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Everything posted by seedy

  1. Here is another for all you spanner benders. The biggest bolt ever made was in 1967 by the Penrith Engineering Works company in Scotland. They were enormous - 27.4' long (8.3m), 4.2' diameter (1.27m), weighing 12.6 tonnes. I would love to see the spanner for those monsters. For sure you won't find one that size at Home Depot. And if you did the nuts wouldn't fit properly. I'm not sure the picture is of the same bolts.
  2. Ah - so now it is pixels AND vibrations - 555 Anyone who does not know that actors bring so much more to a performance than 'pixels and vibrations' I submit is the one with a 'limited' experience. And I stopped watching cartoons - animations - back around Snow White days. Talking about real live people acting like real live people.
  3. Vimeo got it - pay to rent or DL
  4. So dialogue is pixels ? Soundtrack just pixels ? Sound effects ? Nuance can be expressed visually - or are other means of doing so in movies ? Keep Diggin'
  5. Emotions are not pixels - I think a mind needs to be made up
  6. It says when to replace the tires with ONE set of criteria. There are others - tire age, operating conditions during its life, ... and on and on
  7. We are all Immigrants ... Humans first evolved in Africa, and much of human evolution occurred on that continent. The fossils of early humans who lived between 6 and 2 million years ago come entirely from Africa. Most scientists currently recognize some 15 to 20 different species of early humans. https://humanorigins.si.edu/education/introduction-human-evolution
  8. Bought my 2013 Forza a few years ago - 2019 if memory serves. Contacted AA Insurance Pattaya, they got me First Class with MSIG Been on it ever since.
  9. Future was right - 5 days. New screen installed under warranty. Lunch all around.
  10. EU will probably be your only choice.
  11. Getting ready to configure to EV - 555
  12. seedy

    R.I.P. NancyL

    Very sad to hear this. A bright light in the expat community, and a genuine caring person. She will be missed.
  13. May well be OK for in city use, but with only 2.5 HP it will be slow. Wave 125 has 9 HP. Both around 100 Kg
  14. True - just look at the manure that comes out of the mouths of Politicians ! As a child of the 60's the 'Bloom has been off the Rose' for quite a while now. Sad as it is ...
  15. Tom Cruise grasping at straws aka Bruce Willis TG2 just another Ra Ra - Wave the Flag - remake of the original. Best of 2022 - 555
  16. Agree. Lots of talk about Elon and his Tesla truck - 555 Hauls a partial load of potato chips and declares himself a winner ! Altho - once the grid plays catchup - and if (big IF) they do not gouge the rates once widespread charging comes online, it will work OK for local deliveries where you back in the home terminal every night. Long distance, heavy loads, Arctic cold - forget it.
  17. So ... The Mor Prom (?) app for Covid test results has a new feature. You can apply for a QR code which lists your vaccination record. Gotta fill out the form - of course. All good until ... after uploading a pic of your passport you gotta enter the date of expiry of said passport. The dates go up to - wait for it - 2900 Amazing Thailand !
  18. They all follow the 'Cause Du Jour' This allows maximum exposure via media, more 'Pats' on the back, etc. No coverage for the one child who dies of starvation every 10 seconds. Nothing to see here - move along.
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