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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. First reply is the most boring predictable AN cliche. Why bother?
  2. Deftly forcing Americans to pay more for rubbish. Deftly forcing them to buy inferior products. USA! USA! USA! Why not deftly raise manufacturing standards in the US? Why not deftly compete with - as you said it - better and cheaper products to become more competitive in the world market? Tariffs and protectionism only take you backwards. But it's fun to watch the US self destruct, carry on!
  3. Musk has truly lose the plot - he is a disgrace. I used to admire and respect him but the change in him over the last couple of years has been shocking. I hope his downfall will be spectacular and unpleasant.
  4. Why don't you blame the man who started it and is the aggressor, bombing innocent civilians daily?
  5. ?? You're talking about Europe, right?
  6. Honestly not sure we ended up in a butter argument, but here's the real item photographed in my house just now. It is butter.
  7. Thanks for assuming, but it is nothing to do with "msm propaganda" (which is mostly in your head by the way). I am a reasonably intelligent person who can make my own mind up and I see him for what he is - a self enriching fraudster. But do please donate to the cause, Tommy might even send you a letter of thanks. The irony in this is fabulous. What Tommy says goes!
  8. Yep, it's the same.
  9. My hatred of that nasty, self serving, hypocritical scrote is perfectly rational, thank you.
  10. That's a completely different product. This is the Anchor I am referring to, pure butter - no blend. At least I think, will read the ingredients when I get home.
  11. Ah right, coz Labour made houses expensive, and they ran down the NHS over the last 14 years, Got it.
  12. Same reason they all refer to Yaxley-Lennon as "Tommy" - I think they like to imagine they are friends.
  13. Agree with that. Allowrie is nasty. Anchor is the best product for the price. Villa also sells Lurpak which is even better than Anchor but considerably more expensive.
  14. Anchor is not blend.
  15. "Fed up normal people" don't coordinate to smash up mosques, they don't set fire to hotels full of asylum seekers with the aim of burning alive those inside. They were rioters, they were racist. There's really not much question around that. If "fed up normal people" want to have a street march to protest whatever it is they're normal and fed up about then they are free and welcome to have one, any time. If they don't smash up mosques, throw missiles at police or burn asylum seekers then I will call them protesters and not racist rioters. Easy, right?
  16. He doesn't. And he gives up the info pretty easily in the US - in 78.5 percent of cases, maybe you guys need protecting? Absolute nonsense.
  17. Anyone can criticise the government in the UK just as much as they like. What are you talking about?? But if you're offering to take in the racist rioters then thank you.
  18. No, they didn't, they really didn't.
  19. Yes, thanks Jack. It's good to hear opinions saying the same thing, that a non-O extension makes sense and just doing remote emails etc shouldn't be a worry. It's made my mind up for me, I'll go for another extension. You can close the thread if you like as I have my answers. Thanks all.
  20. Thanks Brandon, I think this makes the most sense.
  21. Thank you Presnock for the link, very useful.
  22. He can stop it any time he wants by giving his country away, of course, that's lovely - just what everybody would do. You know Putin could also stop it any time he wants by calling off his invasion. Has Trump thought about asking his mate to do that? I mean Trump really only wants peace, right?
  23. How old are you, eight? Because I don't like Trump I must idolise Harris? Is your dad bigger than my dad too?
  24. What is this for? A bunch of party sycophants telling him they love him? Pass the sick bucket. "Thank you for mentioning God Mr President". Quick I need another bucket!!
  25. Nothing to do with your orange hero. Simply a retaliatory measure after Canada placed tariffs on Chinese steel, aluminium and cars. These were enacted on 1st October last year by the way. 100% import duty has been placed on rapeseed oil, oil cakes and peas only. And to think you are cheering for trade wars. I hope your country retreats up its own backside and you can all cheer USA! USA! USA! to your heart's content and no one will be able to hear you.
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