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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Jesus, one of the worst comment I have seen on here. So if someone has depression it is no great loss if they die?? You really should be ashamed of yourself, absolutely disgusting. A young woman is dead.
  2. It's been a long time since I've seen someone put so nicely and repeatedly in to their place on this forum. It gives me faith.
  3. First reply and typical of this place. Negative, condescending and bitter. So how many awards from international organisations have you won for your scientific studies or indeed anything else?? From the article: The project won the award at the 7th Mission Idea Contest, in Tokyo, Japan, which was held by UNISEC-Global, an international non-profit body for space science and innovation for peace. You really think they accept things copied off the internet and that is all there is to it? Really, get a life.
  4. You beat me to it. Swampy is only a term used on this forum by a certain crowd. I call it Suvarnabhumi as does every one else I know.
  5. Oh no don't spoil the naysayers' day! Final nail in the coffin of tourism etc....
  6. No, sorry, I don't think there is such a map - I don't have one anyway.
  7. Ok, I can't prove it. Maybe it is under Phnom Penh, I haven't been underground to take my own pictures, sorry. So can I ask you where you think it is? I am all ears. Bangkok is a massive city with huge infrastructure and there are pictures of the tunnels to house electrical and other cables. Why wouldn't I believe them? Where do you think they are?
  8. Hilarious. Large parts of Bangkok have been done already and it has made a huge difference. And they have done it very professionally. But don't let that stop your cheap Somchai jibes.
  9. This is probably the one you saw as you came in to Bangkok: https://redd.global/ Can't comment on the service as I have never used them.
  10. If it was illegal logging I am pretty sure they would cover the loads and possibly not move them around in broad daylight.
  11. Yes, this is all correct. Thai crews work with incredible efficiency, speed and skill - everyone knows their role and they carry out their work as a single well oiled machine, it's very cool to watch them work.
  12. Not sure why so many people advise this. There is no good ending. Many Thai companies will ask you to accept a lower salary and sign a revised contract to "help out" then they will make you redundant a little later. Severance pay will be calculated on the lower salary. You'll never go back to the higher salary, so accepting this is silly as the writing is already on the wall. Just let them make you redundant and you get what you are entitled to. Also a lot of misinformation in this thread too - if you have been employed more than a year (but less than three) you are entitled to three months' salary, plus you also get "notification pay" which could be up to two months depending on when they issue the termination advice. If she agrees to 11k and they later let her go she will essentially be getting 38% less severance pay than she would have had she refused and this is what they are counting on (in my opinion). So my advice is clear: it is unfortunate but she should not agree as they can not force this on her. She'll probably ultimately be made redundant either way so at least make sure she gets what she is entitled to. And like others have said the labour laws here are strong so she will win (and yes, foreigners also have equal protection). Many years ago I worked for a large Thai company. They let a lot of people go. I - as management - was kept although they asked me to sign a new contract with 50% salary reduction (but they would make that up with commission and bonuses, yeah right). I knew what was going on but had no choice as my visa was dependent on the job. Sure enough three months later they let me go and my severance was based on the 50% reduced salary. Cold and calculated. Luckily I ended up with another job fairly quickly so in hindsight I should have refused the reduction and let them pay me off - but at the time I was too worried about my visa. So refuse it and start looking for another job. Do not accept it and start looking for another job as she would only be doing herself short.
  13. If you are anywhere near the river most hotels have weddings on a Saturday and almost always have fireworks.
  14. I have no idea!! Because normally cops won't search the local area at all after a brutal murder. They certainly wouldn't think to check in case someone threw the weapons in the ocean right after the killing which was, erm, next to the ocean - no idea how they thought of that.
  15. So helpful. To the OP: plenty of availability, 250 baht per day.
  16. Jesus, calm down. I need qualifications to have a personal opinion? I have two eyes. Those two eyes see a man in a golf buggy drift to his right without looking. My eyes also see a motorbike that was travelling way too fast. Put the two together and you have an accident. What my eyes see goes in to my brain which then makes a decision. On the journey from my eyes to my brain the information does not pass through an anti Thai filter that makes people say the foreign man has no fault whatsoever. Sorry but he does. If the bike had just rammed in to him and he hadn't moved in to its path then that would be correct. He turned in to it as it was alongside him. In summary, the farang should have looked or signalled before moving. The Thai guy should not have been going nearly as fast as that. Both share the blame, therefore no further action required. Thank you.
  17. So if you are on a single lane road in a moo ban and turn in front of someone that is ok because you are not changing lanes? Please explain.
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