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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. Talking about rice. I have been wondering what happened to all the rice than was in the warehouses and millers that had rice during the flood. Did it get destroyed? What happened to it? Is it the rice people are complaining about the smell at the warehouses? Was it used to make alcohol?beatdeadhorse.gif

  2. Be grateful that you are not assessed to Thai Taxation which those with PR are and on their worldwide income too. A low profile is what you need to adopt.

    If you work in Thailand you are required to have a work permit and pay tax. If you work for a company and the company is registered with the Board of Investment and the your visa is BOI sponsored, than it is the responsibility of the company to report your residence every 90 days.

    If you are working and do not have a work permit, and are not paying taxes than you have a problem, if someone turn you in.

  3. If these cameras were monitored 24/7 than the operator could alert security forces, to be on alert when entering the area. There appears to be a communication problem between to organization monitoring the cameras, and the troops on the ground. It is about time the process problem be resolved, the cameras were put there to protect the people and catch the terrorist, not a show to make politicians rich.

    Support the troops. It was the troops that supported the people during the flood, not the corrupt politicians. mad.gifmad.gif

  4. It is good to see that Thailand will solve all the problems in the South China Sea. Since the PT government has done such a good job of solving it's own problems with Cambodia, and the separatist violence in southern Thailand, they are able to solve other problems.

    What was this body of water called before the European imperialist started naming everything. They must have thought that it all belonged to China. coffee1.gif

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  5. The three Muslim-dominated provinces were once part of a Malay Muslim sultanate until annexed by Thailand in 1909.

    ​The is factually incorrect Siam in 1909 gave portion of southern Siam to the colonialist British, and only the present 3 provinces remained. Siam gave up large portions of land to the colonial powers of Britain and France.

  6. Yingluck ruled out reports that Chalerm Yubamrung was upset with his transfer from deputy prime minister to head the Labor Ministry, saying that Chalerm, with his knowledge of law, will work towards labor integration in Southeast Asia.

    I have talked to a students that went to school with Chalerm in Ramkanhang University. When he came to class, not that often, he would bring pizza. The students knew him as pizza man. I was also told that he had someone take his exams and do his term papers.

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  7. Putting Jatuporn in charge, could be a problem. Thiad and Wong are CT, and support people. Jatuporn is a hit man for Big Brother. Lets see if the government can protest the freedom of speech of non Red Shirt people, Will the BIB do their jobs or in the past support the Red Shirts. Cry havoc and release the dogs of war. ph34r.pngph34r.png

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  8. 45 years ago, when I came to Thailand, all the farmers plowed the rice using a water buffalo. The water buffalo fertilized the land, and there were fish in the rice fields also. Occasionally you would see monitor lizards, there were snails, and herrings. At that time farmers grew one or two crops a year. In the 60's IR8 rice was brought in from the Philippines, This rice grew faster allowing the farmer to grow more crops.

    Now the water buffalo are being used for meat and all the fields are plowed with tractors. Presently all the BS is coming from the government.

    Large amounts of fertilizer and pesticides are used. This kills the fish and snails, so more fertilizer needs to be added.

    Lot of the farm land in Pathumtani is being used to make housing developments. The amount of rice land is decreasing. Every housing development in this area uses large amounts of soil that has be trucked in to raise the rice paddy land to be above the nominal flood plain.

    Every thing changes, some for good, so not so good.

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  9. I wish to thank the Nation for a job well done. I enjoyed listening to K. Suthichai in the evening on his talk radio broadcast, in the 90's. One of the conversations we had was about a young Thai, graduating top of class at the USAF Academy, which some people could not understand how a Thai man which came from a poor background would do that. My comment was that he had to be one of the best to qualify.

    People criticize the Nation because it appears to be right leaning and support democracy, but I hope it up the good work and continues true democracy. Some governments have called them selves supporters of democracy, but were only in politics for the money. clap2.gif

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  10. They should seek advice from Israel.

    They do not need advice from Israel, they just need to follow the actions used by the Malaysian VAT, in the 50's and 60's. Gen Black Jack Pershing had another way in the Philippines. Though if those types of countermeasures were used the human rights watch organizations, HRW, would be screaming. Why is it that when terrorist kill innocent people they say nothing. Let a soldier shoot a terrorist human right watch raises hell.

    That is like what also has happened in Thailand, it is OK to kill yellow shirts, but you can not shoot at a red shirt. In the past police killed yellow shirts and nothing happened. The red shirts assisted in the overthrow the the government and now the military and former government is being punished for supporting democracy, Human Rights Watch said nothing about these terrorist activities, ph34r.png ph34r.png ph34r.png Chalerm has already told the press that General Sedang was killed by police snipers, and that the men in black were police. HRW nothing.

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  11. Illegal resorts to be made legal. Is like the American government making 11 million illegal people trafficked into the country citizens. It seems all governments do not understand the meaning of the word illegal. In Thailand the illegal resorts belong to politicians, police or military, In the USA be giving the illegal humans, trafficked into the country, citizenship than they will have the right to vote for the party that did not understand the meaning of illegal. mad.gifmad.gifcowboy.gif

  12. Plodprasop said the government has worked hard in addressing problems that had contributed to the 2011 flood crisis. He said, the government was ready to comply with the law.

    In compliance with the Constitution's Section 57 (2), he plans to hold a public hearing involving 20,000 to 40,000 individuals from each region. The hearings should take no more than two months to complete.

    Is K. Plodprasop telling us that before the court made the ruling, the government was not going to comply with the law.

    What is the plan? When will the plan be published? When will the people living in the affected areas be briefed? What areas are planned to be flooded? When is the government going to be transparent?

    ph34r.png ph34r.png

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  13. Politicians close to Thaksin are also tipped to join the Cabinet. They include Chaturon Chaisang, likely to become education minister.

    K. Chanturon, has many years of experience as education minister. He did a very good job during the Thaksin administration. Hopefully he will be able to develop a viable education system.

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