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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Says it all. You didn't believe someone who summarised the video and you asked for a link. You got the link which supports the summary given an all of a sudden you don't want to share your opinion despite having asked for it. Magnanimity is not one of your strong points is it...
  2. Yes it is. A lovely day to make yourself a cup of tea, sit outside, enjoy the sunshine, watch the video you asked for, then let us know what you thought about it.
  3. Never trust any video that is that low resolution. You are easily fooled (which explains how you believe any anti-EV rubbish that gets posted). Fact check: https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-biden-karine-jean-pierre-553342159944 Or if reading the article is too much here's the actual, unedited, exchange: https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-biden-karine-jean-pierre-553342159944
  4. Hello? @transam? You asked for the link in a dismissive way, you got it. What are your thoughts? Hellooooooo?
  5. I can't remember - it was about 15 years ago, but it was in Sydney. Oily and nasty. I have also had excellent fish and chips in Manly, probably the best I have ever had. Can't remember the name of that either. My point was isolated incidents of bad service can happen anywhere but we don't go creating whinging posts about entire countries based on these random incidents. (Well, one person does)
  6. I think we know why no-one has replied, right @transam?
  7. Will you please stop with this nonsense. Rips can AND DO flow straight out to sea. They exist in small pockets so of course all the water doesn't immediately disappear out to sea. Are you really that dense? I have been in the exact rip that sadly killed this guy and it almost killed me and I wasn't drunk or "on qualudes". Educate yourself. Speculating on the sobriety of the dead guy (who came from a land locked country) based on zero evidence. You really are a class act.
  8. Are you sure you're not thinking of Pan Pan?
  9. Your timelines are out of whack. Thai Airways stopped direct flights to the US in 2008 due to the high cost of operating them (thirsty A340-500s). It stopped "one stop" routes to the US in 2012 also due to financial reasons. The FAA downgraded Thailand to category 2 in 2015. And they were not banned from landing, they were just not allowed to expand their network or launch new routes but Category 2 countries to continue existing routes. But seeing as they hadn't had routes there for nearly four years that was moot anyway. Not sure what their status is in 2024. I certainly trust TG much more than other regional carriers and pick them above others for regional flights. I prefer other airlines for long haul but not because of any safety concerns.
  10. All their modern planes have lie flat biz seats and have done for ages (A380, A350, B787). Older aircraft don't.
  11. The title of this thread is "Why is Thai service so abysmal?". Not, "Why is service in Thailand occasionally less than I would like", or "Why did I get so bent out of shape by a couple of minor service incidents in Thailand?".
  12. Some petty gripes yet you slander all Thais / all of Thailand. Overall I would say the service in Thailand is pretty good - much better than in the UK at least. Of course like everywhere things can be hit and miss but I rarely have service issues here. My friend's wife just flew from Bangkok to Auckland with their daughter and 80 kgs of luggage. It got lost, and five days later they have not found it. Not only that but after the initial complaint in the airport they said someone would ring her - they never did. Her husband is a gold member but there's no office in Bangkok, he had to call Sydney and spent 35 minutes on hold before getting through to someone who said they are trying to locate the bags and would call his wife to explain. They didn't, they still haven't. This is Qantas by the way. Oh and when I last visited Australia I got served rancid fish and chips and they still charged me. However most other places in Australia I had decent service - just like here. Think I'll go and make a butt hurt "Why is Australian Service So Abysmal" post because I've has 2-3 bad issues.
  13. I used to go there a lot back in the day and it was always superb but haven't been since it reopened. I have friends who have been though and the consensus was food was ok (so-so) but service was terrible. Not my first hand experience though so take it or leave it for what it's worth.
  14. I won't say what I really think as I would get a suspension, but you clearly have not a single clue what you are talking about - you are completely and utterly wrong. And your earlier ridiculous post saying Thailand has small waves - riptides have nothing at all to do with wave size. Please take your misinformation and pathetic drivel elsewhere, what you are saying is potentially dangerous.
