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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said later, before leaving for

    Mongolia, that the red shirts had the right to continue, provided they

    staged a peaceful protest that was within the law.

    Peaceful protesters, threaten and to "Capture Judges on sight".

    Ignoring calls for proper security for the Judges.

    This must be Yingluck's new "RED" law.

    The red shirts protesting could be taking orders from the red shirt members of the PTP, if so than would it be that members of the PTP are wanting to overthrow the justice system in Thailand?

    With the red shirts threatening to kidnap the judges and to do them bodily harm, is against the law. With the ruling party not providing police protection for the judges, it appears that the brown shirts are supporting the red shirts. What will we have next, the violence of the black shirts.

    Remember the red shirt supporters of the PTP should not be confused with the red shirt supporters of the CPT. These are two different faction using the same color shirt. ph34r.png

    If these two factions are one, than could we determine that Thaksin is supporting the CPT to eliminate democracy in Thailand and set up a communist dictatorship, like in Cambodia.

  2. Pheu Thai to hold 10 rallies to seek public support

    Anyone found not giving said support or found to be wanting to hold a separate opposition rally will have the crap beaten out of them by the PT stormtroopers and have their pictures put on a Facebook page entitled " this could be you , obey or else".

    1984, George Orwell "BIG BROTHER is WATCHING" ph34r.png

  3. I have been using the same canvas bags for about five years. I got one at Tesco, it cost about 85B, and every time I go to Tesco, I use it. When I go to 7/11 or Tops I have a white canvas bag. If the cashier ask why, I tell her I do not like plastic, "THINK GREEN". One 7/11 I go to frequently, the cashier jumps on me if I do not have my bag.

    The only reason I keep plastic bags is when there is another flood and I need something to defecate into. sick.gifcowboy.gif

    • Like 1
  4. More and more a dictatorship. If judges don't do what we want they and their court are out, arsonists get cabinet posts and the DSI " investigates, sort of, then finds " as directed. The amnesty bill is now the only thing that matters as it benefits one person and it's orchestrated from overseas by that very person

    300 elected members of the parliament, 300 elected lawmakers, make a statement. that sounds like peoples power to me and not like dictatorship.

    So if you use the same logic Adolf Hitler and Mussolini were not dictators. Therefor Zimbabwe is not run by a dictator. ph34r.pngph34r.png

  5. There was a threat from the Thais to the court about using the Annex I map; the map that was used in the 1962 ruling and that the Cambodians are using. Not really the way to go about presenting your case in the international arena, by demanding the court accept your map under veiled threats!

    Why should a map drawn unilaterally by the Thais after the 1962 judgement was made be used now?

    The Cambodians brought the case back to the ICJ to clarify using the Annex I map.

    The original map was drawn up by the French Colonialist, in 1909. Since than the French modified the map for their own benefit, when the Thai fought and won a conflict with the Axis French in 1940 and the Vietnamese kicked their asses in 1954, the French are very protective of their colonial past. wai2.gifwai2.gif

  6. Thailand's contribution to the new brotherhood of south east Asian nations..... poisoning their neighbours youth with crap tobacco products. Nice.

    Yes, anti-smoking campaigns here but let other countries sort their problem out as long as money can be made selling to them

    That is what they say in Columbia and Mexico also.cowboy.gif

  7. .

    Time for Chalerm to make his first visit to the Deep South.


    Right and hopefully he will stay in his advisor's house.

    Don't I remember in the past couple of days you talking about avatars not reflecting ones personality? Something along the line of

    "my avatar's a .357 magnum but I'm no Dirty Harry"

    Do you think Chalerms feeling lucky, well do you, Punk?

    Good one. I think Chalerm feels lucky every day.

    After he takes his EAR medsiciane

  8. It was not an M79 Grenade, the weapon used to fire such grenades is an M79. There are over 10 different grenades that could be fired from this launcher. This an example of the press taking the easy way out, not getting the facts straight. If the information was provided by the police, than they should be informed to be more accurate. That is like every time you see that a person was shot with an M16, just because it was a 5.56 NATO round does not indicate that it was an M16. The NATO 5.56 round is used in many different weapons. cowboy.gif

  9. "Although we couldn't arrest any gamblers this time, we believe we have

    sent our message across that we are seriously cracking down on

    gambling," said Maj-General Suthee Nenkantee, commander of Metropolitan

    Police Division 2.cheesy.gif

    "For now, we can only prevent any transaction related to the building.

    It can't be sold or transferred. However, the building owner can still

    use the property until the court orders its expropriation," he said.blink.png

    Another dog and pony show. I bet it is re re-opened by the weekend.

    The area residents knew in advance that the police would arrive at 1400 hours. That way they had time to plan.cowboy.gif

  10. End of an era? Will never forget cruising around in Pattaya at 4 AM in the nineties, when I still was a "handsome man" instead of the "hello Pappa" I morphed into since. Hundreds of bars, all of them open but no customers, but plenty of ladies of course. Finally waking up sitting on a barstool in one of them, asking for the bill, but then the girls telling me I paid already. Finding a motorcycle taxi to bring me back to the hotel.

    Pattaya was very nice place in the sixties.

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