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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. To quote the link in the OP: "notwithstanding our poor electric charging infrastructure". To whom does "our" refer too? "the government has proposed a ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2030". To which government is he referring?
  2. No need. Already filed. Thanks for the chuckle. Predicated, expected, usual but funny.
  3. Regardless of your opinion, and it is just that, those countries have higher inflation which is unrelated to Brexit. Not the top. You are mistaken.
  4. Previous posts on the matter suggest otherwise. I believe it's in the region of 2% less at best and many %%% more at worst. Anyway, thanks for confirming Brexit is not to blame for inflation. Good call.
  5. I would imagine people in distant countries are also discussing cost of living rises. It is a global issue after all. What are people in those countries blaming?
  6. Excuse me. I posted that the 30 baht health care scheme covered accidents. The OP disagreed. I responded. You replied with a question asking if I was a farmer. I'm happy to respond to that should you decide to quote a post of mine regarding farming. If you look at my post timed at 23 hours ago, you'll get your answers. Any further questions, please quote that post and fire away.
  7. The post to which someone disagreed was regarding health care. He later apologised for being wrong. Therefore, I'm not sure why you asked your question. Had you quoted a previous post of mine, your question could have been valid, but inane, as I've already posted my experience.
  8. Oh dear. Get your selective reading glasses off and read my most recent post again. Your last paragraph contains allegations. Please refrain from alleging things I have not said. Exaggeration for effect, once again.
  9. Please don't accuse me of BS. It's impolite and crass. I know what I was told. If things have moved on and new processes have become available since last time I spoke with my associate, that can only be a good thing. As is your confirmed fact that UK companies are trading with EU countries with no apparent obstacles.
  10. No. He's a scrap metal dealer by trade. He scraps mist things metal including vehicles. As far as scrapping EVs is concerned he doesn't touch them. He doesn't go out looking for them to make a deal but, as a successful business man, if he is offered one he has found a way to " scrap" them without doing it himself. As any good businessman would.
  11. Looks fine. It's once again just media making mountains out of mole hills. It's been proven the relationship was legal. Not a great choice, as Phillip has said himself, but legal. Nothing to see here.
  12. Why does he suck as a business person? I said he doesn't touch electric cars. He buys them for a price then sells them to the guys in Poland for a higher price. Sounds like good business to me.
  13. I said, the vehicles can't be scrapped in UK. Not that the parts scrapped can't be reused. The cars are sent to Poland. In Poland they're either scrapped or restored. Scrapped parts are then, sometimes, sent back to the UK for sale.
  14. No need to be on house registration. Not sure how it works but guess it's something to do with the fact Pu Yai Baan comes round checking who lives where, from time to time. I've seen the file in the local clinic. It had our house number on it along with the names of my wife, myself and our daughter.
  15. If you are " farang" 30bt scheme doesn't cover you at all in hospitals. If your wife has registered you under your house number at the local clinic, you will be treated free. That includes any medication given to take home.
  16. No, they didn't. They said "if she married a farang she would have most likely taken the house, car and money by now." Nothing about being in a western country.
  17. Disagree all you like. Just look it up. You'll soon change your mind.
  18. Not his opinion. It's his facts from having run his business for over 30 years. Maybe my post was unclear. I agree parts can be used in other ways. Scrapping cannot be done in UK. Licenses or some red tape stops it. Cars sent to Poland, either done up or scrapped. I guess the parts then get sent to UK.
  19. Your figures are so far out its laughable. Someone is having you over a barrel. Also, 30bt scheme in hospitals covers everything. Even accidents. If your accident happens to be a motoring accident, you also have Por Ror Bor insurance.
  20. Good point. Exactly what we did. Build what you need to live in. Houses in villages have no sell on value. It's a home. Not an investment.
  21. A report predicting the future based on views from " one in attendance". ????????????
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