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Everything posted by SunsetT

  1. A friend entered Thailand a couple of months ago with a 1 year Non O Retirement Visa and he has just this week extended it for the 1st time. I was surprised when he told me that he must do his 1st 90 day report in January which is 90 days from when he entered Thailand and not from the date of his 1st extension. I was under the impression that 90 day reports ran from the date of extension or date of any re-entry to Thailand after extension(s).
  2. Check the weather forecast on the BBC website: https://www.bbc.com/weather/1605239 You will see that it is due to cool down again Sunday and then for a longer spell mid week. I say again because we have already had a couple of cooler spells, albeit quite short. They do say, however, that this year is an 'El Nino' year which can affect normal weather patterns.
  3. There was also someone asking in a Facebook group specifically about camping on Patong Beach a short while ago. Sorry I cannot provide a link now. So it looks like he ignored all the advice and gave it a go. No harm in trying!
  4. 3 times now when returning to the UK I have tried to use these machines which I know are pretty straightforward. The problem is the machine asks me to remove my glasses and then I cannot read the following steps. Then i do something wrong and I am immediately directed by an assistant to a manned booth. So I never discover what I am doing wrong...lol. I suppose I should insist that the assistant tell me what I do wrong but being very tired, jetlagged and having a train to catch I just want to get through ASAP.
  5. Agree about beef and my missus wont eat lamb cos she says it smells like beef.
  6. Must have been a lousy joke...555
  7. Advanced Member 3.8k Gender:Male Posted just now Stations are not listed in alphabetical order to find Hua Hin, but discovered u just need to enter Hua Hin (which does not appear to be listed anyway!). And then you get an illogical jumbled list of train numbers stopping at Hua Hin with non-chronological times which all appear to be 4 hours plus journey timeanyway. And I have no idea if this is supposed to be the new or old timetable!
  8. Stations are not listed in alphabetical order to find Hua Hin, but discovered u just need to enter Hua Hin (which does not appear to be listed anyway!). And then you get an illogical jumbled list of train numbers stopping at Hua Hin with non-chronological times which all appear to be 4 hours plus journey timeanyway. And I have no idea if this is supposed to be the new or old timetable!
  9. 3rd or 4th year now. Yes they love it.
  10. I have never seen a motorbike in the tunnel or or on this elevated section of bike path ever since it was built. BUT 2 and 3 wheel electric 'bicycles' are becoming an absolute menace being ridden far too fast by many. Sometimes 2 or 3 or 4 Kids on each bike racing with their mates and older ladies with passengers riding all over the path not keeping left and making little attempt to move out of the way when they see approaching bicycles. After dark is worst when most dont bother to dip their headlights, many of which are as bright as a motorbike's. With more and more being rented out Im convinced that soon there will be a serious accident. The bicycle path has become a complete joke in NKP. Now that they have the Naga lucratively drawing coachloads of tourists they dont give a monkey's about the cyclists they previously wished to attract or the locals who wish to enjoy cycling on the path. At the moment It is full of potholes and around the Naga and up to said tunnel vendors are allowed to sell directly onto the path. And nothing is being done to stop it or deter people from walking on it. People see a path and they walk on it, and around the Naga the path is completely congested as people have nowhere else to walk. During the day coachloads of school kids arrive and the teachers march them to and from the Naga on the bike path. Oh I forgot that the said tunnel of lights is impossible to cycle through after dark without constantly stopping and starting from now until after Chinese New Year as it is full of visitors taking photos and selfies. No one keeps to the pedestrian side! As I said it has become a complete joke! It was actually easier and more enjoyable to ride before the path was built because then you could ride around people. I think Nong Khai has the right idea with just a very wide open promenade with no bike path. Happy Christmas....Bah humbug...555.
  11. How do they compare in size and taste to mussels from the sea?
  12. Just tell them u arrived that day or the day before. My landlord usually take about 2 weeks to do it but it is dated when he does it or the day before.
  13. This has gone on for so long that I am convinced that the Thai powers that be do not actually want the Thai population to learn English. This is because without it they cannot learn about the outside World with its relative free thinking, choice and differing standards and values. World News is very limited and filtered through mostly partisan Thai media. Online World news in Thai on You tube etc., seems to be mostly Conspiracy Theory which completely distorts their World View and its politics. Most of the Thai population emerging from the appalling State education system remain backward and blinkered due to having learned little more than Nationalism, and obeyance to monarchy, religion, and military. I think that the Thai Establishment have realised that without English; which is for better or worse the international language, the Thai Masses can be more easily controlled, manipulated, and exploited for cheap labour by their mostly Chinese-Thai masters (who own most of the land and businesses).
  14. Never mind the station! When will an improved faster train service begin?
  15. Not everything.... Potatoes in Big C on Sunday = 69thb kilo; In Makro = 35thb kilo. Half the price!
  16. Thank you....Just what they need; an existing scheme to replicate as they probably havent a clue how to go about this.Please forward to the relevant Thai Department....or PM Sretta
  17. Wow! Hope u dont lose your elephant before u can buy one...
  18. Sure...They could have parachuted him out over Iran!
  19. I agree as those out and about are quite likely worse the wear for drink and/or drugs, just as I was in my misspent youth. Or there could be teenage gang members looking for trouble. At that time there is always an increased risk of trouble/violence just as in any Western city. But generally Udon is very peaceful with any violence being Thai on Thai. There was one exception that I know of though which must have been about 10 years ago now, when 2 farangs were attacked and killed by a couple of Thai men while just sitting and chatting in Nong Prajak park at about 4am. I recall reading later that it was a copycat attack of the controversial murders of 2 young backpackers on Koh Tao which is well known as Death Island....Dont go there!
  20. So what is an 'elephant bell' and what is it used for?
  21. Hold on! Dont be so quick to judge! Could be that he suffers from schizophrenia or manic depression which can also cause paranoid delusions, and forgot to take his medication.
  22. So have you received a reply from them?
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