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Everything posted by nglodnig

  1. Reminds me of a story my friend told me, who booked a flight from London to Bangkok with Aeroflot, via Moscow. The outgoing flight was delayed so he arrived too late to pick up the Moscow Bangkok one. He went to the transit desk and asked when the next flight would be. "Tuesday", he was told. "But today is Wednesday" he replied. "Da". OK, he said, I go visit Moscow while I wait. Where I get worthless Soviet money to spend? "Nyet", was the stern reply Sorry No can DO (this was back in the good ole days). No visa, no leave airport. So he spent the next six days living life to the full in Moscow Airport. True story (so he said).
  2. Huh? I a lways thought "ca plane pur moi" meant that aeroplane is for me!
  3. Henny Youngman says Google. No I've never heard of him either.
  4. At one time (eighties) before Airport Plaza that was THE place to be - the ONLY shopping centre in Chiang Mai. Robinsons, Tops supermarket, KFC, Subway - it had it all. It was called "Centrum" then IIRC. I miss it.
  5. With my usual caveat of "I'm no expert" you get taxed in one country or another - not both. Otherwise the "agreement" is pointless. You would NOT be expected to pay the difference.
  6. I imagine you would need your internet bills to get translated and certified. I seem to remember the responses were not the quickest but if you call their helpline it is actually "helpful" - use a Skype account or similar to contact them
  7. Do underweight passengers get a discount? Ha ha 'fat' chance ???? - geddit?
  8. Because we really can't be a*rsed to move your details over
  9. Aircraft noise in "central" Hang Dong isn't a great issue - we lived near Bahrain International Airport (less than 2km away) in the eighties and most flights were at night - with the A/C on we never heard them. Big C right next to the airport yes noise is a problem but it's not particularly residental. But I seriously doubt if this will occur - yet another fantasy - like the second airport for Chinese travellers.
  10. Sorry are you trying to make a point here? I have already stated it is Swiss. It shouldn't matter WHICH European country it is from, the important thing is NOT my home country. Do have any more useful comments to make?
  11. Thanks for comments, I was hoping someone with a similar situation (current licence not from home country) could advise. But as noted before every office is different it seems, and perhaps every official as well. I have a resident ID card from the country where my DL was issued, maybe that will work.
  12. I got fed up with having (expensive) crowns fitted so the last time one disintegrated (they seem to have a lifespan of ten years) I said just whip the whole tooth out. I 'm on my third sent of dentures now, get a new set as the teeth came out. CM Ram charged me quite a lot (can't remember) but the last set I got round the corner in Hang Dong and cost something like 1500 baht! Fit perfectly, work well. I'm getting another tooth removed soon will get another set ordered when I get back to Thailand. I'm not even THINKING about implants.
  13. 29 billion for bribes and kickbacks - 700 million for actual improvement.
  14. Hi, I had to exchange my UK license for a local (European country) one when I moved there more than 20 years ago. I phoned the local licences authority and asked them where my licence was - they had sent it back - to the DVLA it seems. The DVLA will NOT issue UK licences to non-UK residents. Can I use my European one instead to get a Thai licence? I would prefer definitive answers and not opinions ???? I will be applying in Chiang Mai and I am well aware every office is different when it comes to things like this.
  15. As Sheryl says see an ENT specialist. I have severe hay-fever like allegeries for which I use a variety of medication (including generic Nasonex) but the big thing that helped me - deviated septum (which one 'friend' unkindly called 'diseased rectum' ???? ) the thin gristle in the bridge of the nose was not straight (hence "deviated") so effectively only one nostril. You need an X-ray to confirm this. They break your nose inside basically and move it. Did me a world of good. See an ENT specialist
  16. "there is no truth to this rumour that our island is being taken over by Russians" local government spokesperson Vladimir Ivanov said today.
  17. Which is why I used phrases like "I think" and "maybe" - I wasn't PRETENDING to be an expert as I stated VERY CLEARLY
  18. I'm no expert (see a lawyer in the UK and Thailand!) FIRST - get your father to make a Thai will. I think Thai law if intestate assets automatically go to the children. We (my Thai wife and I) have both UK and TH - the Thai one cost us I think 5000 baht. I THINK (don't quote me) the UK one covers UK assets, and the Thai one - Thai assets. Get the THB 800k to be assigned to his children. Show it to the bank when the inevitable happens. You would need to two seperate executors one for each will, in the respective countries, AFAIK. But don't take my word for it consult lawyers and don't rely on the advice you might see on this forum (including mine).
  19. Getting hacked is like catching the clap - you only catch it when you don't use precautions and go to the "wrong" places (he said smugly then gets hacked the next day ???? )
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