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Everything posted by SunsetT

  1. F e k k local communities, f e k k the Environment, f e k k pollution, f e k k Climate Change, the economy and money are all that matter stupid! But hey! Global comeuppance is coming and, as my dear old grandad used to say with a chuckle when things looked bad: "We are all going to hell in a hand cart!"
  2. f e k k the melon! I want some meat!
  3. It has only been required since the tm6 was abolished a few years ago.
  4. Had a friend do it not long ago so it is certainly open as before Covid. Fake news!
  5. Mostly buffaloes I reckon....
  6. I dont think so. Why? Is it a short-tme hotel? I only stayed a few hours. Played pool with some locals somewhere.
  7. I once spent a very enjoyable few hours in the Myanmar town on the other side with the friendly IO lamenting when I left that I wouldnt stay longer. The visa was for 7 days. Probably not safe now with the political situation.
  8. They all end up in Thailand...lol.
  9. Yes there are many like this. Sounds like what we call a 'fast food' restaurant selling the most popular basic Thai dishes. Cheap and cheerful 'spit and sawdust' just tables and chairs but the food can be very good. But as you say short on veg. When we eat somewhere like that, if I ask her. my missus will ask them to put some extra veg in the fried rice for me. There is some veg. in some of these dishes: Kale with crispy pork (kana moo grop), pad see yuu; the dry flat noodle version of Rad naa also has a fair bit of kale. The noodle soup also has some veg. in it. I like Chinese Thai restaurants the best. They are the best restaurants for non-spicy veg.
  10. They tried to charge me 500thb at Udon Thani for this. I didnt argue but asked for a receipt. 500thb handed back: "No problem for you".
  11. Dont forget their addiction to somtam....and not forgetting Yaam.
  12. Isnt this what the proposed 300thb entry tax was supposed to cover?
  13. So is E20 greener than 91 or 95? How do they compare ecologically?
  14. 19000 dead and still rising = Genocide. 500000 driven out in the 1947 war but never allowed to return. Slow land grab and killing ever since, and hoping to similarly drive out the remaining population with this war.
  15. Well done Benjamin Netanyahu for reigniting Antisemitism throughout the World!
  16. I always use Agoda.com and check the hotel reviews. But book Agoda through tripadvisor as it is always cheaper.
  17. I agree. I take Ciprofloxacin or norfloxacin if squits and/or stomach pains last more than 2 or 3 days. Make sure you finish the 5 or 7 day course though even if it clears up quickly. Because if you don't that's how superbugs/bacteria evolve which are becoming immune to all existing antibiotics. Maybe you know already that It is a big problem in the world. Hope you get better soon.
  18. Thats about 60 days after your extension. So did u enter Thailand about 30 days before Oct. 16 to make a 90 day report necessary on December 15th?
  19. I have written this before and I will write it again, as it refers to general education and not just English language education: This has gone on for so long that I am convinced that the Thai powers that be do not actually want the Thai population to learn English. This is because without it they cannot learn about the outside World with its relative free thinking, choice and differing standards, education and values. World News is very limited and filtered through mostly partisan Thai media. Online World news in Thai on You tube etc., seems to be mostly Conspiracy Theory which completely distorts their World View and its politics. Most of the Thai population emerging from the appalling State education system remain backward and blinkered due to having learned little more than Nationalism, and obeyance to monarchy, religion, and military. I think that the Thai Establishment have realised that without English; which is for better or worse the international language, the Thai Masses can be more easily controlled, manipulated, and exploited for cheap labour by their mostly Chinese-Thai masters (who own most of the land and businesses). The 'Elite' can maintain 'hereditary' control as only they can afford decent private and/or overseas education for their children.
  20. What is a 'District' hospital, and whats the difference from an 'amphur' government hospital as u refer to it?
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