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Everything posted by SunsetT

  1. Yes. I have seen it a couple of times in Esaan. Same as a quick tickle under the chin with index finger but under the penis instead. Quite openly in a public place because it was a part of Thai or Esaan culture. Dont know if it still is. But this case is quite different. Quite clearly peadophilia.
  2. Just for US citizens?
  3. Climate Change. The Human Race will be annihilated, and quite soon I think, by a rapidly approaching Extinction event. What is being done or can be done when most of the World lives a Capitalist Consumer lifestyle is like p i s s i n g in the wind. And this ideology continues to spread like cancer throughout the world. Nothing can be done when most of us are so comfortably numb!
  4. The only time I used to feel uncomfortably alone when content to live on my own for years in the UK was at Christmas. With the Christmas build up and the palpable hysteria on Christmas Eve and nearly everyone in the homes around me disappearing to be with friends and family over Christmas, it felt really strange and as if I should be accepting invitations and/or doing something special. But I preferred to choose not to and to treat it like any other day. I love it here in Thailand, where, beyond the Christmas carols and decorations in the supermarkets attempting to cash in, nothing happens on Christmas day and Christmas comes and goes like any other day.
  5. Me too. Most of my working life has been working with people and the public, so Ive always been content to go home and be alone rather than needing to socialise.
  6. I recognised a long time ago that I am not like most people. Most people say they like being alone some of the time but with people most of the time. I am opposite to that. I need to be alone or by myself most of the time but with people some of the time. I am never more content then when I am by myself or alone. Often a chat or 2 in passing during the day is enough social contact for me, but in Thailand I find that meeting and conversing with other mostly native English speakers is essential sometimes. Sometimes when I do so, it feels like a pressure relief valve has been opened and the relief afterwards is palpable.
  7. Oh sure! The shooter will now easily find and shoot those hiding by just wandering around listening for these phone alerts.
  8. So confused he got on the wrong flight. Should have been a flight back to Oz.
  9. 48 Officers? That must have been a mighty fat brown envelope they handed over with the complaint.
  10. The delivery riders are a f e k k i n menace to all. Even worse than the minibus drivers!
  11. Yes, exactly. I have always said that when driving in Thailand you must drive constantly as if you are on a UK Advanced Driving Test; checking for potential hazards far far ahead and Thai kamakazi attacks coming from all directions around you...lol. Driving/riding in Thailand has certainly made be a better driver when I return to the UK where one tends to slip to a degree into automatic pilot when 99% of people follow the rules of the road.
  12. Now they'll be getting in their cars and driving stoned, or worse still, drunk and stoned, to go out and kill people and themselves most times! From experience I know that cannabis impairs judgement and destroys focus and concentration so I think that less of it would affect driving ability more than low to moderate amounts of alcohol.
  13. What do you mean by updated bank account info.? What does a new passport have to do with that? Do you mean I need to inform my bank of my new passport number? Immigration does not need anything from the bank until extension.
  14. I hold an O Visa Extension based on retirement and will be returning to Thailand shortly on a re-entry permit with a brand new passport. What do I need to do regarding transferring required stamps, whichever they are, from my old to new passport please? Do I need to make a special visit to my immigration office or can it wait until my 90 day report? And if I do an online 90 day report can it wait until my extension renewal which is 5 months away? Thanks in advance.
  15. Schizophrenia I reckon.
  16. August Bank Holiday in the UK.....Long weekend.
  17. I have found just pointing at them without a stick works.
  18. But these are just Bar/Restaurants, not night spots. No airport has 'night spots' nor 'entertainment venues'. Something else is going on here.
  19. Looks like it is at 2100: https://www.thailandee.com/en/transportation-thailand/bus/buses-from-suvarnabhumi-airport-to-nong-khai If you search to Korat (NR) there is no result but to Khon Kaen u get the same bus. So Im sure it would stop at Korat.
  20. SunsetT

    Elder care at home

    There are Thai employment agencies who find staff for such work, which, like everything else, can be searched and contacted online (by your Thai wife if in Thai). My Thai partner (while Im in the UK), has found live-in work in BKK as a nanny/housekeeper with a wealthy Chinese family through such an agency. She also has a friend who lives in and cares for an elderly lady, now bedridden, with Dementia. For this work (dementia) I would think the right attitude and disposition would be more important than being medically trained.
  21. There is no logic or reasoning in Thailand.
  22. No. There is no such thing as shame in Thailand. Thats why virtually no one in Thailand says sorry. They dont feel bad (shame) if they do something wrong so they dont feel the need to say sorry.
  23. I was offered the vaccine for the 1st time in the UK at 70 yrs old last Autumn. But it was just after I arrived in Thailand for the Winter so I missed out. S o d's Law I got shingles just after Christmas and Im still suffering (albeit very mildly now) from nerve pain with 'Post Herpetic Neuralgia'. So if u can get the vaccine get it as it is not nice! And if u do get shingles take antivirals ASAP as that dumbs down the rash considerably. they are available over the pharmacy counter in Thailand as are the special painkillers for shingles called 'gabapentin'.
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