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Everything posted by SunsetT

  1. Yes, having stated it to be 3246 days (8.89 years) they'll probably give him an extension now until late 2023 so as not to lose face...555.
  2. Speedboat seats might be more comfortable but surely they cant compete with a cheap beach chair...555.
  3. It is not the law. Some years ago this debate raged nationally, especially when applied to tourists and it was in the press. The deputy head of immigration issued a statement saying that a copy was sufficient. I printed a copy of the article which included his photo and carried it in my wallet for years until it disintegrated...555. Never had to show it or my passport. Wish Id uploaded the article as Ive forgotten the minister's name.
  4. Well of course because you would need it to check into hotels and to check-in for flights.....if flying.
  5. Tory greed and corruption at it's very best. Grabbing what they can before abandoning the sinking Brexit ship that is the UK.
  6. Has anyone found a list of which Thai TV channels are broadcasting matches each day please?
  7. Good idea! It sounds like you have the same problem with your Thai embassy's website as the UK; that it is basically a mess, with new info. and regs. added without removing outdated regs. and info. That is why I always advise anyone needing up to date info. on visa and entry requirements to email the embassy before applying or travelling..
  8. That makes sense; A giant hoe on the back of a tractor.
  9. That could well be the reason then; 9th to 22nd = 13 days.
  10. Thought the title was a misspelling of black hole...555. Ive never heard of a back hoe before.
  11. Advocated years ago by the late 'Green' scientist James Lovelock as the only way to produce enough zero carbon energy on a large enough scale to halt climate change. He believed that developing and producing Green energy would take far too long and amounts to no more than p i s s i n g in the wind anyway (my metaphor not his): Nuclear power See also: Nuclear power and climate change Lovelock became concerned about the threat of global warming from the greenhouse effect. In 2004 he broke with many fellow environmentalists by stating that "only nuclear power can now halt global warming".[46] In his view, nuclear energy is the only realistic alternative to fossil fuels that has the capacity to both fulfil the large scale energy needs of humankind while also reducing greenhouse emissions.[47] He was an open member of Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy.[4] In 2005, against the backdrop of renewed UK government interest in nuclear power, Lovelock again publicly announced his support for nuclear energy, stating, "I am a Green, and I entreat my friends in the movement to drop their wrongheaded objection to nuclear energy".[48] Although those interventions in the public debate on nuclear power were in the 21st century, his views on it were longstanding. In his 1988 book The Ages of Gaia he stated: I have never regarded nuclear radiation or nuclear power as anything other than a normal and inevitable part of the environment. Our prokaryotic forebears evolved on a planet-sized lump of fallout from a star-sized nuclear explosion, a supernova that synthesised the elements that go to make our planet and ourselves.[49] In The Revenge of Gaia (2006), where he put forward the concept of sustainable retreat, Lovelock wrote: A television interviewer once asked me, "But what about nuclear waste? Will it not poison the whole biosphere and persist for millions of years?" I knew this to be a nightmare fantasy wholly without substance in the real world... One of the striking things about places heavily contaminated by radioactive nuclides is the richness of their wildlife. This is true of the land around Chernobyl, the bomb test sites of the Pacific, and areas near the United States' Savannah River nuclear weapons plant of the Second World War. Wild plants and animals do not perceive radiation as dangerous, and any slight reduction it may cause in their lifespans is far less a hazard than is the presence of people and their pets... I find it sad, but all too human, that there are vast bureaucracies concerned about nuclear waste, huge organisations devoted to decommissioning power stations, but nothing comparable to deal with that truly malign waste, carbon dioxide.[50] In 2019 Lovelock said he thought difficulties in getting nuclear power going again were due to propaganda, that "the coal and oil business fight like mad to tell bad stories about nuclear", and that "the greens played along with it. There's bound to have been some corruption there – I'm sure that various green movements were paid some sums on the side to help with propaganda".[51] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Lovelock#Nuclear_power
  12. Why no photos of protesters? How many were there? Was this a large scale protest or just a few students?
  13. As I've posted several times before on here Joe, you cannot rely on the info. on the London embassy website. The website is a mess because, with typical Thai efficiency, they seem to add new requirements without removing the old requirements. The only way to get accurate up to date visa info. is to email them; [email protected], and they do reply quite quickly these days. I have assisted a couple of friends to get this visa through the dreaded Thai evisa website this summer in the UK and one friend has just arrived in Thailand 14/11 using the 1 year ME O visa. I just checked with him and he obtained it on 10/10. So I know that there is no insurance requirement at the moment. But, again, I advise anyone applying for any visa from the UK to email them to double check the requirements before applying. Also for anyone applying for a visa and being asked by the evisa website to upload irrelevant documents or documents no longer required, such as insurance, you just need to upload a blank sheet of paper with N/A written on it.
  14. Google google flights flights or skyscanner.net or momondo.co.uk/com
  15. No it is not required for a 90 day O visa nor a 1 year multiple entry O visa....unless the requirement has been changed since Aug/Sept 22
  16. I have no idea. I am just posting what I was told. I would surmise that when an account is opened with a passport the respective embassy could be informed in the same way immigration is informed of our location by TM30. The embassy could then contact the bank/s directly when informed of our demise. Our embassies would have a vested interest in tracking our overseas finances for tax purposes. Not sure what info. a pink ID discloses but I would think that the bank has your nationality.
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