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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. What complete and utter nonsense. Your brain washing is incredible.
  2. Panang curry never has potatoes, ever. Yellow curry does, Massaman does, but not panang.
  3. It wasn't originally, they updated they picture after people pointed out how wrong they were.
  4. More "what ifs". So allow me to "what if" too. What if governments mandated that all new condos need to provide EV charging? What if they also backdated that so existing condos need to add them? Condos also have councils and people pay common fees, so if the people want them they will be installed. I don't think the whole world will be driving EVs any time soon, but they are continuing to grow in popularity, especially in cities (where most condos are). I imagine in future EV charging will be a selling point of a new condo. You live in Bangkok and a young family in five years' time want to buy one I expect EV charging will be a consideration in where they choose, and I also expect it will be a requirement to have charging stations for any new condo. Do I know this for a fact? No. But I expect it - it's my "what if". Do you not expect this to change given the EV uptake? You are talking about condos that were built before EV popularity was a thing. If you are talking of the UK it is 2035. And see my reply above. You think they will mandate EVs without mandating charging infrastructure in buildings? I know the Tories are corrupt and useless but surely not that useless. Then again....
  5. If you have no way to charge your car at home then an EV is not for you - it is not rocket science. Has anyone ever claimed everybody should have an EV no matter what their circumstance? Why do people insist on coming up with ridiculous "what if" scenarios to support their anti EV stance? If you can't charge one you shouldn't buy one. Next!
  6. Erm, much better quality than GM (absolute junk) or Tesla (slightly better than junk). You want your products to be more expensive? If BYD can sell millions of products at a price point that is great for the consumer and makes them money you would rather pay more? For what reason? Please explain why consumers getting a better deal is a bad thing. Oh, and normally you are supposed to post links to back up random facts. I'd rather not be gouged, but obviously you think differently. BYD are still very healthily profitable so all is good, no? Yellowtail would rather pay more for his goods so multi billion dollar companies can make more money. Yellowtail has more money than sense? Tesla's glory gouging days are over, thank you BYD. As for GM, they will die a slow natural death. https://qz.com/chinas-ev-giant-byd-is-slowly-closing-its-profit-gap-wi-1850979109 Profit per vehicle sold:
  7. Jeez, the barrel scraping continues. Let's compare profit per sale of a Rolex vs a Casio. A Gucci handbag vs a M&S handbag. A trip on the Orient Express vs a taxi. Why on earth would you expect a low priced, high volume, mass market product to be as profitable as an infinitely more expensive, high value, limited production luxury product? You really are out of ideas and are beginning to look silly, sorry. I had hopes you were coming around and being more reasonable recently but you've just taken ten steps back with this ridiculous comparison - I have no idea what you are trying to prove. Idiotic comparison and it reflects poorly on you.
  8. Well done (excuse the pun). Oil is - for now - still important, and it keeps my cars running. Doesn't change the reality of EVs being superior vehicles though.
  9. Sticker-tastic! And glad to see your daughter is taking her safety seriously with the helmet, very nice. I think you could do with a spirit level next time you apply stickers though....
  10. Bit of a silly and pointless dig there about affording them. Not going to get in to a pissing contest but I have owned much higher performance cars than any BMW. And driven (rented) many more much higher performance supercars. Happy with my choices. No doubt the M3's and M5's of this world are great cars but they've never really floated my boat. Maybe because they didn't have stickers on them, not sure. But your bog standard BMWs - 320, 325, 330, 520 etc do absolutely nothing for me, and I have test driven them in the past before choosing something else. And their diesels are appalling.
  11. Too late to edit, but for @ExpatOilWorker if you smashed your BMW, bent the wheels, had significant body panel damage and A pillar damage would you have to wait for parts? More than 32 days? How long would your "Performance Motors" stickers take to be reprinted? That is obviously the most important thing, as a BMW is nothing without the stickers....
  12. Maybe, maybe not. I recently had an accident in my wife's Honda HR-V. Nothing major, but a rear ender in traffic. It took six weeks to fix, and when I got it back the radiator was leaking so they took it back for another 10 days. You have to wait for parts, I didn't go whining to a FB group. Is 32 days too long? It would definitely be nice to be quicker, but it is a relatively new brand expanding quickly in Thailand. And my legacy brand took longer for less damage than that. Aren't we really scraping the barrel now with this post finding a single person who thought their repair took too long?? She has some pretty extensive panel damage. Do they keep those body panels sitting around in all colours in warehouses? No. Do Honda? No. Do BMW? No. She also looks to have some not insignificant A pillar damage, not an easy fix. 32 days "without fixing a nut"? They order parts, wait for them to arrive then fix everything, just as they did with my HR-V. It is just nonsense. Maybe the new more reasonable EOW is no more?
  13. Yeah I remember that - happened not long before I arrived in Thailand. An absolutely awful tragedy. Is this a new, mellower, more reasonable EOW? I like it.
  14. Yes, if you believe the Mahanakorn, Baiyoke II, Magnolias, Four Seasons private residences and all the other (many) towers over 250m are built with a bad mix of concrete that is up to you, as you say that is your opinion, but what is it based on? Two of those buildings are taller than The Shard which is Western Europe's highest. I base my opinion on the fact that many of them have won global awards. Not sure if you've ever been to Dubai but Emaar built the Burj Khalifa (828m) and probably half of Dubai's high rises. You think they would allow dodgy concrete mixes in Thailand?? Really??? And their buildings might fall over perhaps? Sorry, your anti Thai blinkers really define you. I know you have to put a little snide comment on every single positive Thai story, you can't help yourself - I get it. But think about what you are saying, for once.
  15. Yeah, and real trains go "choo choo". How old are you?
  16. Not only are their stories rubbish but even their memes aren't funny!
  17. Fascinating story. "Man Gets Electrocuted In High Voltage Electrical Equipment Installation Accident." He wasn't a consumer charging his EV, he was a contractor installing the equipment, don't be a drama queen and don't try to mislead (or perhaps you didn't actually read the article?) Has anyone been burned to death while refueling their car in Thailand? https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/man-rushed-burns-unit-after-28138874 Yes, I can play silly games too.
  18. No one said it would solve Thailand's problems. Should the private sector not be able to do anything while Thailand still has "problems"? What a ridiculous thought. The Petronas Towers really put KL on the map. Personally I can't see it ever happening although I think it would be very cool on the small chance it does. We should have been close to completion of the G Land Super Tower (615m, 125 stories) by now but it never got started. There's a reason why the Burj Khalifa has been unchallenged for 14 years - it is incredibly difficult and expensive to build that high.
  19. Okay. And how many of Bangkok's approximately 180 skyscrapers have fallen down because of "dodgy concrete mix"? How many bridges have collapsed? How many mass transit lines have fallen over? Yes, there are construction accidents just like anywhere, but they are pretty good at making tall buildings here, especially considering the composition of the land.
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