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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. WOW, they were lucky Suthep going by history would have used live ammunition. Excellent restraint in a difficult situation.

    Meanwhile back in the multi color world....

    Suthep was on stage earlier telling that a few dozen protestors are in hospital. He mentioned that 3 protestors and a Japanese reporter are in critical condition. Three had shot wounds (including to the head) and the japanese reporter had wounds on his head from an object. He also showed images of police attacking an innocent woman driving a car and beating up a few protestors who were already detained.

    He also mentioned the sadly killed officer.

  2. Suthep is desperate for bloodshed. All he wants is for Yingluck to open fire and murder Thai civilians as he himself has done. His next step will then be to get his murder charges dropped in exchange for Yingluck's charges dropped.

    He wants it so bad, it is like an itch he can't stop scratching and that is why he is now shooting and killing innocent police just doing their jobs. He knows he is on murder charges and he wants to justify them by getting Yingluk to drop into his gutter and do the same. Problem is she is far more intelligent than a pig in a shit trough.

    You and jackrice really have no clue what is going on politically in Thailand. You just like to say nasty things in order to get some easy likes. I have seen this all over TV forum.

    The ONLY thing Suthep had to do to have the murder charges dropped would have been NOTHING, no protest, NOTHING. His charges would have been dropped with Thaksin's whitewash bill. Suthep doesn't want them dropped. He wants to fight them.

  3. Where is Suthep while all this is happening. Have not heard of word from him since the officer was shot. Usually he got his big mouth running by now telling lies about the situation.

    Suthep was on stage earlier telling that a few dozen protestors are in hospital. Where he is now I don't know. He mentioned that 3 protestors and a Japanese reporter are in critical condition. Three had shot wounds (including to the head) and the japanese reporter had wounds on his head from an object. He also showed images of police attacking an innocent woman driving a car and beating up a few protestors who were already detained.

    He also mentioned the sadly killed officer. He still had a big mouth but his info seems to be real. Have a look around on the world wide web for yourself if you are interested in something.

    • Like 1
  4. Thank you mate, it was 355k I am honest in saying this bike is simply amazing coming from a non technical head!!

    For that price I would have bought one 2 when it came out without doubt. But initially it was around 450 right? Which I found a bit to high.

  5. Who are this AFP crowd ?

    Every second or third sentence of everything that comes from them has the same copy and paste rubbish about the BKK elite, why cant they get over that and realize this is not about the BKK rich fighting the northern poor.?

    This is about the ordinary people of this country who have had a guts full of a crooked government led by a convicted criminal on the run, people who want to see change brought about for the good of the country, themselves and their children.

    Yingluck has the power to stop all the violence right now by resigning, postponing the election and supporting reform by a non political group, but she wont do it.

    I cant believe she is so masochistic that she really wants to be in the middle of this, there can only be one reason she is still in there and that must be at the insistence of big brother.

    I see the EC commissioners are threatening to resign if the election is not postponed.

    What happens if they do ?

    With no body to run an election how can it go ahead?

    OK reds lets have some more abuse, or possibly you could try to write something sensible.

    Because they have never visited the protests. Or simple because they don't care. Yellow vs Red, Rich vs Poor. Democracy killing elites.

    That Sells!!!!

    • Like 1
  6. The government clings on to power? You can form your own view. Most intelligent people can see what is going on.

    A government put in charge by the people!!

    As a intelligent person, I can see exactly, what is going on.

    The elite, who is never going to win another election, is using all means to keep their place at the trough.

    Even if it means a few of their pawns will have to be sacrified (killed).

    That is, what is going on!!coffee1.gif


    • Like 1
  7. Happy New Year Dear Lady. Chiang Mai loves you, and so do I.

    Nobody would blame you if you wanted to walk away. Stay up north with family and friends, and let Thida take over. She'll sort out the opposition in short order.

    If Yingluck is hiding in CM who will sort out the rice scam that makes billions of dollars dissapear? That jungle lady Thida?

  8. This is what happens when you offer free money. People get used to it, and you create huge dependencies on it. But that's not all. It also bankrupts the government, cripples the GDP, allows huge stores of rice to spoil, and has taken Thailand off its previously proud position as the world's largest exporter of rice. But then again, perhaps it's better to pay them off, and lock up their vote.

    Creating dependencies is Thaksin's aim. More dependencies for his policies means the people can't life without it (him).

    As you stated correctly, the drawbacks might be to large to handle but unfortunately it will never be admitted. They will keep pumping money in it. Anyhow it is not theirs. Who do you think own the foreign trading companies who buy the rice extremely cheap? Who do you think own those huge storing facilities that keep on charging storage charge?

    What a mess!

    • Like 2
  9. Thai built - that's the problem.

    Why don't you just keep quiet if you have nothing to say.

    He said something reasonable for me.

    or the OP and his friend went through very harsh roads or trails with lots of bumps.

    You know, Ducati uses light alloys to keep the bikes light but in return, it looks like they are not so durable for harsh conditions but sure OK for smooth roads.

    It was really a silly comment imo. The bike is not Thai built but assembled. Anyhow we are talking about the wheels which are first of all not built but manufactured. Brand is Enkei and they come from Germany if I am not mistaken.

    Therfor Thai built is the problem was seen as troll post by me.

    Even if something would be Thai built is that the reason it would brake?

  10. That's strange indeed. Mine has about 4500km. I just had a look and both my rims are ok eventhough I like to ride the bike fast and with fairly low air pressure for comfort. I had a few moments that I told myself surely the rim is bent now but everything is still ok.

    I am sure Ducati will deal with it correctly. Good luck.

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