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Posts posted by mania

  1. you can see the bike graveyard at Honda Bigwing as well and that number of damaged bikes are rising on my every visit!!!

    ...and half of these are going to be sold after they get fixed

    If there are buyers. biggrin.png

    How low does one have to price a H500 or K650 just to sell it nowadays!

    2011 N650 with 25k km can't go on bahtsold @ only 165k baht.

    2012 N250 decked out with 25k baht of extras @ 105k baht.

    The guy on here with a new H500 can't shift it for 190k.

    Saturated market.

    Is true & somewhat a Thai deal too because of the fact Thai's dont have the lump cash & like to finance.

    Financing a new bike is very easy.

    But also in regards to the two Kawasaki's you mentioned those are both pre-big change years.

    The 2012 650 went to a much better dual seat look & the 2013 250 that is like a whole different bike from the 2012

    The Honda 500's will be interesting to see what they fetch price wise. My guess would be 170-180k

    The funny thing with many sellers here is how they like to list registration & insurance costs.

    2nd hand buyers dont care that you paid that & that is not something you can pass off easily.

    If you want insurance money ride it till it expires.

    Only in Thailand do I see sellers list every thing they ever did to the bike then try & get most of it back

    including insurance & reg heheheh

    The only thing worse is all the Thai's with bad financing looking for someone to take over payments + give them back

    their deposits. The totals on these are always higher than a new bike for gods sake

    • Like 2
  2. I wouldn't go as far as saying the "best in C.M." O.K. but nothing special.

    Well of course taste is a personal thing but for us it is the Best in CM

    If you know of anywhere that is better we would be glad to give them a try too.

    We have tried Dukes, Koh Lanta but none have come close to Mama Mia

    I use to work at a pizzeria decades ago where we flipped out own dough & the owner learned

    in Italy as Joe at Mama Mia's did similar crust I would say

    For me good crust has a certain smell & texture. Slightly salty taste hard to describe as I am not good

    at describing food but I do know good when I taste it biggrin.png

    But I should also add I eat the Salami Pizza at Mama Mia's

    • Like 1
  3. True. But in many countries they have a tiered bike license to try and alleviate these problems. Admittedly many of the broken bikes are actually the lower part of the tiered system rolleyes.gif

    But they do have better training.

    True about the tiered license

    I am from the USA & folks can walk in & buy anything they want.

    Kind of scary but to be fair folks with cash can also go buy a Ferrari

    Like you say these are low power ( relatively ) yet still plenty capable of

    letting things happen very fast for new riders.

  4. Really, the tuning part is not my primary interest as I already have the PC in place, but I've read so many comments re: opening the secondaries earlier- it's supposed to transform the bike- at 7750rpm, it makes ~25hp and 35lb/ft over the stock settings (though peak power is about the same), and several of the other features will come in handy as well, though they don't really affect performance.


    That is so funny to read.

    It is all relative I guess.

    But that bump is adding almost my total 250 HP heheheh

  5. Googled a bit about g-forces for jet-pilots and astronauts and then you realize he IS a lucky guy surviving 25 G.

    As said before curious to see what an advanced safety jacket like this would look like(and cost:w00t: ), if I google

    something on this, will post it here

    Funny you mention that as G forces & flying always sticks in my mind.

    Years ago I flew & as a private pilot felt mild G forces like 2 & know what that feels like.

    Try to lift a arm to cover your forehead when it weighs twice as much smile.png

    But yes 25G's is an insane amount

    Fighter pilots need to endure 9 G's in a test maybe more theses days? Without losing consciousness

    But........Something needs to be pointed out here.

    That telemetry was done by Alpinestars suit sensors & they are playing it up a bit to show how

    great their suits are.

    But the truth is getting whacks or bump velocity that reach the number they did is not the same

    as enduring those G's

    Theirs are like shocks/bumps

    Pilots etc are strapped in a chair that is enduring those G's for a period. Which is why they have the G suits that squeeze

    their legs when it senses X amount of G's. To push that blood back up to their head so they dont pass out.

    You know show pilots like the Blue angels cannot wear those suits?

    Because when they pump up they will move the pilots hand & the angels are flying tight formations & it could

    cause them to bump into each other. The suits expand & contract as needed many times during high G flights for normal fighter pilots.

