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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. "In the letter, Phongthep reasoned that the Ombudsman had suggested that regulations on passport issuance should be amended, hence he needed time to set up a committee to do the job."

    So the plan is not to cancel or recall Thaksin's passport but the amend the issuance regulations to make it legal.

    Red democracy at work and another slap in the face for Thailand

    How much time does he need to set up a committee? They've had long enough already and it doesn't stop yyhem explaining why they granted it in the first place.

    First you set up a committee, than the committee has to set up sub committees, than the sub committee has to set up investigating teams. After the investigative teams have gathered up the information they must evaluate it and than forward the results to the sub committee. After the sub committee has looked at the data, they will send it back to the investigative team for more data, and so on. The same process will happen when the sub committee sent the information back to the original committee. This is the was politics works .coffee1.gif

  2. Many government figures said this estimate was possibly used by Moody's, unfairly against the government, in its criteria, threatening a possible downgrade of Thailand's credit ratings.

    About time Moody's was banned from reporting on Thai figures. whistling.gif

    It is time for the government to take action against people that give false information to Moody's and for Moody's to only use the information provided by the government.ph34r.png

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  3. Governments the world over use and fear social media.This is why the US FBI has demanded that Google turn over data on customers. Also the IRS is another agency using the media to gather information on companies and people. BIG BROTHER is watching. It makes no difference if it is USA, Saudi Arabia or Thailand, they know who you are, and if you say anything the government does not like they will crush you, or send you to school to be reeducated. w00t.gifph34r.png

  4. It is not only Thailand. We see the same thing in all over the world. School rivals, If we can't beat you during the game, wait till after. Football clubs all over the world, Liverpool and Manchester. How about the violence in Brazil. How many time have we saw a guy get beaten up because of a girl. Violence is the nature of the beast. Red shirts and Yellow shirts.

  5. What about the plastic bag industry? If there were not plastic bags just think on the increase in the unemployment. People would be laid off, children would not be able to go to school, and just think about the government owned PTT, the manufacturer of the resin to produce plastic bags. without plastic bags what would the bread and pastry industry do, go back to paper, If they went back to paper, how many more forest would be cut down? smile.png

  6. Many foreign manufacturers in Thailand hire new graduates from trade school, than after a six month period send then to advanced training. This is especially true in the automotive and electronics industry. A neighbors son is going to senior high at King Monkhut in Automotive, he will have a job with Automotive Alliance when he graduates, and works st the factory on school break.

  7. Was anything done about the kickbacks paid to TTM by American tobacco merchants. I do no remember anything being done. The below information if from a Google look up.

    n August 2010, three major US tobacco merchants pleaded guilty to charges relating to the payment of bribes to officials of TTM. According to US court documents, from 2000 to 2004, subsidiaries of Dimon Inc., Standard Commercial Corp., and Universal Corp., sold Brazilian-grown tobacco to TTM. Each of the three companies retained sales agents in Thailand, and collaborated through those agents to apportion tobacco sales to TTM among themselves, coordinate their sales prices, and pay kickbacks to TTM officials in order to ensure that each company would share in the Thai tobacco market. To obtain these sales contracts, Dimon paid bribes to TTM officials totalling $542,590 and Standard paid bribes totalling $696,160, during the course of the four years. Universal admitted that its subsidiary in Brazil paid approximately $697,000 in kickbacks to TTM officials during the period.[9]

    In May 2005 Dimon Inc. and Standard Commercial Corp. merged to form Alliance One International, a leading independent leaf tobacco merchant serving the world's largest cigarette manufacturers

  8. I hope they are ready for a very vicious backlash from a government which must get its own way. Already these protesters have been described as " psychologically disturbed ", only the reds are normal, well adjusted people, and that's mild compared to what's likely to come. The mildest of criticism faces defamation action and if these protests build up I'm sure the DSI etc, will be let loose resulting in criminal charges being thrown around.

    The government has shown it has no tolerance for dissent so standby and I'm sure the ICT Ministry will happily shut down sites without waiting for court orders as I smell fear hanging around the PTP and a cornered animal is the most dangerous.

    Not all Red Shirts are supporters of Thaksin. There are two factions of the Red Shirts, the faction that are supporters of the peoples rebellion and the elimination of all government forms that do not follow the ideals of the 1932 coup that overthrew the monarchy. Than there is the faction that has been bought and paid for.

    Khun. Tida is a true supporter of the revolution and a supporter of the 1932 rebellion. I feels she is following the CT manifesto.

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