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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. In my long experience of being both a borrower and a saver, I just feel 6% is a happy medium. Of course, interest rates are not and cannot be fixed for ever and will vary. 5.25% is not far off and probably a decent rate for the current economic climate. I wouldn't raise interest rates right now and I certainly would not think about cutting them.
  2. You clearly haven't followed the thread. Your comment is inane. If you were getting less than 1% on your money, you should have moved it.
  3. I agree. I've never said they do.
  4. Farang refers to white foriegner. I would say that's a race.
  5. I'm speaking about government spending. Governments make money from taxes. Brexit was voted for by the electorate. The government acted upon that.
  6. Interest rates have been artificially low for too long. Right now they are still a little low. 6% base rate is about right.
  7. Did they say "foreigner" or "farang"?
  8. That would depend on the wording. If the rule is "No prize money for Farang", then it is racial.
  9. Interest rates were raised. However, current interest rates are not high. They are not even at average levels over the past 50 years.
  10. Exactly. Meaning your post was irrelevant to the discussion.
  11. It's doing better than some countries in the EU.
  12. Yes. To be precise, you are correct. However, I believe the general working public generally relate tax rises or tax cuts to income tax. That's why I was less specific.
  13. I agree. Let the games begin. Labour to win the next election. Nothing to change in the next 5 years as Starmer has said no tax rises and no more spending, as has been proved by his Uturns A change in government is not going to magic extra money. Only tax rises will. Unfortunately, those that whinge and whine don't understand if they want more public services, they have to pay. No political party has the balls to go for the required tax rises or less spending. Hence, nothing will change.
  14. The OP is asking advice about the cost of living in Isaan/Buriram. That would suggest he is looking at monthly expenditure. Were your "house sundries" not a monthly occurrence, they'd be irrelevant to the topic.
  15. Surely not every month, or is you budget averaged out over 1 year?
  16. I have been employed as interpreter in court cases between Thais and foreigners. All cases were heard fairly and the verdict not against one side because of nationality.
  17. 40k Thai baht a month if you don't want to deposit 400k. Immigration don't demand one spends that. It's a figure they believe sustainable. This thread is "cost of living". Not "fixed outgoings".
  18. Not sure which organisation you are running with but I guess it's a small one with small events. The Buriram marathon is big. It has many foreign competitors. I don't think it's ever been won by a Thai. Prizes paid out according to performance, not nationality.
  19. Immigration ask for proof of 40k a month for a married man to get an extension. That's a figure that is easily doable. Your figure doesn't include food or going out.
  20. Nothing more than opinions. Opinions that are, it seems, not shared by anyone else. Speaks volumes.
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