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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. No. Immigration need you present. Just like doing an extention of stay with an agent The agent really does nothing other than hold one's hand.
  2. Show both if you like. Airlines just need to be satisfied you will be allowed entry at your destination.
  3. The reference to Jasmine is lost in translation. The "mali" bit is actually to enhance the reference to smelling good. A correct translation of " Khao hom mali" would be "fragrant rice".
  4. Really? "ข้าวหอมมะลิ". "หอม" meaning "Good smell"
  5. The gutter press at it again. How many other peados have their brother's name printed in their story? Of what relevance is it? Disgraceful.
  6. No effort at all to learn the language. It's called the "immersion method". Immerse yourself and ye shall learn. Conversation, if you can keep up, can take any direction you like. Conversation is, at least. a two way thing. Your last paragraph once again proves a point about your approach and misguided disdain for Isaan people.
  7. The fact it's posted in Isaan News might have given the location away a bit.
  8. The report says stray bullets. Thec13 year old was not an intended target. Having said that, in the recent case in Liverpool where a 9 year old girl died from a stray bullet, the shooter is now doing over 20 years inside.
  9. Not all students. Every Government school is required to take a percentage of students as they live within the school jurisdiction. Not uisre about now but it used to be 60%. I have seen parents register their kids in friend's "blue book" so their address is within the jurisdiction of their preferred school I taught at Suan Gularb school. Top 5 in Thailand. It was plain to see which students had entered via entrance test and those that entered because they qualified by address.
  10. Oh. Dear. Time for you to read up on Royal duties and the Sovereign Grant.
  11. All of that only applies if you let it happen. For me, we'll, I have a mind of my own.
  12. The link you posted even quotes tge Sovereign Grant. It confirms what I said. You obviously didn't read the bit about how the treasury have reaped £3 billion in the last 10 years from the Crown Estate. In case you're nit that good at maths, £3 billion divided by 10 is £300 million. Sovereign grants average around £80 million a year. 300 minus 80 is 220.
  13. Funny. I asked you to look it up. Anyway, it's not the tax payer that pays it. It is the treasury. The treasury use money from the Crown estate. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/sovereign-grant-act-2011-guidance/sovereign-grant-act-2011-guidance
  14. No. I'm the one giving the information. You are the one ignoring it to suit your own agenda.
  15. I think you'll find what they do is working. Also, they more than pay for themselves. Why not read up on where the Sovereign Grant comes from?
  16. No. It's school rules. All young boys that attend government schools have to have skinhead style haircuts.
  17. He suggested we were all failures in our own country. I'm not and wasn't prior to moving to Thailand. Hence my comment " Speak for yourself".
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