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Everything posted by nglodnig

  1. It's a couple of hundred baht - I'm not losing sleep over it.
  2. Most members of this forum are probably not in that group.
  3. Titlle says it all I think
  4. I would recommend renting a CITY (not mountain) bike to ptter around the Old town. I wouldn't recommend going on long-distance rides until you grow eyes in the back of your head : - or invest in a Garmin Varia radar set that displays stuff coming up behind you
  5. The secret police technique is - call the phone and then listen for its' distinctive ring tone. Works for me everytime.
  6. With apologies to Gilbert & Sullivan "I've got a little list - they'll never be missed"
  7. Get a VAT receipt when you buy the camera. I imagine a back-street place doesn't do it but the "higher-end" should. THEN, when you go through immigration there should be a place to reclaim it (I think in BKK it is outside immigration but this was a long time ago). It was sign-posted VAT Refubd. Take the article and the receipt and claim your refund there. In CNX it is (or was) in the international departure lounge. Google it - like I did - look for sign in the shop saying VAT refund for Tourists.
  8. Yeah, pass a law saying the air should be clean. That'll work
  9. "Clickbait title of the week" award won
  10. Travel East to West and not the other way round - the time zone change is better that way. You gain hours not lose them.
  11. This begs a question - HOW did he get to overstay for a year? Did he forget? My daughter and her boyfriend were sh*tting bricks they would overstay by one WEEk so we did a border run to Laos. It's not difficult.
  12. Pull it out and get a dental plate
  13. I was going to say go bike riding (excellent cardio-vascular exercise, no impact on knees like running has) but of course the carnage on the roads would outwiegh the health factors. Indoor biking anyone?
  14. Hmm they say murder victims are usualy killed by someone they know - why kill a perfect stranger unless you're some sort of serial killer nutter? The circumstances surrounding the case don't put the husband in a good light. Jest sayin.....
  15. Perhpas if you read my comment properly: Keep popping dem pills!
  16. Yeah but it tastes nice 🙂
  17. To each his own. Vit C when taken to excess (more than the body needs) just gets excreted, it is not stored. There is NO medical benefit in taking high doses - it does nothing to prevent or cure colds/flu - this was a myth. But whatever floats your boat.....
  18. "Safer" in the sense the form is a bit vague so knowing that JPeg ALWAYS works I used that to avoid complications and delays.
  19. For safety I uploaded EVERYTHING as Jpeg even the originals were PDF
  20. Vit C waste of time, just drink a fruit juice. I am told there is NO NEED for vit supplements with a healthy diet unless you have sort of medical problem. The exception being Vit D in winter in northern parts but you should get pleny of sun in Thailand all year round so also no need.
  21. Had one this this year five years after last one where they found a couple polyps. Cost was approx 20kbaht so 32-39k even in CM Ram sounds expensive. Nurse couldn't get the needle in for anesthesia without mucho pain so doc suggested it would be less painful to do without. It was uncomfortable as Sheryl says then mildly painful but was all over in 15 minutes. Saying that I don't think I'll want to do it again. Good news was it was clear so next one in ten years.
  22. Well I bought my bike at Big C so I suppose that counts me out
  23. As Chruchwill was asked did you just fart in front of my wife? His reply was it her turn first?
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