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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. She was indeed a child when she joined IS. However, she continued to be part of IS into adult hood. She has not been stripped of citizenship solely for joining IS. It's for being a member of IS, which she has been whilst the law says she was an adult.
  2. So, nothing like a human child. I can't remember the last time I needed to freeze my daughter in order to save her life.
  3. You appear to be confusing marriage with ceremony. My wife and I have been happily married for 24 years. We didn't get married in a church or pay for "people we don't even know can get drunk on our booze"
  4. I don't know. I've never listened to any of her speeches. I don't recall the exact figures but UK consume about 300 million tonnes of Cheddar in a year. All produced in UK. Total cheese consumption is around 400 million tonnes.
  5. I've clearly read more up to date articles on the matter than you have.
  6. So, this scientific test confirms there are only 2 genders? I'm surprised the report was permitted to be published.
  7. If they are indeed children and they have been placed in a freezer, why have there not been any child abuse claims made? Maybe, in a years to come, the human lives produced from these embryos will file claims of historical child abuse.
  8. We mixed it up. Sometimes speaking Thai sometimes English. When I first met my, now, wife she didn't speak English. My Thai was OK but not great. We learnt each other's language from each other and continued learning when our daughter was born by using both languages at home. I learnt to read and write Thai at the same time as my daughter, with kids books. We lived very close to my wife's family. If they were present we always spoke Thai. I think it would have been, still is when we are there, impolite to speak in English within their earshot.
  9. I find it surprising and really quite sad that parents of mixed race kids allow one of the parental languages to be lacking. Our daughter grew up quadlingual. I spoke to her only in English, my wife spoke only Thai. Grandparents spoke in Khmer and many friends of hers spoke Isaan Laos. She attended Tha government school, non EP. She is now working in a very good job in UK and studying further education. She is fluent in all 4 languages she was brought up with.
  10. So, clever business people. Giving their son, what they perceived, as a good start in life. Not entitled bigots.
  11. The son of a teacher and travelling salesman. Cut his teeth as a journalist at a local paper. Made his fortune turning Top Gear round from a boring show offering MPG comparisons to a fast paced TV program appealing to many people. Hardly entitled.
  12. I wasn't being channel specific, Jeremy Vine is on Channel5. I was commenting on TV as a whole. No, I'm not suggesting all TV should be politically balanced. Just suggesting news articles suggesting bias should be balanced.
  13. Not to mention breakfast TV, is Ed Balls biased?, Adil, Naga and Jeremy Vine?
  14. Actually, another poster mentioned the EU. JonnyF was responding to that post.
  15. Anyone with any common sense, including lenders, know it's imperative to look at how borrowing would look with a, circa, 3% increase in interest rates. Anyone who maxed out their limits when rates were 2%, thinking they would stay at 2%, was foolish. It is that simple. May, possible election, won't change a thing. Labour will not be able to change anything anytime soon.
  16. Those who overstretched themselves only have themselves to blame. If they change the way the are/were going to vote because of being overstretched, they are being narrow minded.
  17. I'll take that bet. How about 1 000 000 baht? Tell me where we can meet for me to collect the money. Thanks.
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