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Everything posted by nglodnig

  1. But, unbelievably, I was sat in the middle of three seats and have a (slight) cough. The bloke next to me asked if I would mind if I wear a mask and said yes I would(mind), I tested myself for Covid (recentl and yes it was negative) , this is a just bit of catarrh from my hay fever/asthma and not infectious. I said I would wear a mask when I get outside but see no point in wearing one inside the (hopefully filtered) plane. He got the hump and moved seats giving me more room. Must remember to do that again. ???? And of course greeted with 400-500+ (Aqicn) SMOG which is "merely" down to the two hundreds this afternoon. Wore a mask whem cycling, first ever I've done this, I am often here February/March but never felt the need before.
  2. Yipee! Chiang Mai Number One! Way to go!
  3. Why aren't you at school? Playing "hookey" again????? It was called "twagging" in the part of Yorkshire I went to school in.
  4. Let's stamp out this evil weed and meanwhile half the drivers are drunk and those aren't are on yaba. MUCH safer! ????
  5. There is a school of thought that says THC and that sort of stuff can reduce the effectivemess of the local anesthetic. But then you'll probably be so out of it you won't notice. But on a more serious note if you need to get youself knocked out (FULL anesthestia) the dentist is not qualifed to do that (although that never stopped them when I was a kid and was regularly knocked out by the (unqualified) dentist) so they will have to get a an anesthesiologist I would imagine. I have plenty of work done at CM Ram (with local anesthetic) - my advice (for your friend)n- go ONCE get all your teeth pulled out and then get some plastic choppers for the rest of your life. Apparently this was quite common before free dentistry "It may sound gruesome but as late as the 1940's, people were having all their teeth pulled out as a birthday or wedding present. In the days before the NHS, no teeth = no expensive dental bills." https://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/history/scotlandonfilm/forum/health/thread10.shtml#:~:text=It may sound gruesome but,teeth %3D no expensive dental bills. Problem solved.
  6. Can't they use this to make another island?????
  7. Sorry can't resist is this like the well-known pundit Hugh Janus? I'll get my coat.
  8. Well to many members this is a religous issue. What can be more important than Golf? ????
  9. As an engineer I would like to point out this is in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
  10. Woke up this morning to find half a dozen emails from AirBnB confrming my booking on the 28th April for Dark Skies Hideaway in Texas, Vickie is the host - slight problem - I never made the booking. Tried contacting AB to get it cancelled (and find out HOW the booking was made) and contacted Vickie - who was unhelpful. AFAIK there is no way they can the money out of me (I hope)..... I had recently made a flight booking on Trip.com - coincidence?
  11. I do - or at least I DID
  12. It's 3-D - it's a SPHERE! It could have gone anywhere
  13. competitive - very low
  14. i've got a new crypto currency it's called "send your money down the toilet" just send me HARD CASH and I will "invest" it for you.
  15. Maybe he could spell "Testosterone".
  16. Don;t take any supplements just eat a "normal" i.e. not Vegan diet.
  17. This is produced in the skin naturally by sunlight. Last time I checked Thailand was quite sunny.
  18. The only vitamin supplement I have seen recommended is for Vitamin D for people living in the Northern Hemisphere (or Falkland Islands in the Southern) as the lack of sunlight IN THE WINTER (and only then) makes you deficient. 600-800 IU per day is enough. You are taking FAR more than is needed and if you live in Thailand you don't need it anyway! (provided you go outside in the daytime and not wait until sunset before you rise ???? ) Apart from that, none is needed if you eat a "normal" balanced diet. Everything else is unnecessary - and can be harmful. Too much Vit C just gets urinated out for example - pointless.
  19. our last dog (who would bark frantically if they heard someone outside) would lick the intruder to death in friendliness.
  20. Another CIA cover-up to hide the truth. Actually here's some maths: surface area of the Earths orbit around the Sun is (approx) pi x d2 = (approx) 300 million km squared by 3.14 = 2.86 ** 17 sq km - target area ( 3 million km from Earth) = 9 ** 12 sq km. So, NOT a million to one but 30,000 to one (approx). Coincidence - I think not. I rest my case m'lud. Excuse me my (patented) Tin Foil Hat is tingling.
  21. That orbit is SO much of coincidence - that it got within a few million kilometres from Earth - from that distance. A real "million-to-one" chance. Yeah, right. Pure chance.
  22. Another probe from them, when we are going wake up and realize the truth? https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-65061818 My patented Tin Foil Hat is tingling with their transmissions. What's that, nurse? Not MORE medication!
  23. The last bit is easy - you're on the sea remember?
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