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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. You are having a bad time. That has created a situation whereby everything you see or hear you do so in a negative way. Even having a go at some posters on here. Your choice is simple. Lighten up or leave. BTW, I would have thought a man of your high standing would have made sure their child was brought up to speak English as well as Thai. Would give him opportunities to escape the "s#it house" he lives in.
  2. Cost me? We are married. Not business partners. Our home is also in a village. No English. Only Thai and Khmer. I've learnt to speak good Thai and a little Khmer. I integrate with family and villagers well. I like to eat Somtam too. ????
  3. "These Isaan women". You are talking shout 1 woman. Not many. I've been married to a lovely Isaan lady for 22 years. You appear to have made an error in your decision and should, by the sound of it, move on. Don't tar all with the same brush.
  4. Incorrect. Brexit is on going. As is Sunak's tenure at the helm. Neither are opinions. They are facts. You are welcome to your opinions with regards to Boris.
  5. Brexit- ongoing. Johbson- did well with the exception of Partygate Kwarteng- agreed. Him and Truss had strange ideas. Sunak - ongoing. 1 out of 4. Not bad for you.
  6. They can't even handle party finances. It's therefore likely an advantage to have Westminster giving them a hand with the national economy. ????????
  7. If the applicant is just your girlfriend and she wants a spouse visa with a view to swtlement, she'll need to get a fiancé visa. I believe it gives your girlfriend 6 month entry, in which time you'll need to get married in UK. No need to use an agent. The UKVI website is straight forward. Just tell the truth, give them the documents they want and follow the rules. Simple.
  8. That's what I like about you. When you can't argue against something but wished you could, you become pedantic and churlish. It's so predictable.
  9. I was not I who suggested that the public are £11000 worse off because of salaries without taking other issues into consideration.
  10. No. It was a scenario. The problem with reports talking about salary is they don't discuss other measures. People change their opinions to suit. Recent strikes have been because people want pay rises in line with inflation. In the past 15 years inflation has only been above 4% in 3 of those years. For many workers to be £11000 better off that would have equated to annual salary increases in excess of 7% above what they already received. Oh look, salaries not linked to inflation. Oh, we can't have that, can we?
  11. You seem to be confusing state pension age with some kind of compulsory retirement age. There are no rules on retirement. It's all about planning. Before you bang on about it's only the wealthy that can retire early, it's not. My state pension age is 67. I will be retired a good 7 years before that. My salary has always been at the lowest tax bracket. Not a high salary but enough to save, invest and prepare for early retirement. It's really not difficult. Even your mate Mr Starmer has stated he will not be using the tax break on pension pots as he doesn't have top.
  12. You seem to forget inflation has only been an issue for under a year. Prior to Covid most people were sitting pretty. Hardly anyone was complaining about inflation, interest rates or the cost of living. In fact, during lockdowns many people were over the moon to be sitting at home on 80% of their salary tax free. If, in a moment of madness, any government were to suddenly give everyone an £11000 a year payrise, prices would soar. Within months no one would be any better off.
  13. Let's give everyone an £11000 a year payrise. All those in retail, in the service industry, civil servants too. Everyone that works. Businesses and government agencies, etc will then need to pass the costs on to the public. Then let's watch cost of living increase by factors in the 10+. Income tax rises. Train tickets, bus tickets, airline tickets, food, fuel, energy, clothes. Then everyone can work out how much better off they are. Likely, nothing.
  14. It's often a good idea to cover your a$#@ and take things immigration might want. One thing I take, which no one has mentioned, is a copy of my passport for me. With my passport being held at the consulate all day and overnight, it's good to have in my pocket. I guess a pink ID card would work as well.
  15. Chickennoodlesoup has a PhD in Management. That does not qualify him for a Smart T visa.
  16. I meant to write "teaching" and not "working". Sorry for the confusion. Teaching/Education is not included on the list of industries for those with a Smart T visa. If it were, one would be enrolled in the Thai social security scheme, regardless of any private health insurance obe might hold. Doesn't the Smart T visa remain valid for 4 years?
  17. Slightly different issue but processing times none the less. FLR(m) application. Biometrics done 1st March. Apllication successful email received 27th March. Website says "up to 8 weeks"
  18. No, as they are all from the UK. As they will be for many generations to come.
  19. Unless there are some under 30s posting here, talking about Scottish independence is inane as no one will see it in their life time.
  20. All government schools should, by law, enroll their teachers in Thai social security scheme. This covers 100% of medical bills
  21. All government schools should enroll their teachers in the Thai social security scheme. Whoever told you they weren't should get their employers to enroll them. It's the law.
  22. All Doctors, nurses and all others working harder than the PM never broke the rules? Incorrect.
  23. A blanket generalisation. We built a house in the village where my wife's family have lived for generations. Never had any issues. House build, wife's 2 uncles as builders, went well without us there for the best part of most days. I did my due diligence by looking at previous builds they had done. I speak good Thai and did the explaining and ordering of materials. One thing I will say about the OP is it seems his wife is getting her priorities wrong. My wife has always been by my side. She explained, when needed, that I am her husband foremost and I just happen to be "Farang". I have always got on very well with all the family. We even built a second building on our land for Mum to live in. I find, if one can navigate away from the issue of being a foreigner, try to integrate in family and village matters, don't critisise on issues such as religion, beliefs in spirits, monks, et al, the family and locals will accept you into their lives. One gripe about village life, the music at weddings, ordinations and funerals is too bloody loud. Never mind. I just go to live in father in laws house we built in the middle of the paddy fields.
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