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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. And he'd also have to invest in an online platform to allow people the convenience of browsing his menu, seeing pictures, reading reviews, ordering and paying, and tracking.
  2. Interesting, thanks for the tip. Just scanned mine to be sure, all good. Similar experience to others on timing. I am going to the UK for a quick trip so did my TP late Friday afternoon. Very simple. Received my approval by email early the next morning. Really not the big deal so many posters make it out to be. They then emailed a survey so I completed that and gave my feedback that you really should be able to upload PDFs. If they are genuinely following up with the surveys it is good that they are seeking feedback to improve. I also expect the whole TP thing to be gone soon anyway.
  3. Yawn Yawn Yawn. Explain who is being scammed and how. The coverage amount required is extremely low, you can use any insurance company you like, Thai, foreign, it doesn't matter. You do realise the government, hoteliers, absolutely everyone, would make heaps more money if there were no entry requirements. So explain the scam. I suppose you also said hospitels were a scam but they got rid of that requirement months ago, oh then the quarantine was a scam but, oh, they reduced that down to one day months ago but it was still a scam (even though those same hotels would make a lot more money if the country was open) but then they dropped that requirement so maybe it wasn't a scam. Oh, but now the insurance is a scam even though they have continually lowered the amount of coverage required now to a very small amount that costs peanuts to buy...........and you can buy from whoever you like. Can you even think for yourself? Or are you one of those posters who just goes around shouting "scam" at everything??
  4. Great, took you a few seconds. Not everybody would have everything in order or be so easily checked, especially if they were vaccinated in different places. There would undoubtedly be delays and annoyances and congestion at the check in. Why wouldn't you want that stuff cleared up for everybody in advance so check in is just as simple as can be? And if you were referring to me I have no idea why you think I want the Covid drama to continue. I actually think they should drop Thailand Pass now and just go back to how things used to be (and I suspect that within a month that will happen). But until that happens I would rather have people getting cleared online by the destination health authority and not have that done by airlines at check in. Too much potential for mess and people delaying me. Just because you say you got checked once quickly it does not mean that would be the same for every passenger.
  5. Glad you found it. It is actually linked to on the Thailand Pass site. 30 days' cover, 650 baht. Here's a direct link in case it helps anyone else: https://partner.fwdgi.co.th/en/fwdgi/corona-virus-inbound-insurance?utm_source=tqmbroker
  6. So every single airline should invest in online systems to check vaccination status from any country and make sure it will satisfy the (ever changing) rules of every single country they fly to? Really?? Or how about they don't do the work of every single country's health department and instead you upload to them directly to make sure they are satisfied and you can fly without stress. That sounds good doesn't it? Why don't airlines just put the ESTA form on their website too? Perhaps they could also handle via applications too as they already have websites that do stuff.
  7. Then there would be the people who aren't vaccinated or don't have the correct proof - the arguments at the desk as they are told they can't fly, all the people waiting behind them. It is an incredibly stupid idea and I can't believe so many people here are proposing it rather than a simple online pre-flight verification process. And to think these same posters say Thais have no logic!
  8. To all the people saying the airlines can check vaccination status. Would you REALLY want that rather than having it done online before you travel? Imagine how annoying and slow check in would be as they checked each person, different people vaccinated in different countries with different types of documentation - it would be a nightmare!! Totally impractical and would slow things down immensely. A horrible idea. Just have it verified online in advance. I am travelling to Singapore next month, that beacon of efficiency. I have to have my vaccination status verified online to generate a letter for Singapore immigration. What's the problem with that? Why would you want the airlines doing that at check in?? I want my check in to be as quick and painless as possible.
  9. Yawn. If you dislike paying a Thai insurance company 650 baht for your cover then feel free to use any foreign company as they care more about making you happy than making money.
  10. 650 baht for $20k USD cover is a blatant rip off????? It IS the 650 baht that people are moaning about - it is exactly what you are doing! Jeez.
  11. Boo Hoo. You want foreign embassies to have offices accepting applications in every city? It is the same the world over. Live life on the edge, send your application by DHL, you'll be fine. It is not Thailand making it harder for you, it is the way of the world. And be thankful for your three hour window, we don't get that with the British embassy.
  12. One of the three Covid policy insurance companies linked to when you apply for Thailand Pass. 30 days cover for anyone up to the age of 85, no questions asked, covers the $10k cover they require (it actually covers for $20k). Took me two minutes to apply and pay and receive my policy that I could upload to TP. 650 baht, what is the big deal for people here? If you genuinely need help DM me and I can give you the company details, so easy.
