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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. I was referring to the post that suggested the authorities deliberately withheld information about the culprit.
  2. I'm not talking about the misinformation. I'm talking about the real facts. They were published on 31st July.
  3. Not same day. He is only 17. A court had to rule to allow information to be released. I believe the murders were on 29yh July. Full details were released 31st. In line with the law on minors, regardless of their race, religion or nationality.
  4. Because he was only 17, details could not be immediately released. As with any suspect under 18. Full details were released and published 2 days after the attacks after a judge had allowed it. All in line with UK law regarding minors.
  5. No they didn't. It was well known from the beginning he was of Rwandan heritage and born in Cardiff. The misinformation as that he was a Muslim asylum seeker.
  6. Unless, like me, you have experiences to the contrary.
  7. Is ignorance an illness? If so, you could get treated on the NHS.
  8. Medical science has advanced incredibly nice the birth of NHS. Are you suggesting treatments for such things as Parkinsons, Huntington, MND Dementia, Prostate Cancer, etc should not be treated under NHS?
  9. Please, just answer the question. There no being a pest about it. You've allowed 5 weeks per month. Unless you can explain which months gave 5 weeks, it looks exactly like you exaggerated for effect. Sadly, for you, it didn't work. You say "us all". Are you a spokesperson for members?
  10. 100 000s? Please do provide some evidence to that claim. It will be an interesting read.
  11. Tell "us"? I don't know how many. However, so long as those committing crimes are deported, things are heading in the right direction.
  12. How many months have 5 weeks?
  13. I was referring to your 30 guys with bikes. Please try to keep up
  14. You must spend so much time amongst ethnic minorities. You know what they do, where they work. You now even know what they want to be called.
  15. 17000 is a few. Especially when compared to some figures that have been thrown about recently. Why are they of a concern to you? They don't cost the country any money. They are the most unlikely group to commit crime, because of the threat of getting caught and deported.
  16. I've said nothing about " bit on the side".
  17. No, it hasn't. You are talking rubbish.
  18. No. There are under 70000 asylum seekers in UK. As I said, there are likely some illegals working under the radar. I know of some Albanians, they identify as Greeks, that do. However, they do not get free bikes or benefits. The clue is in the name. I'm quite sure councils will have checked "right to work" credentials prior to any offers being made.
  19. No. I live in a village in Isaan. Family background is farming. Are "mistress" ( Mia noi in Thai) or "affair" not words in English?
  20. You've not asked? They are not British? How do you know that?
  21. I've no doubt there are some that have "done a runner" and might be working illegally. My point was these people aren't being given benefits and aren't being given free 3k bikes. Personally, I think asylum seekers should work, legally. It should be part of their application process that they make themselves available for work to cover their accommodation. If their application is successful then continue to work where they are or get another job. If unsuccessful, bye bye.
  22. Really? That's an interesting observation. I too have seen this happen. Just as it happens all over the world. However, having many members of my Thai family and friends happily married, some with kids, some happily single, some happily studying at university, many happily working, I wouldn't say it was "endemic".
  23. Who are you talking about? This thread is about the riots. The riots were because of misinformation regarding immigrants and asylum seekers. Now, in case you didn't know. Asylum seekers don't deliver food. Illegal immigrants don't work or claim benefits or get free bikes, the clue is in the wording of their status. Legal immigrants can't get visas to come and work as delivery drivers. I ask again, to whom are you referring to in your posts above?
  24. Nothing to do with the conversation. However, one doesn't have to be "silly" to disagree with tarring everyone with the same brush.
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