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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. Clutching at straws or what? LondonThai has summed up the situation clearly.

    Erm... Sorry mate, but I have news for you.

    Since where does it say that it is allowable to campaign freely on public money and assets if it is done before registration?

    Also, why would the EC be 'forced' to inspect this irregularity, had it been well within the legal boundaries?

    This set of rules thought up by LondonThai is clearly just him 'clutching at straws' in an effort to validate this crime.

    Sorry, but the facts have spoken. I hope she is suspended. Another reason to overhaul the election processes, because she would have been suspended last week with a proper commission in place.

    Just another piece of ammo for the Dems and Suthep. and another reason why this government are not legitimated to rule.


    Just picked this up.

    RT @tulsathit: Yingluck planning another TV announcement.

    I would normally be wondering what this announcement is about, but at the moment I am wondering if this is just another opportunity to plug the PTP campaign using 'an announcement' as an opportunity. If this 'announcement' is just the same old drivel that she has been spouting for the past few weeks, then it is as I think.. an 'opportunity'.

    The facts clearly speak regularly, unfortunately, some people seem to have been living in the countryside too long and have been brainwashed by their families / red shirt villages / ASTV etc and actually believe the crap they hear ! Thanks for being reasonable and making a well thought out argument. Wish we had more people here who could and would...

    Likewise, if you lay in piss for too long your shirt will be stained with yellow.

    Then don't do it JR. Unless you like yellow.

  2. the problem being that the current anti government anti Thaksin demonstrations are proving to be extremely strong and as such those demonstrations are exposing the truth concerning Thaksin and his puppet governments corruption and their multitude of devious actions to derail democracy and political freedom here in Thailand. .

    The truth is generally considered to be a good thing; tat is when it is contrasted to a lie or lies when it meets with moral disapproval. But the truth is in this current situation viewed as uncomfortable, unwelcome, upsetting in both political and moral situations.

    Now we can clearly see just how Thaksin and his ilk are affected. They feel the need to become defensive and offensive with their comments, the assorted spokespersons and propaganda machines are trying to polish the image of their and their puppet masters tawdry image.

    This being due to Thaksin and his ilk having been exposed for what they were and still are as the party list for the P.T.P. so clearly shows us. They, Thaksin and the P.T.P. are, self serving corrupt power mad politically and morally corrupt creatures.

    Thaksin and his ilk have been judged by the jury of the Thai people, that jury has returned a guilty judgement against Thaksin and his ilk.

    The comments being attributed to another sovereign state are the rumours formulated by Thaksin and his ilk as part of their appeal process to the Thai people and their plea against the delivered verdict of ''guilty.'' by Thaksin and the P.T.P.

    Desperate ends lead to desperate means.

    +1 Thank goodness there is at least one voice of reason among all the haters. Whatever people's personal feelings about Suthep, he has managed to make a lot of things happen and set Thailand on a course of reform which would never have happened without his extreme actions because Thaksin doesn't want it to happen. As long as Thaksin is there, extreme times call for extreme measures. If the Shin regime steps down then I am sure Suthep will enter into talks with whoever takes charge PROVIDED they are not a well known brown nosing Thaksin cronie...Everything the protestors are doing is happening because Thaksin refuses to take his claws out of Thailand, so BLAME THAKSIN for the roads being closed, or the BTS being packed or whatever silly little nitpick you have today....THE SHIN REGIME IS CORRUPT AND MADE UP OF CONVICTED CRIMINALS. This is no way to run a country especially when they are all under the command of a fugitive living in another country...

    The only haters I've seen are Suthep supporters who hate Thaksin... with great ferocity it must be noted. First, please prove this administration is any more corrupt than any other. Remember the Peter and the wolf? You've screamed corruption without any proof so long no one is really listening to it anymore. Prove it if you can. Second, people have seen that your "political reforms" are simply going to be a form of voter suppression. Win or lose, the government was propertly elected. Your "People's Council" is a joke; just another way to steal power. Why don't you try taking over the Airport again? I'm sure you can find someone with connections to fix that for you again. Your postings are a joke.

    How about loosing 18 spots in a year on the global corruption index? Thailand went from place 84 to 102 in 2013.

    Just arrived?

  3. "He said if the revolution came too late and election is held, it could be exploited as an excuse by these corrupted politicians as a shield to defend their status that they are elected by the people and come from election."

    I've got news for you, Suthep, the government you tried to overthrow were "elected by the people and come (sic) from election". You had plenty of time to voice your dissatisfaction when you were in the democrat party and now even they have abandoned the democratic process so you're on a hiding to nothing.

