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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. It's a controlled substance in the US...you have to show ID and if you go to buy too frequently they will not let you. I think they will let you buy up to 14 pills......so 10,000 + 100,000 - must be some kind of cold.....

    It's used to make metnamphetmine "meth" - chances are he's got a few labs scattered around that he uses to produce the stuff - or supplies.....

    This is very interesting, you have to show an ID to buy cold medicine in the US, but the DOJ is telling the states that people do not need to show an ID to vote in an election.coffee1.gif

  2. Every country has it's hate speech. Look at the middle east, noting but hate speech described as factual information. Many cases the facts are twisted to be what the presenter wants. This was very prevalent in the USA, during the Zimmerman trial. News media convicted Zimmerman before and information was available. After the trial there was more vicious hate attacks, even though the information provided by the prosecution did not indicate anything about hate. There is so much anti Islam hate in the media, you can not listen to CNN, MSMBC or BBC, without being indoctrinated with hate.

    The media gives us the truth they want us to hear, they tell us that they gather the news and present to the listener so we can understand it. They do not understand, present the facts and let ,me determine what it means. Do not treat us like we are idiots and do not understand. CNN is one of the worse offenders. coffee1.gif

  3. This issue is far greater than Thaksin. It is about helping to unify the county and bring peace and stability. Whether you are a red shirt supporter or Yellow Shirt or Thanksin supporter does not matter any more

    Move on and bring prosperity and a real future for your children and children's children. Its time to heal the wounds Stop blaming the other guy

    How can our children have prosperity, when the corrupt politicians are putting the nation into debt. Our children and children s children will be paying for the amount of money going to Bentley's illegally imported. ph34r.pngph34r.png

  4. ...until next time. 50 cm is little guarantee given all of the risk factors...deforestation, monsoons, mismanagement.....Foolish to think this is guaranteed safe.

    Agreed. I am at Hi-Tec Park and they have taken a similar approach.... dykes 50cm above previous flood levels.

    The majority of the work was paid for by the factories, not the government.

  5. Nothing will be done until foreign embassies and the world media put pressure on the politicians. As soon as it starts hitting the pockets of the tour companies, which are controlled by influential persons, politicians and Thai mafia, nothing will happen. There is to much money involved, maintenance on Vans, busses and trains are minimal, if you do maintenance it cost money and reduces profit.

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  6. according to the storys you hear pattaya is the biggest hideout for seals,cia and all other spooks. long,long, time ago a "former" cia guy in his 50's was seriously beaten to pulp by two local lady boys.........rolleyes.gif

    "according to the storys you hear"

    Is this one of those "I hear voices but there's no one there" moments?

    "the biggest hideout" In the world? In Thailand? In Fantasy Land? Why are they hiding out?

    I've always been amazed at the number of people on TV who seem to believe they have all sorts of information on how the Thai Police operate. Now we find out TV posters are receiving inside information on where "spooks" are hiding ... although I guess their hiding skills are pretty poor if all sorts of "storys" are making the headlines in the Bar Stool Bulletin.

    You really need to get out and about more, all these Black Ops types moved down to Pattaya en masse after Washington Square in Bkk closed up.

    I hear all the SBS and Navy seal types are working (for a pittance) as dive masters down south

    How true it is. Close down Silver Dollar, Wild Country Lone Star and the spooks have no place to go. You could set in Loan Star and listen to Air America, USAID, ASA stories. About people that trained that mercenaries to fight in Laos, Cambodia and Tibet. About how ASA saved Bangkok from the Chinese Tank attack.

  7. Does anyone know a business run by foreigners not using nominees?

    The only other choice is to open a business, find genuine Thai investors who will actually invest 51% of the capital and own 51% of the company and have effective control.

    Using nominees is illegal, but everyone does it. It greases the wheels, and is the bread and butter for Thai accounting firms who actually provide the nominees, not to mention the endless kickbacks which end up in the pockets of the same people who every now and the beat their chests and threaten a crackdown.

    Option 2 is legal and likely to end in ruin.

    Then again it's illegal to drive on the wrong side of the road also wink.png

    Yes there are many, most of these are certified by the Board of Investment. These companies include American, Japanese, Chinese, German, French and British. Toyota manufacturing is 100% owned by Japanese. coffee1.gif

  8. This is an example of physiological operations. Control of the hearts and minds, This also involves religious schools and mosque. The government is doing the same thing in Issan. Red shirt villages and schools. The religion is not the problem, the separatist cadre are the problem. These cadre are local citizens that have been trained outside Thailand, and sent back to indoctrinate the citizens in the area. Until you can identify the local cadre and have them come over to the side of Thailand, nothing will change. Notice I did not say the side of the government, because the politicians caused the problem in the first place. All the people want is to do their business raise their children, practice their religion and for the government to leave them alone. They want the government to protect them from the corruption all around, the land grabbers, palm oil and rubber plantation, owned by influential people from outside or by foreign interest. wai.gif

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  9. Democracy is in the eye of the beholder, it is what ever you want it to be. United States is not a democracy, it is a Republic. Egypt, Syria, Iran, Iraq and Pakistan, are democracies. The 1932 revolution was to bring democracy to Siam, but since than all we have had one dictator after another, some elected and some by cough. The politicians do not think about or care for the population all they think about is lining there pockets. coffee1.gif

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  10. It is apparent than politicians do not understand "THE ART OF WAR". It is very interesting reading. The politicians all over do not understand that you can not defeat a terrorist organization with military power alone. The politicians keep telling the people, we will send in more military, more police.

    None of the politicians have studied the problem, and done a true cause and affect analysis. You must understand what happened 100, 200 years ago. This is not a new problem, it has been going on for centuries. Malaysia had the problem in the 50's and 60's, when Malaysia cracked down the terrorist fled to Thailand, and now it is Thailand's problem,

    Talking to representative of the terrorist in Malaysia, is like the talks to the Syrian terrorist. Who represents who, which faction are you talking to. There are so many factions in this mess, you will never get all to agree on anything. It is like getting a bunch of kids to agree which flavor of ice cream is beat. ph34r.png Also we must remember that politicians start wars, and people die. All wars are economics. coffee1.gif

  11. All samples should be tested in a EU or US lab.

    There are EU , UN and US labs here in Thailand. Before they can test anything they must be requested by the government. The US lab is used to test all products utilized by the US Military. Some samples, like water, must be inspected by the military lab in Okinawa. Again these labs will not do anything unless requested. coffee1.gif

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