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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. BAAC union proposes end to rice scheme

    December 18, 2013 2:10 pm

    Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives' labour union Wednesday hosted a press conference, saying the bank now has only Bt12 billion cash to cover the rice-pledging scheme.

    The union said that the amount would be sufficient to cover the pledging until the end of this month.

    It also urged for the abolition of the scheme and proposed rice mortgages. Some farmers may be enlisted for rice pledging. It said that this would lower the rice price, to be more in line with market prices.

    Well done PT government. Just use some more taxpayers' money to continue this scam. Surely none of the PT friendly traders are having liquidity problems.

  2. I am an Arai guy. Love my RX7-RR5 (like someone said = RX7-GP in Europe). Other Arai models are lower spec I believe.

    The RR5 is already over 6 years in production. There is going to be a replacement in 2014. I am waiting for that one.

    .... the cooler (more air circulation) the helmet, the noisier it is. Can't have both I'm afraid.

  3. "Suthep has a point"

    You have my sympathies if that is what you believe.

    You refer to the "serious reform needed urgently". The system hasn't changed since the coup and "urgent serious reform" was not considered necessary during the various governments that held power since then, including the abhisit government.

    It is only now, having the ominous reality of free and fair elections looming on the horizon and the possibility of another defeat that people decide its time to move the goalposts.And spare me the BS about PTP winning the election by buying votes both literally and via "populism". Maybe you should compare each parties "populist" approach to the last election

    Factbox: Election promises of Thailand's two main parties:

    The two main parties contesting Thailand's July 3 parliamentary election have proposed strikingly similar policies that focus heavily on winning over the rural poor, building up infrastructure and other populist measures. [/size] [/size] [/size]http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/06/07/us-thailand-election-policies-idUSTRE7561C820110607

    "BBC News: Few voters were expected to make their choice of future government on the basis of economic policy platforms, not least because there was little to choose between the major parties." http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/14005069[/size]

    More red villages..............oh, give it a rest..[/size]

    The PTP want nothing to change? I beg to differ but at least they do not want to go backward as would suthep - back to pre '32 if he could.[/size]

    Pfff. I believe that the Shins have destroyed more of Thailand in 2.5 years than anybody could have imagined. It's time for this corrupt bunch to go. So all those protestors, mostly educated tax-paying people, are all mislead by Suthep right?

    PT only wants elections because, as I said, business is booming for them. They have more agendas than working for the best interest of the country. They must be unhappy that they couldn't with wash a few criminals and remove a few more checks and balances. But ok, they can still make billions.

    Really amazes me that you are happy with their performance so far. You have never heard about that rice thing that is costing Thailand billions of dollars a year just to name 1 of their screw ups?

    I have to assume that you are not expecting much from a government otherwise you wouldn't be supporting Yingluck the way you are.

    haha but but but waahhhh wahhh Thaksin waaahhhh:cheesy:

    Is that not what these demonstrations are all about?

  4. What about the little boy who was supposed to run onto the pitch with Chelsea when they toured?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


    Yingluck's son wasn't threatened, he was mentioned, and if Yingluck doesn't like him being mentioned by others, she shouldn't have entered him into this circus by having him attend various political events and photo ops. She didn't have to. No PM is forced to include their ten year old sons or daughters in such matters, and the smart sensible ones, don't. Politics is no place for kids. Politicians who place theirs in the media spotlight, are foolish idiots with bad parenting skills.

    What do you call a photo op? Her son should not be allowed to be by her side whilst she makes merit in a temple in Chiang Mai? Perhaps you would like to list the number of occasions that this "foolish idiot with bad parenting skills" has placed her son in the media spotlight. Are we to blame the Obama family for publishing pictures of their children whilst he is currently POTUS? The Mandela family?

    In case you didn't know, some children are proud of their parents and wish to attend certain ceremonies, some ceremonies expect a family presence. It's not as if Yingluck has used him in an advertising campaign!

    Accept it , suthep has once again run off at the lip and you are trying to salvage the situation with a ridiculous accusation. Just one more supporter of the "anything but the Shinawatra Family even if it means suthep" club.

    Yingluck's son wasn't threatened, he was mentioned Rixalex is right

    In case you didn't know, some children are proud of their parents and wish to attend certain ceremonies, some ceremonies expect a family presence. It's not as if Yingluck has used him in an advertising campaign!

