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Everything posted by nglodnig

  1. From https://www.ivisa.com/thailand/blog/thailand-visa-on-arrival-by-cruisehttps://www.ivisa.com/thailand/blog/thailand-visa-on-arrival-by-cruise It depends on your which country you live in. According to the Immigration Bureau of Thailand, citizens of certain countries must be ready to get a Visa on Arrival when the cruise ship docks in-port...... So nice deflection attempt, but sorry
  2. "Especially bad news for those of you who leave your phone under your pillow" is this so the tooth fairy can find them?
  3. Let's hope they build a large Immigration Hall to process the 5,000 passengers all wanting to get off at the same time. Shouldn't take more than a day to process them with one desk open (as usual)
  4. 870 baht. He could retire on that....
  5. What sort of "constructive criticism" do you expect from a plastic doll?
  6. Isn't there a forum where "special" people can post drivel?
  7. Depends on what time you get up. I'll get my coat....
  8. Due to administrative incompetence in Australia there were three different railway gauges (and apparently still are?). Rumour has it in the 19th century (dem good ole colonial daze) that one office in London that was deciding this in Western Australia was next door to the office for Eastern Australia, but no-one could be bothered to pop over and ask.
  9. They were locked in the cellar but finally managed to escape
  10. I SPECIFICALLY TOLD the OP to get a will (step 1)
  11. Can't advise on BKK lawyers I'm afraid, the ones we used in CM seem pretty good (so far) I would urge your father to make a will here as even if the UK one mentioned assets in Thailand I'm pretty sure it won't be legal. I BELIEVE (and you need to get verified by the bank) that you can stipulate that on the production of a death certificate the wills beneficiaries can access the funds (again the importance of a THAI will)
  12. OF COURSE man-made global warming is responsible for tigers dying, just as it is equally responsible for earthquakes, volcanoes, meteorites, sun-spots and the occasional comet.
  13. I find spraying on frozen locks as stuff is really good but I'll pass on the knee instruction thankyou,
  14. Thta will be news to the manufacturers of WD-40.
  15. Not me. It's a question I ask myself as I expect my Thai wife to outlive me. Step 1 - get a JOINT will from a Thai lawyer (we got one for approx 5k baht) and they will lodge it with the Amphur, This is believe is water tight. Step 2 - if necessary if you have assets outside Thailand in that country a will in that country would be helpful as well. I don't think Thai wills will cover assets outside of Thailand. Even if they do, it wouldn't hurt. Step 3 - pass on the necessary contact details to your Thai GF. - Bank accounts - I imagine you have a 800k deposit in your name only. Go to the bank and get your GF to be made beneficiary in the event of your death, on the production of a (Thai) death certificate. Step 4 - REALLY IMPORTANT get your GF to inform the embassy of your country. I believe (but I am no expert as I've never died before ha ha ???? ) that the local police will do that anyway. But best to make sure. Step 5 - "Your inheritance": is whatever is in your will. Get a RELIABLE lawyer as your executor and get your GF to contact them. Assets outside of Thailand you would need a will in that country (and a executor your GF can contact). I imagine your embassy would arrange a death cert for your home country. Hope this helps. As I said, this is on my mind as well.
  16. Step 1 - die ???? Step 2 - if we are talking about a foreigner, then contact the local police who I believe will contact the respective embassy. If they don't then ask the Thai person to contact them direct. They MUST be informed AFAIK Sorry if the answer is somewhat facetious but the question IS a bit vague.
  17. Which, being a good forum member, is what I promptly did. Can get extra points for that? ???? But my suggestion, don't allow new members to post immediately, this would slow down scammers. For example, don't allow them to create topics until they replies to "X" number of others, or a timeout period between joining and posting. This would slow them down. But meanwhile I remain ever vigilant against these scum ????
  18. A couple of posts on the Cannabis forum which should be restricted to people self-medicating themselves and are obviously sales scams. MODERATORS: a suggestion - don't allow new members to post immediately. Just saying - I've seen it on other forums.
  19. That would be nice
  20. Just a thought, when i was in the Arabian Gulf, those countries that didn't ban alcohol outright would sell it in special liquor stores. I was in Bahrain and everybody could use them - but I heard in some countries (Emirates? Quatar?) it was stricter - only FOREIGNERS could buy booze - they had to produce a passport. So why not have the same system here? Only those filthy foreigners can buy the evil weed? Good for the tourist trade!
  21. Why can't they just toke up together, chill out and think about it?
  22. Reminds me of the old joke: doing the lottery "I was going to put down the number of times I had sex last month but it only goes to forty-nine" he boasted. To which he was told "just put down the number of times there was somebody there with you"
  23. I believe the water companies are allowed to pump raw sewage into the sea if they are "overwhelmed" by heavy rainfall causing overflows.
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