    The kind of high G Marc had was spot G's not prolonged.

    Still awesome though to consider getting off at that speed.

    I have come off bikes doing 80-100mph racing flat track & it is a weird sensation. You always think your able to stand

    then suddenly your sucked again & again into tumbles because the truth is your not stopped at all even though your brain

    thinks you are. In his telemetry chart you can see that. He banged then went again & again

  6. They really should include basic big bike training as a corporate responsibility before selling.

    After all they are all future customers as well as present customers.

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

    You know it is like this all over the world.

    Bikes in general just have a good power to weight ratio.

    Actually it is a worse situation

    in other countries as bikes are so much cheaper & faster/bigger

    I use to manage a Suzuki shop many years ago.

    Folks would come in even then & have no clue about the power they were buying.

    Then they get out there & get going way too fast for their skill set.

  7. and once you are in for a little, you'll likely be in forever more... at whatever the market will bear.

    My goodness, It is a business not a drug. It is non addicting & if the price

    is uncomfortable for you then you can always choose to stop buying the service.

    Sorry but it never ceases to amaze me the things I read here about things like this visa service.

    If something is appealing/useful to you then use it if not don't.

    Same goes for restaurants, laundry services, transportation etc. etc. etc.

    None begrudge anyone of their right to self service themselves in any way they like.

    Whether that be cooking, cleaning, doing your visa, driving yourself anywhere etc.

    But to say if you hire any of these that "you'll likely be in forever more"

    That is a bit dramatic wink.png

    • Like 2
  8. This is a demo of the tuning system:

    You know that does not look unlike Bazzaz Z-FI Mapper software which you can download for free.

    Load a map & play with it all offline to see how it works.

    It will try to communicate initially with device.

    Just wait then work offline

    I did & downloaded the maps for 250 & 300 just to look & play with it.

    Go download it & play a bit wink.png


    Edit: oops sorry I see they have no ZX14R maps yet in their data base

    Although you could try it anyway with other maps just to see how the interface works etc.

    • Like 1
  9. August! <deleted>!!! annoyed.gif If it's been available in Oz, the USA and Europe for months why the wait?

    According to the Thai web boards it is to build parts inventories

    Which is a good because we often read about guys going in for their first service only to find

    they have not even received oil filters etc for some brands of bikes we have seen sold here

  10. Yes that is at the dealership in Chiang Mai

    Was looking at the same pile a week ago.

    I also looked at it back in January when it was only 3 or so bikes.

    Talking with the owner he said mainly young guys.

    Get in over their heads/skills

    What I did have to smile at was that at that time they

    mainly had the blessing marks on them. You know the strings or the white marks

    on the wind screens.

    At first I thought well.........I guess that did not help but then I thought

    well maybe the rider walked away unharmed so maybe it did smile.png

    In either case this does make insurance for the N250 kind of pricey as it is graded as a group/bike

    Full coverage is almost 10k a year

  11. As Jorge and Dani I agree there the ones to beat but Dani seems to be struggling a bit, Jorge was magic to watch.

    IOM racing I can only get on utube but on web site John made a nice gesture for those interested :-

    Dani does tend to look more under pressure

    especially if someone is nipping at his heels like Marc was for so many laps.

    Yet when he gets in front he does calm & get down to business like he did in France & Spain

    But yes he looks like he is a bit pressured or struggling when working.

    Jorge is like a clock when he gets going

    Marc is scary fast but on the edge constantly

    That is a cool sidebar on John McG !!

    • Like 1
  12. Never heard of it what is Craft beer is it made by the people who make the cheese

    Perhaps bottled real ale might better describe it for the Brits among us. biggrin.png

    Oh ok that sounds more like it smile.png

    Gonna be expensive I would of thought all those imported beers are way out there on the price, at number 1 some are 300 baht that like $11 for half pint good job I LIKE Chang

    I don't know about bottles but when we have a beer a nice girl serves us one of these for 300 baht smile.png

    290 actually heheh...You can get them filled with any of the usual, Chang, Leo, Singha, Asahi

    AND she keeps coming back & filling our glasses for us.....Thailand hard to beat wink.png

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