  15. Very easily. If you haven't learned about rips and how to survive them your natural instinct is to swim directly to shore and try to fight it, but you still keep going backwards, you get tired and you drown. It happened to me many years ago at this very same beach and it was terrifying. I was lucky and eventually caught a wave that got me to where I could tip toe and I just got back to shore, collapsed, exhausted. Since then I know what to do and also how to spot a rip to avoid it in the first place and I have taught my kids, but many many people don't know. And let's not forget this guy was from Uzbekistan which is a land locked country so he certainly wouldn't have been taught.
  16. Oh my God, here we go again. 1. That is not a BYD. 2. That is not an EV. 3. It is not real. 4. It is a stunt from a movie set. 5. Did you not think it odd that people were filming before it happened and didn't flinch once? The mind boggles about how gullible people are who will swallow anything no matter how ridiculous - as long as it fuels their anti Chinese / anti EV viewpoint. And that awful YouTuber posts it as fact that this was an EV vehicle that exploded while charging. And morons lap it up without question. It is very very sad.
  17. Who worships Chinese EVs? I know people like the ones that are good, why wouldn't they? Haven't seen anyone on here raving about the big (ugly) cat, in fact I haven't seen anyone say a good word about it - it is pig ugly and nothing special. Haven't seen anyone raving about Zeekr's offerings as they are frankly a bit odd. We've also criticised BYD's offerings that aren't in Thailand yet - I forgot the name but it looks like it could only be used as a taxi as no one would buy it for personal use. Atto 3, Seal, Dolphin, the MG range, the Deepals however are all excellent cars and great value so yes, people talk about them. Oh and they are selling well. Toyota's EVs are an overpriced joke and rightly laughed at.
  18. Yes, and? The guy I replied to referred to EVs.
  19. So we should also get rid of lorries, container trucks, BMW X7s and anything else that is heavier than a basic sedan because the US guardrails aren't good enough? Why do they let any other heavy vehicle use the road? Why pick on EVs? There are much heavier cars and trucks out there.
  20. But come on, if you post a video that claims that a petrol car that's on fire after it smashed into a heavy lorry and a movie clip of an exploding car are Chinese EVs randomly catching fire / exploding saying :"this will make you think twice" then you deserve to be belittled. Watching an obviously and ridiculously fake video makes him think twice about Chinese EVs but he's not capable of thinking twice before posting it, or doing even the slightest bit of research. Anyone with two brain cells can see they are fake and that the YouTube guy only posts fake anti China stuff now matter how outlandish it may be.
  21. I'l give you one - it is more anti Chinese EV nonsense. Complete drivel. The internet is full of this rubbish. The guy talks about the terrifying news that Chinese EVs keep randomly catching fire or exploding. Scary huh? The third clip "of an EV randomly catching fire" he shows is a petrol car on fire after it smashed really heavily into the back of a lorry. The fourth clip of a terrifying Chinese EV exploding was in fact not an EV. Nor Chinese. Nor was it real - it was a stunt from a movie. After that I switched off. All I can say to Photoguy who would now think carefully before buying an EV, please use your brain, do some research, and don't just believe everything a random guy tells you on YouTube. I mean look at his channel and tell me if it is impartial looking. And his "Fields of abandoned Chinese EVs" has been debunked many times. The man is a liar and has a clear agenda.
  22. I couldn't agree more. I knew Colin well and this news has been a shock to so many, he was a great guy. The people throwing theories around should be ashamed of themselves and should remind themselves that this story is about the demise of a man who lived here for decades doing good things, and it is likely that his friends and family are reading this thread. Take your amateur theories elsewhere or at the very least show some respect.
  23. So an American has to be loyal to Boeing no matter it's criminal incompetence or malfeasance? What a weird bunch you Yanks can be. Very misplaced patriotism above all else.
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