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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Oh dear. What exactly does that have to do with my post, regarding Remainers?
  2. Had there been, Remainers would have been up in arms about the prospect of people trying to overturn the democracy of a one and only referendum. Shame they can't think that way now.
  3. There have always been poor people. There have always been businesses closing down. Industry took a massive hit during lockdowns and is still recovering. The world economy is still recovering. All of the above is true in countries the world over. You must have forgotten that. Or just ignored it to suit yourself.
  4. I'm very busy thanks. Far too busy to write fictional essays on here. By the way, I quoted your post not my own.
  5. Really? Is that why all major economies around the world are suffering?
  6. Seems to have rubbed off on you.
  7. I agree. There are over 300000 monks in Thailand. The stories of crooked ones here and in the past equate to less than 1%.
  8. You are not blacklisted. You just can't get another waiver. You can work in Universities, language centres and any school which is not governed by OBEC.
  9. Becoming a monk because of financial reasons, remember they are part of the community and considered as working, does not make them thieves.
  10. There are over 30000 even small temple will have about 10 monks. Let's say there are 300000+ monks in temples in Thailand. How many stories have you heard in the "so many" you suggest? I would think the percentage of bad monks would fall in line with bad people in every profession and in life in general. It's a shame. The 1% spoiling things for the others. All getting tarred with the same brush by posters on here. Yet, when there's a story about a dodgy expat and the Thais tar us with the same brush there is outrage.
  11. Also created a pleasant situation for those who have the ability to control their finances and save. They are voters too. Along with those happy to see interest rates rise to stall the housing market rises.
  12. If interest rates were, say, 8% I would agree it would be unreasonable to plan for a 75% increase. I know. I had a mortgage when rates increased 5% in a day. However, when base rates are 1% it is not unreasonable. Think of it as points increase. To plan for a 3% rise in base rates should always be in people's plans. It certainly has always been in mine and the lenders I have borrowed from. To me it's sensible planning for the future. Something I have always done. Perhaps that's one of the reasons I was fully paid up and mortgage free by the time I was 53.
  13. Average 7.41%? I've just done a quick search and the highest was 6.3%. The average obviously being lower.
  14. Look at which post I quoted.
  15. I don't recall hearing any stories or quotes from voters blaming Liz Truss or interest rates directly for there voting choices. As for preparing for interest rate rises, there is always small print on applications warning " interest rates may go up aswell as down".
  16. Indeed, Truss messed up. However, increased interest rates are not a bad thing. They had been far too low for too long. Most sensible people plan for rises when they take out a mortgage. It's common sense to do so. There's no helping people with no common sense.
  17. UKIPs policies and reasons for such were clear. Republic's reasoning is flawed.
  18. You neglected to mention many other factors that were beyond anyone's control. Typical anti government rant missing vital information.
  19. There are no rules or laws in UK banning free speech. This is part of the problem. There is free speech, there are protests and there are disturbances. Do you really think the idiot that got on top of the snooker table and peppered it with orange powder was practicing free speech? Or the "stop oil" idiots gluing themselves to roads causing traffic mayhem? If the protesters on Saturday really were not planning any disturbance, why did they choose that particular day to protest? If their following is as big as they say, surely they could have protested on any day. They would then be making themselves the main focal point.
  20. Making sure one's own arrogance isn't clouding one's judgement first, obviously.
  21. How do you know? Labour gained only half of what the Tories lost? What put the other half off Labour?
  22. By your own creative writing, not once but many times, you are have admitted to struggling. Not just with the language but many aspects of your life in Isaan.
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