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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. OK. I can only assume you used the incorrect terminology. You meant to say " discrimination by nationality" rather than "racism" Bearing in mind the countries quoted are multi racial and multi cultural, discriminating against the population of said countries cannot be deemed "racist".
  2. Not at all. I suggested and asked for opinion on the matter of the device. I did make reference to the FBI and the charges. Now, let's see if you can do a good job here. Are you ready? As with a bank robbery, if the robbers use an imitation gun they will get less of a sentence than if they ysed a real gun, if caught. Based on the suggestion that they didn't intend to harm anyone. Now, pay attention, if someone were to throw a firework or banger or fire crackers into a crowd, do you think the charges should be lesser than someone who threw a bomb or grenade?
  3. I haven't agreed with anything. I asked questions. Please, break a habit of a life time and answer some questions, in your own words, using your own brain power, without the need for links. More commonly known as conversation.
  4. OK, so please explain how reference to France, Canada, UK and America can be racist?
  5. Especially as the state prosecutor's key (only) witness is the murderer himself, who escaped the death sentence by implicating Glossip.
  6. I don't understand your post. You certainly have not answered my question. However, since you mentioned it. I would imagine charges would differ dependant on what the device was. Wouldn't you?
  7. You shouldn't have much trouble drawing up a decent shortlist of schools nearby.
  8. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/sovereign-grant-act-2011-guidance/sovereign-grant-act-2011-guidance As yet unconfirmed. Already addressed with my link above. The Sovereign Grant is a small percentage of the money received from the Crown estate.
  9. So, what was the device? The report mentions a deafening noise but no mention of damage? Is it more likely it was a banger, I've seen some that really do make an incredible noise, rather than a bomb or grenade?
  10. Judging by your posts on the teaching forum, you've been earning in excess of 100000 baht (£2500) a month for many years. That doesn't sound like someone who needs to stay in "a tiny, cold room (no heating) that had interesting black mold growing up the walls"
  11. Royal finances are published every year. The Royal family, via the Crown estate, are net contributors to the UK economy. It averages out to about £220m a year. If there were a process enacted to abolish the Monarchy, it is as yet unclear what would happen to the Crown estate. Republicans obviously say it would become state property, others say not. One thing for sure is the Royals would still have a lot of personal wealth and would likely not suffer financially. The UK economy obviously would suffer, it would need to support a head of state along with their staff. The economy would also, potentially, lose the income from the Crown estate. So, if one's reasoning for abolishing the Monarchy is financial, it's probably time to re evaluate. If one's reasoning for abolishing the Monarchy is democratic, why not start a movement for a referendum. Just don't complain if there is one and the result is 52/48 in favour of the monarchy. ????????????
  12. What's the point in moving to a foreign country dnd getting married, to someone whose background you know, if you're not going to get on with the family, language and culture. I wonder how many on here would accept things this way if the shoe was on the other foot. What if you took your lady home and she refused to live in your town, do your things, speak your language and get on with your family?
  13. I have a friend in UK who works nights. He often posts during his break. That's 2am. 8 am Thai time. How would someone know that? There used to be a guy I knew, Norwegian, in Buriram who was insomniac. He'd often post at 1 or 2am Thai time. How would someone know that?
  14. Interesting. How exactly does timing of responses show who lives where?
  15. Indeed, there are many expats who cannot or will not learn the language. Personally for me, I found it quite easy to pick up the language. I had no choice. where I lived there was almost zero English being spoken. When I me my wife she could not speak English eitrher so we communicated in Thai. I guess was a lot younger when I first arrived in Isaan than many other expats. Many expats find age a factor in learning a new language. I would say that, on a day to day basis in our village, I probably speak Thai more than I speak English.
  16. I'm a qualified teacher. I have found many Isaan folk to be interesting and be able to hold good, informative conversations. Buriram since 1998.
  17. According to him, all Isaan folk are stupid and cannot hold a decent conversation. Maybe he fits in well after all.
  18. 15 minutes the last time I needed a CoR. About 2 hours at licence office. That's 2 hours and 15 minutes and good for 5 years and 11 months.
  19. Go to the local Toyota dealer. They'll get it all done for you.
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