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Everything posted by nglodnig

  1. You might have sleep apnoea - I would suggest (as I did) to go to a sleep clinic - I got wired up (didn't have to spend the night there) with some devices and told me I had CHRONIC apnoea - got given a CPAP (a device with a mask to strap to your face while you sleep) and the results were fantastic. The mask takes getting used to but once properly fitted I hardly notice it. I was putting on tons of weight (which you don't seem to be doing and as this is a major symptom you might not have it IMHO) and starting to fall asleep during the day. My wife told me I was stopping breathing several times at night but I did nothing about it. Crunch came when I fell asleep on the sofa with a glass of wine in my hand, which broke. Luckily it wasn't full - THAT would have been a waste ????
  2. Eh - it was produced in Northern Ireland with almost ALL actors being British or Irish (apart from the brilliant Peter Dinklage the token Yank)
  3. Brilliantly acted socially desperate jumped-up woman pretending to be what she is not, illustrating perfectly people trying to "better" themselves. Quote: "She's the one with the Mercedes, sauna, and room for a pony!"
  4. BBC is repeating Hancocks Half Hour - classics - and filmed live (he occasionally fluffs his lines and recovers)
  5. Wash your mouth out with soap Sir please! This is RELIGION we're talking about - heresy! ????
  6. Reminds me of a joke "Scientists are considering using estate agents (Brit usage, US: Realtors) as laboratory animals for experiments instead of rats. Two reasons: first, they are considerably more of them and second, people don't get so much emotionally involved with any suffering to them". Apologies to any "realtors" out there. Some of my best friends are estate agents.....
  7. I left about a quarter of a century ago and have now little reason to return. I was forced (pandemic times) to return to the UK in 2020 for a couple of weeks which was the first visit in nearly ten years. It felt strange, then I put my finger on it - everybody speaks English - but this felt like a foreign country - just like I felt when I was in Canada for a couple of months. Subtle differences (actually not that subtle) - the High Street in Hounslow almost empty, just fast-food and phone repair shops - everything else moved to the Internet or out-of-town shopping centres.
  8. If it's good for you go for it. But I don't see any advantage for me. Each to his or her own.
  9. No! Incredible (which is Italian for unbelievable apparently)
  10. I have searched high and low for that in Thailand. Well I went to Rim Ping Chiang Mai and they don't have it. BUT they have HP sauce, as does Lotus and I think Big C as well!
  11. When I was cycling a lot in a hot country these "rashes" were common - yes Zinc Oxide (nappy cream) helped, also some sort of fungal powder I was using clotrimazole
  12. And you, like all the others have replied have ignored my question and focussed on my "aside" in brackets - WHAT GOOD is the LTR that justifies the cost? For a retiree (not talking about under-fifty) And my financial situtation is none of your business
  13. IMHO worthless. What does it give you (even if you qualify for the pension requirement which I don't - if somebody had that much money for a pension why would they choose Thailand over another country?)
  14. REALLY? I looked at Teeside Poly but decided I didn't want to leave Yorkshire so went to Sheffield Poly instead (Leeds Poly looked NAFF). What with Sheffield Uni we had great bands there - Talking Heads, Dire Straits, Lindisfarne, The Kinks, Nick Lowe, many many more that I can't remember now (probably due to the recreational substances I had taken). Was I geographically incorrect?
  15. Agent Orange used to be highly recommended.
  16. Simple tell you to move the money out. Perhaps if you were aware of what is happening to citizens of countries that don't use dollars as currencies you wouldn't be so quick to offer your helpful advice.
  17. Still some downpours but not as frequent or heavy. By November just a few days (so Google says)
  18. Looks like I was confusing the Elite and LTR visas - but I don't qualify for LTR
  19. doesn't anybody read the articles here? So the money is refunded after 10 years is it? We ARE talking about the Elite Visa, right? Because that is what I'm referring to.
  20. Because you never get it back..... I can put 800k in the bank for a non-O visa thing and take it out if/when I leave - but this is a straight payment. No refunds. If I didn't qualify for a reitrement or marriage visa then maybe - otherwise pointless. It doesn't even allow you to work!
  21. Actually coming up (true this) it IS fifty years since I first smoked da demon weed. Went through a period in my "yoof" where I smoked it frequently (for a while, yes every day all day) then got on with my life got married and had children, spliffs became more and more infrequent - sometimes years between tokes. NOW with the easy availabilty - every couple of days I'll have a mild spliff. Bored with it - the buzz is OK but not something I want to do all the time. There are addictive personalities that will get addicted to ANYTHING - it's not the fault of the chemical, it is with the person.
  22. Worthless IMHO might as well flush 800k down the toilet - when I get a retirement visa for a few hundred baht and renew it every year.
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