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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. It's not in recession, as was predicted. That was my point prior to your attempted deflection.
  2. Oh. I see. Your comment was an attempt at deflection. You needed to do that to deflect from the fact I was proving negative predictions on the UK economy to be wrong. I believe in your little world it's also known as "whataboutary".
  3. No need to do that. Not sure why you'd want to. I was just using a comparison to suggest your comment was wide of the mark.
  4. No. I want a link to predictions we'd be seeing unicorns. That's your post. According to your broken record, we need links. Link to experts predicting unicorns, please?
  5. I can tell you now, the application requirements have changed since 2017. I made an enquiry. I didn't bother after what I'd been told. UK citizenship for my wife is not too difficult and works out cheaper than the amount of "dead money" those on retirement extentions need to keep in the bank.
  6. I guess you mean authentic British Indian restaurant food, as apposed to authentic Indian food?
  7. A link to an expert predicting those two occurrences would be helpful.
  8. You must have got your Thai citizenship some time ago. I've been told by immigration it's a lot more difficult now.
  9. https://www.libdems.org.uk/press/release/lib-dems-force-vote-tonight-to-kill-illegal-migration-bill
  10. Please show me the link to prove the prediction of UK recession in 2022 happened. Then I will give credit to predictions.
  11. Forecasts, predictions. All the same. Not worth arguing about. Let me know when the prediction of UK recession in 2022 becomes correct.
  12. 3 whole pages of comments about a prediction. I remember the prediction that UK would enter recession in 2022. That was by experts too. To coin a phrase of a much loved poster on here, "it's all whataboutary."
  13. You underestimate yourself. Or let yourself down. I can't decide which it is.
  14. I've only seen one article in UK media in about 3 years. That was the monk in Sissaket with a helicopter. I have, however, seen numerous stories about Catholic priests being responsible for abuse and cover ups. I'd say the worldwide joke is not on Thai Buddhism.
  15. Oh dear. Please read through article. It's all there. BTW, there are many charities and members if the opposition who are objecting to removing those who are either bogus asylum seekers or, plainly non applicants. I don't have political shackles. I just read both sides of the arguement instead of believing anti government media.
  16. You obviously have not read the report regarding those refusing to board the vessel. Try to read before incessantly blaming those you dislike for all issues you dislike. Release your political shackles and enlighten yourself.
  17. Then send them back to where they have citizenship. That "where" can't have a say on the matter.
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