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Everything posted by seedy

  1. Look in Africa, the Middle East, most of Asia, especially away from urban centers. See a lot of Fords ? NO - what you see are Toyotas. Why ? And these 'journalists' - where are they ? In the west, where pickups are an urban vehicle. When the going gets tough, the tough get Toyotas. Not some fashion accessory.
  2. What I do not do is blindly follow all the marketing BS spewed out by the makers of EV, and the politicians who back them, using the gullible sheeple to advance their political position to enable them to be reelected. Anyone with an ounce of sense can figure out quite quickly that it is all smoke and mirrors. It only works in rich countries whose gullible taxpayers are too ignorant to understand the huge subsidies they are forced to pay to keep this 'industry' going. And I count most on this forum in this camp. Talk about worldwide problems, and provide a solution that only the rich can afford. You must be so proud.
  3. Gotta say - my first thought was of a different definition
  4. sci·ence the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. By this definition ancient man, in studying the movements of animals, were engaged in science.
  5. https://www.vox.com/energy-and-environment/2019/5/7/18530811/global-power-plants-real-time-pollution-data
  6. Best selling does not mean class leader - it reflects sales
  7. I go for my booster Monday. Moderna seems to be the one of choice now for that.
  8. So the marketing says. Do you have any real world figures ? All other manufacturers fall short in their predictions. OP - check if there is a dealer close by who is able to provide service and spare parts for the model you purchase. The Deco listed above are seeking dealers on their website so if one is close to you I have no idea. And if you plan on riding it on the public roads be sure it is able to be licensed and insured. The smaller ones are not. There are sure to be circuit boards, voltage controllers, etc which will at some point require replacement. Those who think EV will not need any service - Congratulations ! EV are the first machine since time began which needs zero maintenance.
  9. Comment from the Transport Minister - Electric vehicles are not the answer to our problems, giving up ownership of personal transport and relying on public services is the future!
  10. 555 - where is the power coming from ? Thailand's renewable power generation stems from biomass and waste, hydroelectricity, and solar. Combined, renewables account for 8% of the country's electricity supply, not including hydroelectricity imports. https://www.egat.co.th/en/information/power-plants-and-dams?view=article&id=39
  11. There is a VERY good reason why Toyota is recognized as a class leader world wide. That being said, Izusu (Mazda) are equally good. Parts cheap, servicing cheap, why would you look anywhere else ? Don't like the seats ? Stereo ? Want 360 camera ? All available in the aftermarket, and electronics much better - both design wise and application wise - than the factory stuff.
  12. As posted above, the cheapest is 36,900 THB You can get a good second hand bike for 15,000 THB. 22,000 THB will buy a LOT of fuel, and no dicking around with charging. Any maintenance on an ICE bike will be dirt cheap here. My PCX, 2013, has needed one bearing and a valve cover gasket since new. If a Honda shop did it - maybe 3,000 THB Gasket was 56 THB - 555
  13. We used the same technique to loosen boards on old barns we dismantled to sell the aged wood
  14. The Buddha taught that consciousness is always continuing, like a stream of water. Consciousness has four layers. The four layers of consciousness are mind consciousness, sense consciousness, store consciousness, and manas. https://www.lionsroar.com/the-four-layers-of-consciousness/ I believe Buddhism is a philosophical tradition, not a Religion.
  15. The Forgotten Temple of Banteay Chhmar https://www.imdb.com/title/tt16748568/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
  16. No high HP bike can hook with the rear tire fitted. Drag bikes even, or Moto GP
  17. Trask has this engine tuned to deliver upwards of 300 hp and 280 lb /ft of torque. Still think Harleys are slow?
  18. The Lightning LS218 is able to engineer all that new technology into a 495 lb missile. 200 hp and 168 ft/lbs of torque put this bike at the top of all-electric production bikes. With an Ohlins suspension, Brembo brakes, and lithium batteries this bike is world-class. Backing it all up with records at the Bonneville Salt Flats, and wins at Pikes Peak
  19. Gotta laugh - people retired, all the time in the world, can't travel to get what they want. Fred Flintstone comes to mind ! 555
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