    What are blue sky going to broadcast between now and the next "final" rally - edited highlights of your greatest victories? whistling.gif

    Can you please tell me how in a democracy 1 family can change laws and rob a country to the extent that it becomes a failed state?

    If Thailand becomes a failed state due to a single family "robbing" it, I'll let you know, how's that? Now would you like to put forward some genuinely convincing reasons why sutheps actions are a good idea and are only for the good of democracy and Thailand? If not, don't bother to question my opinions on suthep

    You let me know what I need to know. LOL. You talk like a Red shirt leader Fabby. Some secret ambitions being revealed there?

    Suthep wants elections, no question about it. He just wants reform before elections. I don't see anything wrong with that.

  4. "He said if the revolution came too late and election is held, it could be exploited as an excuse by these corrupted politicians as a shield to defend their status that they are elected by the people and come from election."

    I've got news for you, Suthep, the government you tried to overthrow were "elected by the people and come (sic) from election". You had plenty of time to voice your dissatisfaction when you were in the democrat party and now even they have abandoned the democratic process so you're on a hiding to nothing.

    What are blue sky going to broadcast between now and the next "final" rally - edited highlights of your greatest victories? whistling.gif

    Can you please tell me how in a democracy 1 family can change laws and rob a country to the extent that it becomes a failed state?

    I think you are listing to someone who has 3 years of education.

    It has been proved that many Farangs leave their brains at the airport.

    You know nothing about this hard working family that is improving Thailand for the poor

    It is time you work for the poor and help Thailand become great

    Give to the nearest Wat

    Says a guy from Pattaya. LOL.

    • Like 1
  5. Despite one's political affiliation, this election will not solve the deep divisions in this country - and in fact, will strengthen them. Yingluck has promised reform to bring the country together after the election, but she - and others - seem to have forgotten that she promised exactly the same thing before the 2011 election. Once elected, she - and Phue Thai - did indeed push reform. The problem was - it was reform clearly intended to benefit Thaksin, and not the people of Thailand, and not towards the healing of divisions and creating a unity through diversity and cooperation in all sectors of society. The amnesty bill will go down as one of the greatest blunders in recent Thai history. And it has erased any credibility that Yingluck may have gained from an increasingly sceptical public. So is it any surprise that the Thai people do not believe her now ? Reform that is truly inclusive of all the parts of Thailand will never be accomplished by this Thaksin-led administration. If this election takes place - which I strongly doubt - it will have proved nothing. Yes, Phue Thai will have swept every seat in the country, including Bangkok and the entire South. But the divisions existing on the ground will belie the hollowness and incongruity of that " victory ". And true reform will be relegated to an whims of a government that has proved it is hopelessly centered on the consolidation of its power.

    Actually, the major blunder in this affair was committed by the yellow shirts. As you apparently don't recall, the amnesty bill was very unpopular with a very large faction of the red shirts. There was lots of turmoil inside the pheua thai party. Instead of taking advantage of this division, the yellow shirts reminded the red shirts of who their real enemy was by striving for the dissolution of the government. Had they let the red shirts stew in their internal strife, they might have melted down. And the yellow shirts really had no good reason to complain. The system worked. The semi-democratic Senate shot the amnesy bill down.

    And this call for "unity and cooperation in all sectors of society" is transparently blatant nonsense. In what country does this sort of utopia exist? The only ones that lay claim to such a happy condition are invariably ruthless dictatorships. And who are these selfless individuals in Thailand pushing for this? Not people notable for their affection for social justice. As for the "hollowness" of a red shirt victory, why so? Every independent poll shows that the red shirts will enjoy a crushing victory even if the election were fully contested. And everybody knows this.

    I did read elsewhere in some particularly silly posting, that an uncontested election would lack "international legitimacy" or some such meaningless phrase. Certainly dictatorships don't care what kind of elections Thailand has. And the Western democracies have turned a distinctly cold shoulder to the yellow shirts. So much so that the red shirts have actually volunteered to defend the American embassy from threats by the yellow shirts.

    Clearly the author of this posting is either sadly gullbile or blatantly disengenuous.

    If you look carefully at the right bottom of the image you see a few people wearing yellow shirts. Are you talking about them?


    And remember, once a Red shirt always a Red shirt. The Red shirt leaders will make sure the gullible will never vote for anybody their leader doesn't like.

  6. "He said if the revolution came too late and election is held, it could be exploited as an excuse by these corrupted politicians as a shield to defend their status that they are elected by the people and come from election."