    Yes she is.

  5. Suthep has a point. Thailand needs some serious reform urgently but many posters here on TV don't understand what that means. Therefor they resort to making dumb comments.

    Only thing PT wants is have elections, buy votes, promise billion and billions through populism and enrich themselves (oh yes and more Red villages). They don't want ANYTHING to change because business is booming for the Shin clan.

    "Suthep has a point"

    You have my sympathies if that is what you believe.

    You refer to the "serious reform needed urgently". The system hasn't changed since the coup and "urgent serious reform" was not considered necessary during the various governments that held power since then, including the abhisit government.

    It is only now, having the ominous reality of free and fair elections looming on the horizon and the possibility of another defeat that people decide its time to move the goalposts.And spare me the BS about PTP winning the election by buying votes both literally and via "populism". Maybe you should compare each parties "populist" approach to the last election

    Factbox: Election promises of Thailand's two main parties:The two main parties contesting Thailand's July 3 parliamentary election have proposed strikingly similar policies that focus heavily on winning over the rural poor, building up infrastructure and other populist measures. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/06/07/us-thailand-election-policies-idUSTRE7561C820110607

    "BBC News: Few voters were expected to make their choice of future government on the basis of economic policy platforms, not least because there was little to choose between the major parties." http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/14005069

    More red villages..............oh, give it a rest..

    The PTP want nothing to change? I beg to differ but at least they do not want to go backward as would suthep - back to pre '32 if he could.

    Pfff. I believe that the Shins have destroyed more of Thailand in 2.5 years than anybody could have imagined. It's time for this corrupt bunch to go. So all those protestors, mostly educated tax-paying people, are all mislead by Suthep right?

    PT only wants elections because, as I said, business is booming for them. They have more agendas than working for the best interest of the country. They must be unhappy that they couldn't with wash a few criminals and remove a few more checks and balances. But ok, they can still make billions.

    Really amazes me that you are happy with their performance so far. You have never heard about that rice thing that is costing Thailand billions of dollars a year just to name 1 of their screw ups?

    I have to assume that you are not expecting much from a government otherwise you wouldn't be supporting Yingluck the way you are.

  6. ^^ And you're surprised about a pick-up driving like that? whistling.gif

    Perhaps the 10 years is really only 10 minutes, in reality. biggrin.png

    Not at all 10 years here no wrecks. I look out for them the dogs & the kids it is part of being a skilled rider & an alive one. How come I never see you posting on the bike forum?

    What big men you bike riders are. I admit I ride a scooter and yeah, 70kms for me is my orgasm

    Seriously, what the f@@k do you fools get out of riding like a clown? Like a poster before put it, imagine that your daughter was crossing the road and you put her life out of action?

    Do that in my town, I am going to find you and f@@k your shit up, tough guy!

    please educate your daughters not to cross a highway with a bicycle then!!! this has to be your duty as a parent.

    and also educate her like if she rides a truck in the future, do not try to cross the highway in a stupid way and do not stop/slow in the middle of the highway while doing this. This is also your duty as a parent.

    I heard enough nonsense here and some good posts stating the dangers of doing 220 kph as well.

    But what i cant stand, possibly some drivers bickering about this while they were doing 200 kph with their fortuners or vios or focus at similar roads and i see many posts in TV about this!

    I guess some people are over motivated more once they see a bike at those speeds which was just for some seconds!

    Maybe I should tell my daughter not to leave the house?

    Really? Come on man.

    • Like 2
  7. Suthep has a point. Thailand needs some serious reform urgently but many posters here on TV don't understand what that means. Therefor they resort to making dumb comments.

    Only thing PT wants is have elections, buy votes, promise billion and billions through populism and enrich themselves (oh yes and more Red villages). They don't want ANYTHING to change because business is booming for the Shin clan.

    Nickymaster fair comment - Suthep has a point - but posters on TV make dumb comments.

    Have you read what Suthep was reported as saying about "farangs" monitoring Thai elections?

    The comments could possibly construed as "dumb" too for example I have extracted a small snippet from his speech on the matter of "farangs" monitoring Thai elections:

    I don't respect 'farangs'. We do not have to surrender to them," he said, using the Thai word for "Westerners".

