is what I do, and - touch wood - never been assessed duty
  9. Is it legal for use on Thai roads ? If not, no wonder no one will touch it !!!
  10. I have had very good results buying Thai brand tires for some of our cars - Otani, Deestone. Do not count them out. Otani on our CRV even have a Z rating - good for speeds of 240 kph !!! 555 It won't even come close to that but I got a good deal on them and they perform excellent in both wet and dry, are quiet, and good value. Our Teana I run Michelins, but I drive it like I stole it and replace tires at 50% of life due to the abuse I subject them to. Get a good tradein price at the tire shop I have used for years
  11. The vast majority fall into the door #2 My Father said to me when I was young that if you can find people who you can totally rely on in life you are very lucky. I am lucky - I found 3
  12. JIB my go to shop for years. HP - who would buy one of those while living in Asia ? Oh wait - I know ...
  13. Love - the other 4 letter word. Respect - Compassion - Brotherhood - Friendship - those I get. But life is not baseball - no 3 strike rule. One strike allowed. Love is a made up Fairy Tale
  14. 215/60R17 - translates to ... 215 - tread width in Millimeters 60 - aspect ratio - percentage of sidewall height to tread width. In this case 129mm R - radial 17 - Wheel size in inches. To use 225/50R18 you would have to buy new wheels. And insure that the extra tread width will clear shocks, struts, fender clearance. Here is a tire size calculator - type in the different size tires under Tire Comparison in your OP and it will detail the changes Speedo differences minimal. Fancy wheels are expensive. https://tiresize.com/calculator/
  15. Revisited ... TPB 32 years in jail for a non violent juvenile drug offender - who also acted as a police informant. “Having worked undercover for the FBI and Detroit Police starting as a child at the tender age of 14, Wershe is the youngest FBI informant in this history of this nation,” reads a statement from attorneys representing Wershe at Ayad Law, PLLC. “The government used Wershe as a child from age 14 to 16, putting him amongst gangsters, killers, drug dealers and thrust him into the world of drug trafficking, and then all turned on him to cover up the illegal and embarrassing nature of their conduct.” https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2021/07/20/live-stream-richard-wershe-jr-formerly-white-boy-rick-announces-lawsuit-against-fbi-agents-and-detroit-police-year-after-prison-release/
  16. As always - when Electric Jesus opens his mouth - preface all comments with ... "Once Upon a Time" Can't argue with Engineering - or Math. It either works or it don't.
  17. As posted - I AM aware of the two that recent posters listed. My interest is in the many more that are NOT listed. No need to post about ones I - and the world - can find easily
  18. Google Ford 10 speed auto before you purchase one
  19. I have been following this thread with interest. Many of the vehicles I have been unable to find any crash test results for. Am aware of Euro NCAP and IIHS to name just 2, but many models show no results in a search of those sites or in a general search. Generally the small, cheaper models which will make up the vast majority of sales in this country for monetary reasons are nowhere to be found. BYD Atto 3 does have a 5 star Euro NCAP
  20. Hmmm - let's see ... #1 Thai guy on a motorbike picking his wife up from work. #2 Foreigner driving an over 7 million THB car Only damage I can see is the lower LH corner of the bumper cover. So he risked it all for that limited amount of damage ? Road Rage ? Roid Rage ? Or just stupidity ? Anywho ... good laugh reading all the comments Hope the victim in hospital recovers fully and quickly
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