  13. Another tiresome comment. You can use any foreign insurance company you like. They provide three very low cost local options if you need it (650 baht for me just now) but otherwise use whoever you want. Thailand Pass is free, no one is getting rich from this. It's just another idiotic Thai bashing thing to say.
  14. It is 650 baht. If you can afford to self insure you can afford 650 baht. Guess what? I self insure, but I am going to the UK this month so I spunked the 650 baht to get the insurance cover for Thailand Pass. Crazy spender, I know. And that 650 baht covers people up to 85 years of age with no questions. Why do people on here have to make massive mountains out of things that are barely even molehills?
  15. Exactly the same. I just did it for the first time as I'm going to the UK. Was expecting it to me a nightmare after all the moaning you read on here.........then you realise most of those moaning have probably never even done it. It was really pretty simple, fill out some info, upload a few images. 5 minutes max. Really not that big a deal. And like someone else has said if that puts you off then how the hell do you manage to book a flight or a hotel? Would I rather I didn't have to do it? Of course, and I expect pretty soon you won't have to. Was it difficult or troublesome? Not in the least. And the insurance cost me a whopping 650 baht.
  16. How incredibly interesting and not at all irrelevant.
  17. When you see a headline like this you know it is to get the TVF populace in a froth and it never fails. I don't like Anutin at all, let's get that out of the way. But consider Thais are covered under the 30 baht health scheme and/or social security, tourists are not. They are obviously going to do this in steps, next step (within a month is my bet) is that this requirement is done away with entirely for everyone. Step by step. But really, think about it and don't just react to the headline, and explain to me......how is this xenophobic or racist? It is the first step in withdrawing these requirements and Thais are covered for medical by their government already. If you are a foreigner employed by a Thai (or foreign) company you are also covered under social security and don't need this insurance either. Where is the racism there? If, in a month or so, numbers still drop they will remove this for the rest I am sure. If a Thai wants to travel to the Schengen zone as part of their visa application they need to prove they have €30k medical insurance cover, EU citizens do not. Is this racist? Please answer me that. And is this an "insurance scam" as everyone on here likes to bleat that the Thai insurance requirement is? (even though you can buy from foreign insurance companies).
  18. Jeez. You do realise this is a land border crossing where most people going across the border are small time traders, people trying to earn a living, and usually coming back the same day. They are not jetting off from Bangkok and staying in 5-star hotels so of course they don't have 7,000 baht for an ATK test! Your lack of compassion is astounding, but not surprising given the rest of your post.
  19. Considering this article is about the number of people who arrived on the 1st May (Sunday) after restrictions were lifted then they were probably on a flight. And probably only around 2,000 of that 21,000 went to Phuket anyway, the rest landed in Bangkok then went wherever they wanted to.
  20. Ok, I'll entertain you as I am quite bored at the moment, I counted 134 international flights arriving at BKK today. Count them (that previous site only shows a time period, not the whole day): https://www.flightradar24.com/data/airports/bkk/arrivals And 26 international flights arrived in Phuket today. https://www.flightradar24.com/data/airports/hkt/arrivals Happy? Anything you want to say about that? Seriously, what possible reason would there be for them to make up a (fairly low in the scheme of things) number of international flights arriving? Especially as the information is so easily verifiable. The level of paranoia on this site is comical, it's just an article about how many people arrived on the first day of the lifting of Test & Go. It's not even a big number. But oh no, there are people on this site who are too smart to be fooled by this. Laughable. And sad.
  21. Oh dear. Maths is obviously not your strong point......neither is logic. Each passenger does not take 15 minutes at the desk!! If you say there are 40 desks open between BKK and Phuket and flights land over a 14 hour period (I have no idea how many desks are currently open but that seems reasonable), then it means each desk is processing 37 passengers per hour which seems perfectly normal. Take it over an 18 hour period and it is 29 passengers per hour per desk, so two minutes per person. In reality the numbers are probably over a 24 hour period.
  22. They are not counting the domestic flights, it is 120 international flights. Spread between two airports it really isn't a lot so I have no idea why the other poster doesn't believe it.
  23. Wow you are so clever not to be fooled that 120 international flights arrived in Bangkok and Phuket yesterday. How many flights do you think arrived then? And what's your secret source of info? You can go and count today's if you like: https://www.bangkokairportonline.com/flight-status-arrivals-departures/ Of course no doubt this is a scam flight status website set up just to FOOL PEOPLE for the reason that, erm, I don't know, you tell me....
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