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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Care to answer my question? Please also read my post again. I don’t recall suggesting what you seem to think I did.
  2. Quoting Wiki. Love it. So, governments implement policies. However, the post you quoted also suggested Farage being " involved". Are you suggesting all government advisors are elected?
  3. He's blaming the same people you are. By your reckoning, that makes you both as bad as each other.
  4. 5555. You are still siding with Farage to make a point. That is funny. His reasoning and your reasoning are polar opposites.
  5. I said Brexiteers. Not leading politicians. Of course politicians are going to dress things up. They always do, from all sides. It was plain to see that such a seismic move was going to create challenges.
  6. Incorrect. Once again, that is not what I said. If one were to say " Brexit has failed in many aspects thus far", it would be difficult to disagree. Did any one, even leave voters think it would be plain sailing right from the start? I don't know any who did. Add to that, to the disdain of many remainers, the other major world issues governments have face since 2020, it's not surprising the Brexit process has suffered.
  7. I did not say that. All I have ever said is it is incorrect, at this time, to say "Brexit is a failure". It can't be as it's ongoing.
  8. Then he was mistaken. Or maybe he was avin a laff.
  9. Not at all. That is not what I said. There are plans that come to an end. That end in failure. There are also those that end in success. Some plans take longer than others to realise their success or failure. Whilst ongoing it is possible to evaluate, of course. To suggest things are not going well or that they are going very well but not possible to suggest failure as that would suggest the plan has concluded.
  10. I totally agree with your arguments. Hence, no one can post here to say "Brexit is a failure". It's simply impossible to say so.
  11. Did I say that? No. I mentioned deals. You are the one mentioning cash. Not me.
  12. I don't recall talking about what's free or needs paying for. Trade deals are not one way. Hence the word "deal".
  13. Replace what it's lost because of Brexit? This is my whole point with regards to Brexit being ongoing, not finished, a work in progress. Some people are writing off any future trade with EU or countries within it. Not sure why that is.
  14. I have to agree. I have nothing against the links you posted. Then again, I've never claimed I have. It was you who decided to go down that road, for some reason. You seem to be arguing against yourself on this one.
  15. I love it when you say that. It's funny. Especially when you've linked to a source that cannot be cited. Good work.
  16. You mention reasoning. You don't appear to have done any prior to posting this. You are asking the electorate to look into the future. I would have thought that would be impossible.
  17. Unless you are under 25, it won't happen in your lifetime.
  18. When it has come to an end, yes. I agree. The only way Brexit can come to an end is if UK rejoin. I'll be happy to discuss failure then.
  19. Has it stopped? Are UK back in EU? I didn't think so.
  20. You misunderstand. You can't say " it wasn't different" as the scenario under discussion didn't happen. We will never know what might have happened had UK left in April 2019.
  21. It is my understanding that UK life out of EU is ongoing. Until, unlikely, the UK rejoin EU it is ongoing. Therefore, it is impossible, also grammatically incorrect, to say it has "failed". "Failing", "not going well", "could be better", maybe. However, "failed". Incorrect.
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