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Everything posted by SunsetT

  1. This is only just happening now!!! ????
  2. Thinking inside 'the box' ....P i m p ! 555.
  3. Thats great. I wish more I. offices would see the pointlessness of 90 day reports and do this.
  4. I think that our whole existence is governed by polarity and so must be relative. This is because our very World is constructed on mathematical rules of polarity and opposition, e.g., North,South, East and West, Night and day, Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn, etc. And we are, in fact all of life is constructed in the same way. All our physical, emotional, psychological experience e.g., male, female, love, hate, Good and bad, Sickness and wellness, up and down, high or depressed, drunk or hung over, Left and Right, truth and lies, peace and war, is governed by polarity & opposition. This is why there is, and has always been so much argument, schism and conflict in our personal lives and all of human existence and history. And actually It is perfectly natural. Nature wants conflict because Natural Selection depends on it. Just as a coloured photo can be reduced to black and white, so can our whole existence. I always say that everything is what it is only in relation to what it isnt. Nothing can exist without it's opposite. Perfection cannot exist without imperfection, so I think that we waste our lives in pursuit of it and absolute truth. Ironically the Christian Cross can be seen as a really good symbol of this. We are in life unable to escape this law of polarity and opposition so are literally crucified by existence.
  5. Not as many p e d o priests.
  6. OK I see but still very odd that they did a 90 day report in advance. Good for you but surely it defeats the object from their point of view. They should call it a 90 day non-report...lol. They are so inconsistent that I personally would be wary of getting a different IO when you report in October who says that you should have reported in August and issues you with a fine.
  7. Your next 90 day report should be 90 days from your re-entry from Oz not 90 days from your extention.
  8. Then with a 60 day Tourist visa only one more in/out visa exempt entry or 30 day exemption is required to provide a 6 month stay.
  9. Dont know what you mean by this? You cant do this in advance and anyway it would be due 90 days after your re-entry from Oz wouldnt it?
  10. Kasikorn bank also do it on the spot. At least my branch does.
  11. Thanks Joe. How about full health insurance requirement for new Non O visa applications from London? I have a friend just applying.
  12. Does anyone know please (1st hand experience preferred) if now that the Thailand Pass has finished, if there is any insurance requirement when arriving at Suvarnabhumi, or, indeed, when checking in for one's flight?
  13. On my 2 Covid years arrivals the Apps. never worked anyway!
  14. At check-in the airline usually puts the barcode sticker for your luggage on the back of the boarding pass so one should always keep it in case luggage gets lost.
  15. .....and justify the job for life they probably purchased!
  16. My goodness no! All those immigration officers shuffling wads of paperwork over and over again would have nothing to do to justify those jobs-for-life that they have bought? And for the higher-ups there would be far fewer of those lucrative (for them) jobs-for-life to sell! We cant have that can we! No no no no no!
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