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Everything posted by SunsetT

  1. I have been taking Thai manufactured GMP certified 800/1000mg per day with 3 black peppercorns for years, simply as possible protection from developing Alzheimers. I read about reputable research on mice years ago which indicated this and even reversed the dementia to a degree. I have also read that Alzheimers cases are relatively low in India which might also support its efficacy. The only health claim for this product is as an antiflatulent. Doesnt work for me in that respect though....555.
  2. But you never know when you might need it. Especially for the vital task of opening a bottle of Leo...555.
  3. I have been carrying one in my daypack/ backpack in Thailand for 17 years and to and from the UK annually. But I always put it in my checked baggage, never in hand luggage to risk confiscation.
  4. When I 1st came to Thailand my Thai lady and 2 friends took me to Vientiane. We crossed the bridge and hired a taxi and driver on the other side for the day to visit all the sights. I dont recall much about it or the cost, which I no doubt paid! If it had been very expensive I would remember it....555.
  5. Any particular river in mind or any old river?
  6. Glad u completed it. I remember the 1st time I used it years ago. Over and over I couldnt go back in to complete my application as I had simply not ticked/selected the correct date range which was way off screen needing scrolling a good scroll below. With so many complaints during/immediately after Covid, the then Thai PM Prayut demanded that the site be improved. Sounds like little was done if anything! Unbelievable given the time since it was introduced and the number of tourists/visitors Thailand must have lost that understandably gave up on it and went elsewhere.
  7. Attended one Spanish bullfight 1st time abroad in 1973. Not only cruel but really really boring; the same old ritual played out over and over again.
  8. It will be interesting to hear what their reply is.
  9. So reassuring to read a post on here from someone who knows everything.
  10. They have to give the new IOs purchasing their 'job for life' posts training; i.e., something to do. New IO #1 uploads 1 scanned copy to online system. New IO #2 shreds all copies. New IO #3 transfers shredded copies to recycle bin. New IO #4 incinerates contents of recycle bin in the back yard. At least 3 copies are essential to create this illusion of work and the vital physical and psychological stimulation necessary to provide job satisfaction.
  11. If you ask for a receipt they will probably change their mind and give the 500thb back to you. This happened to me just this week when I went for transfer of O visa retirement extension stamps and re-entry permit to be transferred from an old passport to new. IO asked for 500thb with a smile and I said I did not know there was a charge but handed over 500thb saying 'Can I have a receipt please'. Her face dropped and turned to tell her supervisor sitting at the back. Then she gave back the 500thb saying 'No problem for you'.
  12. Yes. They are valid for 1 year. I just checked my last one to make sure.
  13. I remember reading that Thailand halted a deal with China on this rail project many years ago. One of the reasons given being that China insisted on owning the 1 kilometre of land either side of the railway line. This would mean all ancillary businesses to the railway, and all others no doubt on that land, would be Chinese owned and controlled No wonder Thailand backed out of that deal.
  14. But they are too late. Sadly he died 2 years ago.
  15. "is now recuperating in the Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit (NICU)" Could he have had a lobotomy? That would explain the pardon.
  16. Bejesus! I never knew elephants could move that fast; to reach Loburi and arrest that thief so quickly... 🙃.
  17. In English respect is embedded in and can be shown in good manners. I try to to teach my partners Thai kids that it is important to use please and thank you and kaa and krap as it shows that you are respecting someone as an equal and not talking down to them. Sadly it has been forgotten that good manners function as a social lubricant to promote a harmonious society.
  18. Was you in a job you were interested in? Come on OP! Lets have a bit of grammatical consistency here. Surely this should read: Was you in a job you was interested in?
  19. So says the Undisputed World Champion Number One Bona Fide 5 Star Liar.
  20. Yes! The 'taking back control' was the taking back of absolute control and manipulation of the British population and the regaining of absolute power by those Tory toffs and the wider British establishment just as they enjoyed before EU membership. Preferable to a military coup I suppose, but a similar outcome.
  21. I am not anti-semitic but I am anti-Zionist (A lot of people confuse the two) and I am therefore pro-Palestinian. I have been ever since decades ago I saw on reputable UK TV; BBC Panorama or the like (long before Social Media, You Tube etc.) video evidence shown of 2 Israeli troops on a hillside using rocks to break the arm bones of stone-throwing boys/teenagers captured during an intifada. The Jewish race were a dispossessed and persecuted people for 2000 years yet they have treated, and continued to treat, the Palestinian people in exactly the same way as they were treated; brutally repressing, killing them and discriminating against them, destroying their homes and stealing more and more of their land for settlers. This is the absolute height of HYPOCRISY! I am not religious but thank god Jesus came along and overrode the Jewish Old Testament teaching of 'An eye for an eye' with the forgiveness embodied in the New Testament teaching of 'Turn the other cheek'. Gandhi was right when he said that if 'an eye for an eye' is practised you end up with the whole World blind.
  22. I had the same experience this summer while in the UK. Received my new passport really quickly in less than 2 weeks but it took about another week to get the old one returned. Waste of resources as usual needlessly inflating the passport price by sending them back separately. I re-entered recently and simply received a dated entry stamp in my new passport. When I handed over both passports pointing to the last extension stamp and re-entry permit stamp in the old passport the ignorant bitch of an IO who was chatting away to someone on her hidden hands free mobile connection while she worked, impatiently said to me: "I know, I know" and pointed and told me to just put my fingers on the scanner.
  23. This is exactly the problem; Thailand has great roads but Thais are not taught how to use them. The better the roads which encourage faster driving the greater the carnage.
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