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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. If BAAC make these loans, will the bank be viable, or will it be like the banks in 1997, 1998. Are they going to have large quantities of Non Performing Loans? Will the bank be viable, or will they be like Bangkok Bank of Commerce, BBC? Is the bank being used to buy votes from the farmers? How much of the money will go to the farmers, and how much will go to land owners, millers, fertilizer and pesticide suppliers? Than there are the corrupt politicians at the feeder. When will the hit-the-fan.gif

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  2. So the reality is, the farmers who this scheme is supposed to benefit aren't the ones making the profit, it's the millers/middlemen (as always) that cream off the cash.

    So what was the point? The rich get richer . . . simple as that. Bunch of lying, thieving, a55holes this Govt is.

    Oh, that's a bit harsh bro! w00t.gif

    Not harsh enough bro! thumbsup.gif

    Name one honest politician, anywhere in the world

    Obama? 555555

  3. ph34r.pngMeanwhile a rice warehouse under the government’s rice pledging programme in Ayutthaya province caught fire and burned on Monday night. (MCOT online news)

    This has nothing to with money laundering, or the old shell game. This same scam has been going on for years, documents stating rice was delivered to the warehouse, but when an inventory is done large amounts are mission. This is corrupt government officials and politicians. I will bet my new pink Bentley that no one is found guilty. ph34r.png

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  4. BANGKOK: -- Companies that have won bids for the government's massive Bt350-billion water-management scheme are holding their breath, after an Administrative Court judge voiced initial support for an injunction.

    Judge Wassana Maneetong said in the first hearing yesterday that all nine modules - due to be awarded soon - should be put on hold until environmental impact assessments (EIAs) and health impact assessments (HIAs) are completed.

    ​But the politicians have already been paid, and who cares about the environment or the health of the citizens. bah.gif

  5. Forced censorship was a publicity nightmare so now they are trying voluntary censorship. But given that this exercise is conducted by a government agitation group, is only for one side of the political debate and government advertising and funding were mentioned, this could be construed as more intimidation. A better solution would be a fair and just democratic government that adheres to the rule of law and applying those laws to all Thais equally.

    But how can you be a winner when everyone wins?

    Waza, I agree but it is not only Thailand. Presently in the USA there are investigations involving all porting of government. The state department puts out all kinds of information concerning human trafficking, but do not stop it at the the borders. They talk about Russia, China and other countries spying on the USA and we have the NSA spying on the whole world.

  6. 81 years ago a group of people that tried to convince the world that they were setting up a democracy in Siam, overthrew the monarchy and set up a constitutional monarchy. So they say. The some of the people involved in the coup, were wealthy spoiled brats that had their allowance cut, because of the world depression. They were educated in France and influenced by the doctrine of Lenin.

    Since than Siam and Thailand has been run by elected people that are good talkers, but are only concerned about their own wealth.

    There is no freedom of speech, if you do a satire about the ruling government you will be prosecuted. This is why movies are banned, cartoonist are persecuted, activist turn up missing.

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  7. " The Truth, You Want the Truth, Your Not Ready For The Truth". " I did not have sex with that woman, that woman Monica Lawinski ", " We are no listening to the telephone calls or reading the e-mail of Americans", " I know nothing about Fast and Furious"

    How to tell if a politician is lying, watch his lips, if they move he is lying. cowboy.gif

  8. There are two factions if the UDD:

    K. Thida represents the faction which supports the people movement as described by Chairman Mao. She is one of the leaders of CT, which was very active in the 60's and early 70's

    The other faction is supporters of Thaksin.

    The faction under K. Thida is very powerful and will make changes in the government if the PT do not work with the CT. ph34r.pngph34r.pngph34r.png

  9. This sounds like it could be by 180. This is to protect the tourist? Than why set up a court to fast track the trial?

    BANGKOK: -- A new Tourist Case Division is in the pipeline to oversee trials involving foreign visitors to the country, Tourism and Sport Minister Somsak Pureesrisak said yesterday.

    Somsak said that later this month he would meet with diplomats from 17 European countries, who would ask him for tourist safety measures.

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