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Everything posted by SunsetT

  1. And the suckers bought it along with all the other excretia that has barfed from his mouth.
  2. Am l correct in thinking that you can report in person up to 7 days after the due date?
  3. I can hear you you saying it with an Indian accent and a head wobble..555.
  4. Mine was accepted last year after returning on a reentry permit. And I will be trying it again next week after being away again for 6 months.
  5. SunsetT

    Besides a haircut

    Barbers everywhere!
  6. What has this got to do with manners? And don't insult my friends!
  7. Me neither! I wear only a pair of shorts when mostly indoors all day. So l only wear a shirt when I go out perhaps just for an hour or 3 in the evenings. So why be unecological wasting water and electricity washing them so much unnecessarily? I rotate three shirts so friends like you don't get stressed about it...555. P.S: I have always been fortunate in having very little B.O.
  8. You forgot the strongest of them all; somtam!
  9. Hindus are very clean! That's where the Thais get it from (Buddhism is from Hinduism). But sadly, armpits seem not to be included in Muslim's five times a day pre-prayer ablutions!
  10. They could bring in some Christian bishops as advisors...🤣
  11. If there's good light but not necessarily direct sunlight you could leave it on a solar battery charger. I just left mine for 6 months and it started first time. The battery does need to be charged well so give it a good run before leaving it.
  12. Rubbish! Anyone who launched a nuclear strike would be extremely stupid; suicidally stupid, and Putin is not stupid! If he nukes any country he knows he will get the same back with interest! Have you never heard of the Nuclear Deterrent?
  13. September 23 I flew with Eva to BKK and was unable to reserve a seat at online check in within 24 hours of flight time, and no aisle seats available at airport check-in so I was stuck with the online check in seat that I was allocated. On the return flight I managed to secure an aisle seat for free when selecting within 48 hours of the flight time which is when online check-in is available I believe. So I concluded that I left it too late on the outbound flight.
  14. Stick to bottled beer, Beerlao is exceptionally good, and you should be safe.
  15. Only a small fan too. You can see it behind them. Turn off the fan and see if the Meter wheel is still spinning.
  16. I suffer from IBS and my doctor prescribed me 10mg amatryptaline for long flights so that I don't have to keep going to the toilet. You maybe know that Amatryptaline in larger doses is an antidepressant but has a side effect of calming the bowel. So it is prescribed and works as such in a a lower 10mg dose. It also seems to work with me as a sedative and over 18 years has always helped me sleep on my flights to and from Thailand. And It is available over the counter at pharmacies in Thailand. My flight routine is a can of beer before the in-flight meal, a glass of wine with the meal and then take my amatryptaline with 400 mg ibuprofen to kill the pain of the sleeping in seat yoga...555.
  17. I think the title "Thailand goes 'all out' rather than 'all in' on the homosexual movement" would be more appropriate and less off-putting... to me at least...555.
  18. Too fekkin late now innit!!! Y'all and, sadly, the World, must live with Trump's continuous puke of lies for the next 4 years!
  19. No mate! I do appreciate it when comparing it to the miserable claustrophobic s*** hole that is my home London Heathrow airport which makes me feel ashamed to be British. I feel sorry for visitors having to use it. Suvarnabhumi is spacious light and airy inside. My only complaints are that it is so noisy and a bit hot sometimes , but I know where to go to escape these issues when waiting for flights.
  20. Let's hope they have some environmental sense which leads them to intervene before we destroy everything living on this planet and ultimately ourselves .
  21. Agreed 100%. Don't worry about the banks' appalling exchange rate which is offered at ATM's Worldwide and not just in Thailand. You are insane to accept this DCC which is a complete scam! ATMs word it deceptively in such a way that you think you must accept it to get your cash. But just click 'proceed without conversion' or the similar wording that they use. Then you will receive the much much better MasterCard or VIsa exchange rate, whichever your card is minus of course your home country bank's charge and the extortionate Thai bank ATM charge. The Thai bank's exchange rate is completely irrelevant when withdrawing from an ATM.
  22. I am an old dog at 72 so I hope I don't smell like one...555. I'm actually very fortunate in that, unlike most men which are normal, me and my armpits have always smelled very little when dirty or sweaty even after sport. But I do have some towels which get to smell like old dog after very little use. Even normal washing fails to shift it for long. Only a 90° wash seems to get rid of it completely. Anyway deodorant should solve the problem for anyone. So there is no excuse being smelly.
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