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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. God the anti EV people can't even come up with amusing memes. This one has been posted several times and it is just as dull and unfunny now as the first time it was posted. I can laugh at anything if it is funny, this is just cringe.
  2. That is just nonsense. You lose a card, have anything stolen, all the banks have 24 hour hotlines you can call and they immediately block your account. To reactivate you may need to present yourself with ID, but to block them is just a phone call at any time of the day or night, and with English speaking operators. I have done this several times in Thailand. I have also called them from overseas when I got my wallet stolen in France. Immediate block, not a problem. I didn't know my account number or passport details but they identified me and blocked the account. Please don't post rubbish if you have absolutely no experience. Are you for real? Why on earth would you set up two accounts and be bothered shifting money between them every time you spend 5,000 baht? Absolutely ridiculous. Every bank allows you to set a limit for individual transactions. Set it to 100 baht if it makes you feel better - hopefully tinfoil hats cost less than that.
  3. Thanks. The lake was my memory playing tricks - I just remembered the water. The commercial was definitely shot after the floods as we had to clean off the water marks, maybe it was sold in different stages. G Land are one of the good developers here so good to hear it is still well maintained. I live in a moo ban of another good developer here and it still looks like new after 15 years, the maintenance is excellent.
  4. I believe the US navy was in the area and was available for assistance but it was not requested. Not the same as turning down an offer. And indeed they did accept help. They asked a US navy ship docked in Laem Chabang to extend its stay and used its helicopters for reconnaissance and relief work. Don't believe the myths, much like the myth that Thailand turned down the offer of help from the Netherlands to control flooding - they didn't - they accepted, but the myth perpetuates (mostly on AN). Having said that the Yingluck government badly mismanaged the floods so I am not defended their response. Who can forget her pathetic staged photo with her Burberry boots...appalling.
  5. Texas, that's funny.
  6. Your memory does not serve you correctly. Only TrueMoney. Prompt Pay QR has never been accepted.
  7. See my earlier post. Did you do the online thing within 15 days but not within seven days? That's the only time it will work.
  8. I remembered - it was called Golden Land Grand Canal. And I found it hilarious because the commercial ended with their logo for "G Land", but no spaces so it was just "Gland". Titter. I'll have to see if the commercial exists on YouTube.... Here's the project. Bad timing. Anyway, what a way to derail a thread, apologies. I've marked where I remember the water line being on the houses before we removed them.
  9. Just saw your edit with the picture of madam. Wow, that is serious! In 2011 I was working with a film director who, on her personal time and money, rented a helicopter and flew all over northern Bangkok to show the authorities what it was like. She shot it with high end cinema cameras (Arri Alexa with Prime lenses if anyone is geeky and into that stuff). I wish I still had that footage, it was absolutely astonishing. In 2012 I worked on a TV commercial for an "exclusive" housing project near Don Mueang - it was a Golden Land project but I forget the name. Right on a lake, stunning 20-30m baht houses, all of them had a water mark from the flood around 2-2.5m high which we had to clean off in post production.
  10. In the rainy season the sky is mostly covered by clouds, duh. Most of the year it is pretty fine, we have had lovely skies in Bangkok for the past couple of months when it hasn't been raining. Burning season is not fine but looking at NASA's live fire tracker it is mostly from fires in Myanmar and Cambodia - perhaps 30% from fires in northern Thailand. I wish they could solve it but I don't see how as it is mostly from neighbouring countries. I believe Singapore bought many of the farms in Indonesia to stop the burning. Here is a picture I took from the top of the Marina Bay Sands in 2013. You could taste the air. That is not rain, it is pure pollution, it was choking - AQI of 401!!! Imagine that! Bangkok is heavenly today by comparison.
  11. Yes, it's interesting, and I can only put it down to improvements in the infrastructure which have been quite significant since then (massive drainage tunnels etc). Obviously any water in the house is too much but progress is good. And you still get people here moaning when water doesn't drain quickly enough after epic rainstorms, I don't think people realise how much Thailand has done in the last 10-15 years. When I moved here in 1995 Sukhumvit would regularly flood to a meter or so after a heavy downpour, it was almost normal. These days localised flooding is gone pretty quickly, I don't think any drainage system in the world can handle the volume of water that an intense monsoon can dump in one area in a very short period of time. It would definitely help if drainage paths were more regularly unclogged (and not done after the fact) but I can definitely appreciate and recognise the massive advances made here over the last 15 years or so. Hoping your feet remain dry this year, and thanks for all the updates.
  12. Thank you. Definite upness. The pointers on the Mueang Pathum Thani camera refer to 2011 and 2021 and 2022 levels do you know? I think that's what it looks like but not sure. I know you just found a webcam so probably don't know more than what I see but maybe you have more knowledge. If so it surprising that 2011 is not really significantly higher than 2021 and 2022 - I guess that shows how much the infrastructure has improved since? 2011 was truly dreadful.
  13. Great, thanks for sharing that, I don't know what we would have done if we didn't know.
  14. Yes, it was longer than expected but I could have just been unlucky, I don't know. Anyway I posted that in another thread and was kindly advised by a couple of posters that you can book an appointment online to avoid the queues. https://gov.immigration1.queueonline.net/appointment/login.html?v33
  15. I had to do my first one in person at CW this week - my online one was rejected. It took four hours. Once I got to the desk the actual process was 2-3 minutes but there were 114 people ahead of me in the queue. I did notice this sign though and I wasn't aware of this. Online reporting can be done 15 days in advance of the due date but not within seven days, so you have an eight day window. I wonder if people are getting rejected online because they fall in to this trap and just blaming it on the system? Definitely something to be aware of.
  16. It's constant deja vu with you. You pop up on every thread spouting the same nonsense. Nobody has been jailed for criticising the government's policies or making "stupid posts" on Facebook, or posting "hurty words" as you are childishly fond of saying. People have been jailed for inciting violence, for spreading deliberately misleading information with the aim of inciting unrest, and for encouraging people to set fire to a building that was full of terrified human beings (or "immigrants" as you call them - mustn't think of them as humans). A right wing fog horn, that is all you are.
  17. The usual AN bar stool detectives are out in force I see! She's not holding his hand you know, she is holding his arm for stability, that's a tiny boat to be standing up on. You guys must really get a kick out of making up such drivel.
  18. Thank you. I didn't realise you could do this for 90 day reports, very useful!
  19. Yeah, or that - I had totally forgotten you could do it and also stupidly expected the 90 day report would be quick.
  20. Damn, a day late, that would have been useful car parking advice. I am at CW now for a 90 day report (my online one was rejected as first one needs to be in person). Had a nightmare parking, the multistory near building B was jammed. I ended up parking in the (near empty) multistory next to building A and took a motorbike to building B. Got my Q ticket at 9.40am, 114 people in front of me. Now 12.30pm, waiting for their lunch to finish and there are still 20 people in front of me. So it is going to be at least a four hour exercise just to tell them I haven't moved house in the last 90 days. Oh well. I think if I have to do this again I'll just come in the afternoon.
  21. I truly hope you are being ironic.
  22. Just been reading their website. It's a lot of money but it's a lot of car. Some really nice exterior and interior lighting, 20 speaker Yamaha sound system, air suspension, magnetic damping. And the performance specs are impressive.
  23. It isn't misleading or exaggerated, I scroll past them literally every day. No one else is interested, please give it a rest. Or how about go and start an EV numbers thread that you and JB can just indulge in and the rest of us can ignore? Please??
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