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Everything posted by SunsetT

  1. You think that trump is not self-serving? He has proved himself to be totally corrupt, immoral, a compulsive liar, mentally unstable, and he has proved himself to have no respect for democracy and wants to be a dictator like Putin or Kim Jon Un. Is that the change you want? Do you want to live under a regime like Russia, North Korea,or China where you are totally controlled? When democracy is lost, the very nature of fascism makes it virtually impossible to get it back.
  2. I agree with this 100% and I just cannot understand it! What does this say about the huge number of US people that support him? I find it deeply troubling!
  3. This really cracks me up and shows how absurd the Thai mindset is! How the hell can anyone predict the starting date of any season? And what is the point of announcing it anyway? 🤣 This is nature! Seasons come and go at around the same times. They're starting an ending times are approximate and overlap. Like so much else in Thailand; totally illogical and absurd...😂. If you didn't laugh you'd have to cry....😂😭😂.
  4. Why were you taking those photos anyway? Spas on balconies! "Hi don't believe it"!!!
  5. I had it 18 months ago with the vaccine offered to over 70s in the UK just after I left for Thailand! It is not nice and had a lingering post herpetic neuralgia. Nerve pain which was worse than the rash. I recently discovered that research shows that after shingles there is a 30% increase in risk of heart attack. So it is definitely a good idea to get it. I have since had the 1st vaccine dose and will have the second this week.
  6. I have just started using WU because the exchange rate and charges are much better than Wise who I have used ever since they offered transfers. But WU's website and app. are chaotic and irrational in how they work giving wrong info. and failing to tell me when funds should be sent to them. Last time I used their 'new' direct bank transfer as it offered a fractionally better exchange rate but never again as it ended up trying to send 4 payments of £1000 instead of one. But my bank were suspicious and stopped the payments until they checked with me. However the one that went through arrived the next day as did the previous 2 transfers with no receiving charges by Kasikorn bank (Same as with Wise). And the upside of their chaotic website and app. is that all 3 transfers were free of charge as 'first time transfers', but even if charged they would have only been 99p... 555. So as the £ exchange rate continues to fall and is abysmal once again I will persevere with the WU chaos...555.
  7. The 100ml limit on liquids etc., and the need to separate them is being lifted at many airports internationally. Does anyone know please, preferably from experience, if this has happened yet at Suvarnabhumi, Don Muang or regional airports, for either international or domestic flights?
  8. Due to the lousy education there is no rational thought enabling clear thinking and forward planning. Everything is just trial and error.
  9. Corruption in Thailand? Wow what a surprise!
  10. So whats new? Thais are already buying s h i t loads off of Lazada and Shoppee.
  11. The people's choice! Thai democracy and it's very best!
  12. So has anyone actually listened to the interview with Fred Trump? No-one has commented on it yet. I hope y'all will read the book and pass it around for other potential Trump voters to read before November. More here on YouTube as there are probably many Trump supporters who cannot read...😂:
  13. I should have said whoever he or she is.
  14. The USA is the most powerful country in the world and its president is therefore the most powerful man in the World, whoever he is.
  15. Are you a supporter of Donald Trump or considering voting for him? Do you think he should be the next president of the USA and the most powerful man in the World? If so Im sure you will be eager to read a new biography of Trump entitled "All in the Family" written by his nephew Fred Trump' who grew up in the Trump household: https://www.amazon.co.uk/All-Family-Trumps.../dp/1398540994 ....Or amazon.com. You will also, Im sure, want to listen to the UK BBC radio presenter Jeremy Vine's fascinating interview with Fred Trump on his show today. You will need to login to or register with the BBC to listen. Or simply ask your smart speaker to play it if you have one. Listen from 1.33.02: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0021hny
  16. HERE YOU GO............SCROLL TO END........ THAILAND DT-Individual Full relief 25% 5% Full relief No relief No Yes 1. Relief may be restricted if whole amount of income is Note 1 DT-Company (ST) (ST) (ST) (N & R) Note 4 (N & R) not remitted to Thailand. SI 1981 (PAIF dist int) Note 2 Note 3 2. 10% or full relief in certain circumstances. No1546 UK-REIT 3. 15% (ST) for patent, certain film, radio and TV DT-Individual royalties. UK-REIT 11 12 13 19 4. Treaty does not include an article dealing with DT-Company Non-Government pensions. Also, no relief for State Pension or ‘trivial commutation lump sum’.
  17. ....And it is not even fresh milk as it never goes bad! Last time I looked closely the label said 'made from fresh milk'. I learned this years ago when going away from my apartment for a month leaving about a centimeter (so it was already a week or two old)of milk in a bottle in my fridge . When I came back. It looked okay it smelled okay and tasted okay...555. So l made a cup of tea with it and survived 555. I think it was 'Dutch Mill'.
  18. Probably just pulling people back into their offices, as they must have something to do to justify their paid for positions.
  19. I have no choice as there are no Lefties around 555. We know each other pretty well so we just stay off of certain subjects when drinking together...555. I don't get your last comment; sounds like the US speciality of school playground name calling. Don't worry you will mature and evolve eventually... Sorry.
  20. Most of my friends are Far Right Rednecks! I'm the only one I know in Thailand who is left leaning.
  21. I am all for protecting the environment but there is nothing in the post that says they are harming the environment. I do know that what I presume was the original species, was introduced to Laos from China during the Vietnam war. Is the oiginal species a 'wild' species in Thailand or was it similarly introduced fish soley to be farmed?
  22. I think that what u r referring to is not a game. It is to try and make customers scam aware. Couldnt see it being very effective though. UK banks all do similar these days as banking scams r at record levels.
  23. I have a retirement visa. I Winter on the border so I will now do three border runs rather than deal with the ignorant Neanderthals at my immigration office for an extension. Last time they even did a home visit 9:15 on a Sunday morning like they do for a marriage visa. They asked for a witness that I actually lived there and sent my girlfriend to get photocopies of 3 documents that I'd already submitted for the extension just a week or so before! They phoned her later asking her, as a witness to my living there, to bring a copy of her house book to the immigration office. Harassment or what!?!
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