    Now is this a dumber than dumber thing to say? To put things into context one must go back into Thai history and ask Have they surrendered in the past? I believe we all know the correct answer to that and the Imperial Army would be the first to put up their hand me thinks.

    Well, go back a few posts and you have the answer, I even liked Judas's post. Therefor I confirmed I have read what Suthep had said (assuming he said something like that after translation).

    So Suthep makes dumber comments than some foreigners here. Don't get your point to be honest.

    • Like 1
  8. Suthep has a point. Thailand needs some serious reform urgently but many posters here on TV don't understand what that means. Therefor they resort to making dumb comments.

    Only thing PT wants is have elections, buy votes, promise billion and billions through populism and enrich themselves (oh yes and more Red villages). They don't want ANYTHING to change because business is booming for the Shin clan.

    • Like 2
  9. It as been proved a LIE!!! Nobody whistle at her son at the school! The headmaster of the school made a written declaration! Only Yingluck propaganda!!!

    Copy of the letter from the Headmaster:

    Dear Parents,[/size]

    In the past 24 hours there have been rumours circulating about politically motivated attempted security breaches at School. These rumours are untrue.[/size]

    None the less, today we have reviewed security at School and will ensure that all staff are vigilant in order to ensure the children's safety.[/size]

    I request that all parents support the School by ensuring that no politics are brought on Campus. Our School is a place for children to enjoy learning.[/size]

    Thank you.[/size]

    Michael Farley, Headmaster[/size]

    How bizarre that Thai and World media covered it but didn't cover this letter..

    This letter was issued the same day the rumor started. Strange you haven't seen it.

    It is as I've been kind of keeping up with things between work etc. I wonder how the media could think they could blag the whole World like that? I have some friends who would rant on about media controlling the masses etc but that's beyond me I'm afraind. Is there a chance the Head teacher could have been coerced into this? Thanks for making me aware though!

    More details here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/685654-yingluck-asks-protesters-to-leave-her-son-alone-as-harrow-school-denies-any-breach-of-security/page-5

  10. Not too much in the speech really but put that together with his thugs blowing whistle at the boy whilst at school and it becomes something very different. Suthep clearly has no rules limitations or boundaries regarding his behaviour and the fact they he thinks children are legitimate "targets" for the pusuit of his dreams is appalling. This maniac wants to rule the country? Sociopathic behaviour from an intended leader seems wrong, I wonder how those dross bags blowing the whistles at t'pipe' would feel if a 100 adults did the same to their own kids? They'd be screaming blue murder, that's how they'd feel. Lunatics running the assylum?

    It as been proved a LIE!!! Nobody whistle at her son at the school! The headmaster of the school made a written declaration! Only Yingluck propaganda!!!

    Copy of the letter from the Headmaster:

    Dear Parents,[/size]

    In the past 24 hours there have been rumours circulating about politically motivated attempted security breaches at School. These rumours are untrue.[/size]

    None the less, today we have reviewed security at School and will ensure that all staff are vigilant in order to ensure the children's safety.[/size]

    I request that all parents support the School by ensuring that no politics are brought on Campus. Our School is a place for children to enjoy learning.[/size]

    Thank you.[/size]

    Michael Farley, Headmaster[/size]

    How bizarre that Thai and World media covered it but didn't cover this letter..

    This letter was issued the same day the rumor started. Strange you haven't seen it.

    • Like 1
  11. Suthep wasn't too smart with that one. It merely underlines that he served his purpose and should be gone now.

    All Thais can live in Thailand, even the missunderstood fugitive can come home. There he first must serve his jailterm same as all other convicted criminals.

    Suthep would be criminal if he tries to create the atmosphere in which people would be attacked because they are family of the big bad guy.

    I definitely agree with you about Suthep. He is tired, been in the sun too long, and is now threatening children. He has passed his by sale date.

    If Thaksin would return to serve out his sentence, he knows full well that other charges would also be filed. If they were able to get him on a piece of land his then wife bought at an open auction, then they can get him on jaywalking ++. Forget even getting into the corruption at the new airport, as that net catches too many people.

    He is threatening children? Open auction? Wat about the other dozen cases against Thaksin.

