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Posts posted by Nickymaster

  1. Come on guys!.

    If somebody says something you don't like, ignore it. It somebody says something that is against the forum rules, report it.

    All that personal s..t should stop.

    (I am not trying to act like a mod. I just would like to see this bike forum become better)


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  2. Nice to see Lt Sunisa landing on her feet, with this government spokesperson lark.

    I think this is the same woman who claimed she paid her own expenses to write a book about Thaksin (while employed and being paid as an Army Lieutenant) called "Thaksin Where Are You" which alongside a transcript of former singer Arisaman speaking at a red shirt rally is perhaps the single easiest way to replicate what a steaming pile of diaorhea would look like in paper form.


    Nice work if you can get it, that's for sure. Almost as good as a former minister and Khunying who has alledgedly had her hand in the till the last 18 months for government PR and media departments while pretending to be focused on creating a life about Buddhism, and all the rest of the scumbags who hang around with the erstwhile Dubai based fugitive convict.

    No, we would definitely not want to encourage nepotism, this administration is all about putting the right person in the right job on merit....it's never based on vindictive punishment for past actions, and massive rewards for being a spineless suck up.

    Would make a wonderful classified ad though:

    "Wanted. Spineless individuals with presentable face, no brain and a desire to profiteer from their countrymen/women for leading jobs in corrupt administration. Must be able to calculate 40%. Willing to travel to Dubai, Hong Kong or Montenegro a plus. Discretion and ability to tell lies with a straight face considered important. No fatties. Send resume and recent photo to Notapom Patmadog"

    As the woman in the coffee house in Harry Met Sally said, "I'll have what she's having."

    Did u notice by any chance this article is about Suthep and Yingluk?

    and Sunisa giggle.gif

  3. The police and DSI work for 1 family and THAT'S what's destroying Thailand.

    ahh yes thats right one family is all the problems.Good old free thinking light of democratic Thailand. Never had a problem before the T came along xsaai.gif.pagespeed.ic.vG7ALsuRa-.webp ...

    PS it wont be destroyed itll just meander about as its always done, slightly goofy, very corrupt and still very very popular with people that like things ... a little different

    Are you saying that the DSI and Police don't work for 1 family?

    Actually yes, the niavety of people that think its that simple or even true dosnt even make debating with worthwhile.

    Every time i hear this stupid claim everythings being run from outside I just think yea right there goes another wishful thinking, pass the blame sheep.

    Thinking a guy in an office in Dubai is running the whole show in Thailand for years when there are FAR FAR more powerful families in country pulling the strings is....... well ....REALLY REALLY DUMB.

    Been here for decades and I know it's not that simple (at lower levels) but to say that at this moment the leaders of the police and the leader of the DSI are not working for the Shins is just unbelievable.

    Haven't you seen their actions the last couple of years? Are they independent in your opinion?

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  4. Well, maybe the US ambassador can just look out the front window. When will this cretin call it a day? The real damage is now kicking in...new CP IPO undersubscribed as reported in today's BP. The whole country is suffering because this whack job is so driven by his own self-righteousness

    Suthep has a point. Thailand needs some serious reform urgently but many posters here on TV don't understand what that means. Therefor they resort to making dumb comments.

    Only thing PT wants is have elections, buy votes, promise billion and billions through populism and enrich themselves (oh yes and more Red villages). They don't want ANYTHING to change because business is booming for the Shin clan.

    Hey Nickymaster, don't you know it's the Dems that buy the votes:

    Deputy Democrat party leader Alongkorn Ponlaboot in an interview that was broadcast on May 31, 2013 on John Winyu’s show (****Thai language removed****) stated:

    “Recently, if we speak directly, they [Puea Thai] use little money. I am not saying we [the Democrats] use more money than them [Puea Thai]. [host interprets with statement "they are using less money"]. It has become inverted [host interprets and says "They don't need to use so much money?"] I say if it is like that then don’t say we lost because of money”. “For the last election, it may be because we actually used more than them. Therefore, don’t talk about this issue anymore."

    + 1 You are spot on PTP doesn't really need to buy votes because Isaan and the Northeast don't vote for a clown in the last election such as Suthep. The next election will drive the democrats to the wall because they are unelectable. Further more the financial backer of PTP is Thaksin and some small fish. The Democrats get a lot of funding from CP, Bangkok Bank and the Bangkok Elite.

    They can't win. Even if the Democrats would pay 10,000 Baht x 12 million voters, the Isaan and Northeast people will say thank you for the contribution but they will vote for PTP, BJ, CTP and not any one that comes from near the South or Bangkok. Farmers in North/Northeast Thailand don't vote for Bangkok or Southern candidates.

    Demographics is the key. I also see absolute no one in the executive board from the Democrat Party that comes from the Northeast or Northern Thailand. They are all from Bangkok and the South.

    I agree with most of your post.


  5. Suthep has a point. Thailand needs some serious reform urgently but many posters here on TV don't understand what that means. Therefor they resort to making dumb comments.

    Only thing PT wants is have elections, buy votes, promise billion and billions through populism and enrich themselves (oh yes and more Red villages). They don't want ANYTHING to change because business is booming for the Shin clan.

    "Suthep has a point"

    You have my sympathies if that is what you believe.

    You refer to the "serious reform needed urgently". The system hasn't changed since the coup and "urgent serious reform" was not considered necessary during the various governments that held power since then, including the abhisit government.

    It is only now, having the ominous reality of free and fair elections looming on the horizon and the possibility of another defeat that people decide its time to move the goalposts.And spare me the BS about PTP winning the election by buying votes both literally and via "populism". Maybe you should compare each parties "populist" approach to the last election

    Factbox: Election promises of Thailand's two main parties:The two main parties contesting Thailand's July 3 parliamentary election have proposed strikingly similar policies that focus heavily on winning over the rural poor, building up infrastructure and other populist measures. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/06/07/us-thailand-election-policies-idUSTRE7561C820110607

    "BBC News: Few voters were expected to make their choice of future government on the basis of economic policy platforms, not least because there was little to choose between the major parties." http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/14005069

    More red villages..............oh, give it a rest..

    The PTP want nothing to change? I beg to differ but at least they do not want to go backward as would suthep - back to pre '32 if he could.


    Suthep and his backers want Thailand how it was 20 years ago. Power for the few, no power to the peasants. And maybe a war or two, starting with Cambodia over a couple of square kms. Next...

    That must be the reason Thailand slipped 18 spots from (84 to 102) in 1 year on the global corruption index.

    How many in Yingluck's (6) cabinet(s) have been punished for corruption?

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  6. BAAC union proposes end to rice scheme

    December 18, 2013 2:10 pm

    Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives' labour union Wednesday hosted a press conference, saying the bank now has only Bt12 billion cash to cover the rice-pledging scheme.

    The union said that the amount would be sufficient to cover the pledging until the end of this month.

    It also urged for the abolition of the scheme and proposed rice mortgages. Some farmers may be enlisted for rice pledging. It said that this would lower the rice price, to be more in line with market prices.

    Well done PT government. Just use some more taxpayers' money to continue this scam. Surely none of the PT friendly traders are having liquidity problems.

    Since when did a union leader make official statements on behalf of a bank? They do not. See it for what it is or do you suffer from scotoma? Let us wait and see what, if anything, an official bank spokesperson has to say.

    The Union is afraid the bank might go bust, therefor their statement.

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