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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. No, not a habit of mine. It's simply recognising a habit of yours. I'm not the only one that notices these traits.
  2. Sorry. I forgot your inability to think for yourself or discuss possibilities for the future, other the criticism of those you dislike. You obviously don't believe the two examples I gave are fit to rule. Sort of answering without answering but better that answering with questions. At least you've made you stance clear. Thanks.
  3. Then there are those who resort to smearing and defamation. I haven't been to Pattaya for 23 years. Let's try again, do you live here and can you speak Thai?
  4. I didn't know that. I thought the victors were announced after the election.
  5. In the words of Martin Luther King, Jnr. "I have a dream". Not a big dream. Just a hope really. A hope that maybe, just once, you will answer a question with an answer.
  6. Recession? Wasn't that happening 4th quarter of 2022? Interest rates are higher because they were too low. They are now at a realistic level. If Americans, we have a good'un we all love on here, would concentrate on their own country and it's failings, they might be able to improve it.
  7. So, who's going to do that? A Labour party that has a leader and deputy contradicting each other? Has a leader that has U turned on promises made during his leadership campaign? A Labour party with a rift between right of centre and far left? A party that's promised to spend but can't tell where the money will come from? Or maybe the 15 seat Libdems.
  8. $15000 a month? The OP asked for ways to help this guy. I doubt anyone could/would help to that tune.
  9. No messing about. I have never stated innocence or guilt. There is not enough evidence as yet to decide either way. Hence no arrests and no calls from CPS to prosecute. Plain and simple.
  10. Oh dear. Short memory? Selective reading? Russell Brand, as with anyone accused of breaking the law is, under the laws of the land " innocent until proven guilty".
  11. You were making it up. I have never said Brand is innocent. I don't have the authority to do that. I have also never said the media are guilty.
  12. I think you'll find that is the whole point of "leveling up". I've seen northern Mayors say it's what all the north wants. I wouldn't think they'd lie, they are Labour. ????????
  13. Why not ask a question about your whole comment, including what you accused my of saying about the media? It is not I who says Russell Brand is " innocent until proven guilty". It's the law.
  14. This: "Odd how you have found the media to be guilty and Russel Brand to be innocent"
  15. Oh sorry. You are so clear, concise and sure of what happened, I thought you were there and saw it all.
  16. I agree, when the press behave as they have with regards to unsubstantiated claims. You should think the same. Most people on this forum know full well how much you hate unsubstantiated claims.
  17. I'm not telling you what anyone wants. Although you'd like to think I am, or say I am as that's the only response you have. I asked questions and gave examples of how the costs of living will change. I also mentioned what comments I had seen from those in the north whom have commented. Nothing about me speaking on behalf of the north.
  18. Point out where I said you did? Your comment and my response is regarding different treatment of the famous compared to the non famous. From your post: "especially given he's famous"
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