    I've got news for you, Suthep, the government you tried to overthrow were "elected by the people and come (sic) from election". You had plenty of time to voice your dissatisfaction when you were in the democrat party and now even they have abandoned the democratic process so you're on a hiding to nothing.

    What are blue sky going to broadcast between now and the next "final" rally - edited highlights of your greatest victories? whistling.gif

    Can you please tell me how in a democracy 1 family can change laws and rob a country to the extent that it becomes a failed state?

    It is the job of Parliament to enact laws so I don't quite follow your first complaint (I'm ignoring the silly one family bit, as the vote was of the whole house). As to the second part, maybe you should ask Suthep. After all, his devoted follower dear Nibbles has claimed on this forum that he has billions stashed away in off-shore bank accounts. Honestly earned?

    Pffff really? You talk like Yingluck, "Its parliament that made the decision to whitewash my brother, not the government".

    Who has a majority in Parliament? And who uses its majority to facilitate its own personal business? And who is using its majority to try to remove checks and balances?

  7. Perhaps DSI would like to set a time for the completion of the case of the missing human rights lawyer and the luxury car parts imports cases , now id like to see thatbah.gif

    Cases must have been closed after Tharit had received his fee I guess. No other explanation for making a lot of noise and then do nothing.

    How far is the DSI into its investigation into the rice scam that makes billions of dollars disappear? Just joking, as we all know, Tharit has never mentioned a thing about it.

  8. The Dems/Amart had 50 years of 'cake' before Thaksin, that is why the 'people' have voted for Thaksin and his associates at every election since 2001.

    And it took them 10 years to create a failed state. Thailand is in a mess. It has lost 18 spots in the corruption index (84 to 102) in 1 year. Rice industry has collapsed with up to 10 BILLION dollars lost (evaporated).

    Could it be that Thaksin is exploiting the gullible for his own benefits?

    Lucky for Dems/Amart that the corruption index only came into being in 2003, wonder what their numbers would have been like?

    Your answer has no logic. That in combination with linking the Dems with the Amart makes me believe you have nothing to say about my comment.

    • Like 1
  9. "He said if the revolution came too late and election is held, it could be exploited as an excuse by these corrupted politicians as a shield to defend their status that they are elected by the people and come from election."

    I've got news for you, Suthep, the government you tried to overthrow were "elected by the people and come (sic) from election". You had plenty of time to voice your dissatisfaction when you were in the democrat party and now even they have abandoned the democratic process so you're on a hiding to nothing.

    What are blue sky going to broadcast between now and the next "final" rally - edited highlights of your greatest victories? whistling.gif

    Can you please tell me how in a democracy 1 family can change laws and rob a country to the extent that it becomes a failed state?

  10. A peoples revolution without the people!!coffee1.gif

    I wonder if the people taking part in the "revolution" are aware of, they are going to lose their votingrights??

    The amart are moving the pawns!!sad.png

    I reckon you have not witnessed the crowd in Bangkok (personally) last Sunday. Go there, look around and talk to some people, come back here and make a correct statement.

  11. Yin Luck is a great PM her party has been elected by the people. Ahbasit is a murderer as is the secret elite that own the generals and judiciary. Power is what this is about, power the Reds want democracy the Yellows the status quo of elitism, corruption, murder of protest, bullying on the streets, poverty in the country side, poor education, retarded thinking. Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Please read the text first and learn before making silly comments.

    About status qou, who doesn't want reform before the elections?

  12. If Abhisit knows how to read English - which I assume he does, then he can see for himself who foreigners feel about what is happening in Thailand. No need to rely on CAPO or embassies press statements. He can start by reading comments about what is happening in Thailand on Yahoo. Perhaps that would give him a better perspective on things. PERHAPS.

    If you would have been talking to protestors last Sunday in Bangkok you wouldn't make these kind of statements.

    I recommend you to have a walk along the protest stages and see what is going on and who is supporting reform.

    99% of all foreigners I know and spoke, support reform because they see how this country has been mismanaged more than 2.5 years (or 10 years if you will).

    WAGs are not always the best source of info here in LOS.

    • Like 2
  13. "'We have right to freeze assets'"

    Because we are the govt, because we are strong, because we can, because we want to, because we don't like you and your views. These give us the right to do this, legally, well, that's another matter.

    PT in a nutshell, we have the power to misuse the law as a weapon, stop us if you can.

    Well atleast they are not using guns, like the last appointed government did. Do we remember the snipers on the roof tops?????

    Only thing I remember is the 20 or so security forces that were killed.....

    Please don't try to go there, that's not a good territory for you. Trust me.

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