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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. Is clarity, the decision on which politician will get what % of the money? In the past it has been rumored that 30-40% of all government project money went into the pockets of politicians. With this money they could build an extra room on the house to keep the money. That was there daughter could have a nice wedding. Now I want everyone to understand, this is not corruption, it is only the way we do business whistling.gifcheesy.gif .

  2. These idiots put signs up on sidewalks making them advanced obstacle courses. I knock them down all the time. Not political ads so much but condo and plastic surgery ads.

    Supposedly Thai's are so respectful but I think they use it all up on Wai's etc. How about saving some for traffic safety, air/water/noise pollution and not impeding sidewalks.

    What sidewalks? I respectfully suggest that you need to adjust your attitude. What an expat might think is a sidewalk is actually an extension of whatever shop it is in front of, or it's a parking space for any and all vehicles and you cannot overlook that it's as vital pathway for motorbike traffic.

    He is a Thai American. If his name was Woods it would be OK.

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  3. There are few industries existing who are more corrupt than the US drug companies. Unfortunately this corruption filters down to the doctors and the insurance companies. The best example I can give you is my own experience. While still living in the US, I was prescribed three medications. I had insurance and the co-payment was $20 per prescription. That was $60 every month and the prescription was only good for 30 days. When I retired and came to live in Thailand, I took those drugs to a Thai doctor to try to duplicate them. The Thai doctor advised me to throw them away. He prescribed one 20 mg blood pressure drug and a baby aspirin every day and to come back to see him in a week. After the second visit to the doctor, he said I was fine. The cost of the blood pressure drug is still 300 baht for one hundred foil wrapped tablets and no prescription necessary. I don't remember the cost of the baby aspirins but I buy them in bottles of one thousand. My monthly cost went from $60 with insurance to a bit over $3 without insurance.

    I went to a hospital in north Bangkok, for what appeared to be a minor stroke. The GP gave me allot of pills and sent me to a neurologist. He told me the one pill was basically rat poison, and for me to take 60 mg. aspirin instead, no stroke.

  4. is the driver not responsable for his his car is maintianed and safe to drive? is there no periodic control of the cars here, in europe the car and trucks undergo periodic controls, and will be removed from the roads if they not pass. but anyway , the driver of a car is responsable for the car is safe to drive, and if a wheel falls off, due to some loose wheel nuts or things like that, the driver must be hold responsable.

    It is a requirement that motor vehicles be inspected every year, Before a vehicle can be registered it be inspected by an authorized station and insurance paid. This does not insure that it is done. every country has laws and regulations but if they are not inforced, things happen.

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