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Everything posted by seedy

  1. This is what informed and rational people do ... Learn about the subject at hand, do some research, read opposing views, make up their minds. Or admit they do not know and wait for more data to tip the balance.
  2. One million dollars will fit in a standard briefcase quite easily, if all $100 bills
  3. A piece of paper or plastic does not bestow skill to operate a motorcycle. Training helps, practice helps a lot more
  4. Bla Bla Bla - the same old song ... more cops, more insurance. Face facts - most of those 80% died due to not riding to conditions. Or riding impaired. Or speeding. Or both. Look at that blue bike - serious speed. Cane truck driver looks in the mirror, sees a light way back, or way out in front of him. Starts his turn. Then realizes that the bike is doing 200 Kph and is RIGHT THERE ! Nothing for him to do - not his fault. Rider at fault 100% for being an ash whole. Get a Grip people (from a 53 year rider of motorcycles)
  5. John Cadogan calls Elon Musk 'Electric Jesus' for a reason. Just read all the posts by the 'Faithful', who in another life and time were high ranking members of the Inquisition. The same zealous belief, even when offered proof of their being wrong. I don't reply to most - if ever - now, as there is no point. The take EV's as gospel and will never change. Burn the Witch now means Burn the ICE (which is funny because they both burn fuel !!! 555 https://www.iol.co.za/motoring/industry-news/watch-angry-tesla-owner-blows-up-model-s-with-elon-musk-doll-in-front-seat-d05dc09b-86eb-4c23-8389-b75e4648d78f This guy has the right idea !!!
  6. Agree . Many (Most ?) people need 'something to believe in' Why ? They have never been in situations where they had to rely on only themselves to survive. Or with a small group of other people. Think the Status Quo and those who live by it and uphold it as some higher power. 555 Drummed into them since they were children, 'You gotta Go along to Get along'
  7. https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1dpSHdLcXNFMHh5NXRteU56NU1FcTF4Q1JHUXxBQ3Jtc0tuRE5MNWZUQ2l3V3QyYXlVMmxQUm55cjR0VUhLelgzbUU2ZmtZbThhUWdRNFBUWGdBM0l1RTZjUjNQUVMzellpbnh6MDY0N2kxcTZhVDVCRmlQQV9tLTNkVlhGZUx6eklxZEhOSkdheWRVejIxSGIzVQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.zemo.org.uk%2Fassets%2Fworkingdocuments%2FMC-P-11-15a%20Lifecycle%20emissions%20report.pdf Choose leave YouTube and PDF downloads
  8. I stumbled across this report from Volvo which shows an Electric Vehicle creates a 70% larger carbon footprint for manufacturing and disposal compared to a petrol car. https://group.volvocars.com/news/sustainability/2020/~/media/ccs/Volvo_carbonfootprintreport.pdf
  9. Yep - all you Yahoos have his knowledge? Or just lost touch with reality, and choose to not entertain anything which goes against your views. He is a Mechanical Engineer - what are your qualifications ? Internet WaWa 555
  10. Some research always a good thing before posting ... well, self explanatory Using a selection-informed evolutionary model, we show that the common ancestor of extant HCV genotypes existed at least 3000 years ago (CI: 3192–5221 years ago), with the oldest genotypes being endemic to Asia. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2018.00854/full Educate yourselves
  11. seedy


    Superhiway on frontage road before the old Carrefour - now Big C Xtra As Mr Google shows - even comes with a Map !!!
  12. That is how I view the MG line. Factor in the unknown durability, compare prices, sit in one and compare fit and finish and quality of materials ... Not yet. Add to that the economic situation in China now, major manufacturers pulling out, car market in a shambles due to Gov't 'incentives' - not the best time to buy one. Toyo, Mitsu, Izusu - proven brands world wide, why would you look anywhere else ?
  13. You were the one saying - #1 - I got it in Thailand #2 - implying I am a hypodermic needle user Shades of Big Nurse ! Miss the assume part ?
  14. Caught it in Halifax in 1971 - near as I can tell. Make assumptions much ?
  15. So people will visit this Forum So advertisers will see the stats and place ads here - and the Forum makes $$$
  16. My take on this - special interest groups petition the government for 'Equality' - whatever that means. They seek gov't dollars to protect their 'culture' - which leaves me both baffled and PO'd. You want to keep your culture - go to it. But why should I have to finance it with my tax dollars ? You immigrate to another country - become that countries citizen. No more of this (fill in the blank) (fill in the country) i.e. African American as just one example. Be an American, or British, or Irish, or German. Gotta laugh at ethnic groups born and raised in a country and then petition that same gov't to keep their 'identity', which they never had in the first place. Born English - be English, or whatever country. And as we all know the gov't only concern is to get reelected. So if they 'appear' to endorse this, all these groups will vote for them. A big Con Game
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