    You think Thaksin would ever admit any guilt let one come back and serve his prison sentence?

    Where do you think the rise losses are going? Hint, Chinese trading companies owned by...

  12. Did any of you listened to the original speech of K. Suthep?

    It does not seem so! But I did!

    K. Suthep said that: if K. Yingluck do not resign from her care-taker position, people will hate her so much that she will not be able to stay in this country and will have no other choice than to go live with her brother in Dubai! Than he added that her son should take Arab lessons to be prepared for this situation... He never threatened the boy directly!

    Before saying this, K. Suthep also said that when peoples call "Yingluck okpai" (Yingluck Out) they mean out of her office (care-taker position). Not out of the country! But if she still do not listen to the voice of the peoples, peoples will hate her so much...

    K. Suthep NEVER threatened K. Yingluck to be expelled from the country!!!

    This is again an attempt from K. Yingluck to discredit her opponent! She did this already multiple times => saying that her son has been threatened at school (the school principal wrote a letter to deny and say that nothing happened). Another time when she had tears in her eyes and left the stage quickly (the camera followed her and caught her smiling 2 second after. Have a look by yourself => http://youtu.be/WMeXEFriO_4 ).

    If K. Yingluck could be as good at managing the country for everyone benefit, as she is in acting, she would be a very good prime minister!

    Exactly. Finally some common sense with an analysis of what really happened.

  13. I talked to my daughter on Skype ( no she's in Scotland not Dubai ) and she had seen a report on the protests in which Suthep was waving his arms, strutting and all but foaming at the mouth.

    He's doing the protest movement no favours but since he's appointed himself the leader who can reel him in now ?

    I know that's a dangerous question to ask.

    Any given day he attracts tens of thousands of people. Even a few hundred thousand during the weekend. And a million during holidays or special celebrations.


    A guy in Germany in 1945 attracted tens of thousands of people too.

    He ended with a world war and killing millions of people.

    Mao attracted tens of thousands of people too.

    He ended with a world war and killing millions of people.

    Pol Pot attracted tens of thousands of people too.

    He ended with a world war and killing millions of people.

    So, attracting "tens of thousands of people" is a sign that Suthep is good?

    Thank you for sharing your logic with us.

    And Thaksin attracts the most because he keeps winning elections...hmmmmmm....

    I was commenting on a post saying he does the movement no favor. Maybe now you understand my reply..maybe..

  14. I talked to my daughter on Skype ( no she's in Scotland not Dubai ) and she had seen a report on the protests in which Suthep was waving his arms, strutting and all but foaming at the mouth.

    He's doing the protest movement no favours but since he's appointed himself the leader who can reel him in now ?

    I know that's a dangerous question to ask.

    Exactly, I saw the same on an EU news, he acts and sound exactly like Hitler in the pre-war period in Germany, waving with the arms, shouting until foam comes out of his mouth.

    He is a very dangerous guy, and believe me, not only for Thai and we foreigners, but for the entire democratic world.

    Please all supporters, open your eyes, before it's too late.

    Are you also warning us of the Shins with their criminal and human rights abuses records? Suthep is not dangerous, he is trying to get rid of a very dirty and corrupt family. Viva democracy. Have a look at mu signature.

    Meanwhile Thailand slipped from 84 to 102 on the global corruption index within 1 year. let's stick to the point. The point is that the Shins are destroying this country and Suthep has found many who agree with him, including me.



    Who? Me?

    Nickeymaster, did you really have to post such a big photo of this ugly character. Put me right off my breakfast it did.

    Haha, sorry . Just want to remind people what Suthep is trying to achieve. Suthep has said many nasty things, I agree. Thaksin has done (and is still doing) many nasty things.

    • Like 2
  15. I talked to my daughter on Skype ( no she's in Scotland not Dubai ) and she had seen a report on the protests in which Suthep was waving his arms, strutting and all but foaming at the mouth.

    He's doing the protest movement no favours but since he's appointed himself the leader who can reel him in now ?

    I know that's a dangerous question to ask.

    Any given day he attracts tens of thousands of people. Even a few hundred thousand during the weekend. And a million during holidays or special celebrations.

    That is the dangerous part....

    Your opinion I guess. Mostly educated and middle class people are sick and tired of the Shins.

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