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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Bring back the Empire too, coal mines, steam railways, racism and bigotry, and free gammon for all! Ra ra ra!
  2. What a load of absolute nonsense. Yeah, I am sure they are planning to catch a train to invade Thailand, that'll be the thinking behind this. I imagine that would only give the Thais around 8-10 hours' notice, how on earth would they find a way to stop a train in that time? Impossible right? Do they construct the rails from special indestructible material? Bridges too? And the electricity supply will also be indestructible. Just swallow your western propaganda without questions, good boy. Oh, and how many countries have been invaded by train before? Ever thought about why they normally begin wars from the air?
  3. This project is not funded by China in any way. Thailand is just buying the technology and know how, they are not borrowing from China.
  4. Yes, but it is not the points. It happens between Ramkhamhaeng and Hua Mark but only on the Express trains. It comes from the toilets and is some sort of pneumatic release valve but never found out exactly what it is, but it's definitely toilet related.
  5. Yeah, the last few times I've been on it I've noticed the Express ones now have seating in all four carriages. Unless maybe they've only done one and I've just happened to get that one each time, not sure.
  6. Well the thread title was "any great beaches on the mainland". And anyway I was replying to a different poster who went off on a tangent saying the only decent beaches are on islands more than 40kms from the mainland, hence Phuket being an example in my reply.
  7. Here's an interview with him: https://coconuts.co/bangkok/features/night-prowl-legendary-lechery-bernard-nite-owl-trink/ Interesting story in there about the 10 baht hooker with leprosy. Sadly he totally lost the plot when he started preaching that you don't get HIV from unprotected sex. I mean how can you have someone saying that in a national newspaper? So irresponsible. And it wasn't just a blip, it was a constant theme. He said use condoms to prevent pregnancy or other STDs, but don't worry about HIV - it's a myth. He also had some very dubious encounters with underaged girls. Maybe he was a nice guy in person, but for me he should have been fired from the Post years before he actually was - he was actually pretty creepy.
  8. Never understood the Trink worship. His column was an abomination, just cut and pasted rubbish from emails, lame jokes, and silly cliches. Even his book reviews were poor. He was a talentless man who somehow made a living from it (kudos to him for that), and I never understood why the Bangkok Post kept him for so long. But no, never met him.
  9. Well that's a bit silly. Phuket has some great beaches and that is a few hundred metres from the mainland. Koh Samet has stunning beaches and that is maybe 3kms from the mainland? Koh Chang also and that is 5kms max. Anyway I agree the beaches on the mainland are mainly disappointing (not that I've been to every beach mind you), but to say you have to go 40kms offshore to get a good beach is just nonsense.
  10. Yes, they were on their way to a landfill. Genius.
  11. I passed a transporter truck full of these on the 7 motorway this afternoon. Quirky looking little things.
  12. Fair point, taken, but seriously - made up guff like this??
  13. Best of luck to you, hoping for the best.
  14. Eight pages of people feeding the troll, the management must be very happy with the clicks. I remember when this forum used to be slightly useful, now it has become this, but as long as the clicks and views keep coming....
  15. I feel sorry for you and whatever happened to make you go through life with such a bitter attitude. There is help out there, I think it starts at the airport.
  16. It never ceases to amaze me - the level of nonsense dreamt up by people on this forum.
  17. As the other poster said, MOTs only required if the car is older than seven years. As the other poster also said, you'll need a Thai license but easy to convert an international one to a Thai one, just a few steps to go through. On buying a second hand car I would say ONLY buy from certified manufacturer dealerships - most brands have them and you will get a vehicle that has been comprehensively checked and will have a warranty. Just Google for certified used cars from the brand you like and you will most likely find the right place. Second hand car "tents" are not trustworthy at all, steer clear unless you really know your cars.
  18. Link please. Seen this claim so many times on AN but nobody has EVER provided a link to show this is the case, so until that happens it remains an AN bar stool myth. Thought it might be fun to ask ChatGPT for what it's worth: How are Thai official road death statistics collected? Thai road death statistics are collected through various means, primarily by government agencies such as the Royal Thai Police and the Department of Land Transport. Here's an overview of the process: Police Reports: When accidents occur on Thai roads, the Royal Thai Police are typically the first responders. They file accident reports detailing the circumstances of the accident, including the number of fatalities, injuries, vehicles involved, and other relevant information. These reports form the basis of official statistics. Hospital Records: Hospitals and medical facilities also play a role in collecting data on road deaths. They maintain records of individuals admitted due to road accidents, including those who succumb to their injuries. This data is often shared with government agencies for statistical purposes. Death Certificates: When someone dies as a result of a road accident, a death certificate is issued. These certificates provide essential information about the cause of death, which contributes to the overall road death statistics. Surveys and Studies: In addition to official records, various surveys and studies may be conducted to gather more detailed information about road accidents and fatalities. These studies may involve interviewing witnesses, analyzing crash scenes, and collecting other relevant data. Government Databases: The collected data from police reports, hospital records, and death certificates are compiled into comprehensive databases maintained by government agencies such as the Department of Land Transport. These databases are regularly updated and analyzed to generate reports and statistics on road deaths. Public Reporting Systems: In recent years, there has been an increased emphasis on public reporting systems where citizens can report accidents and road hazards directly to authorities or through mobile applications. These reports contribute to real-time monitoring of road safety and may influence policy decisions. Overall, the collection of Thai road death statistics involves a combination of official reporting systems, medical records, and data analysis to provide a comprehensive understanding of road safety issues in the country. I then asked it to clarify that this is in Thailand: Yes, in Thailand, people who die in hospitals as a result of injuries sustained in road accidents are typically included in official road death figures. The process involves hospitals reporting fatalities resulting from road accidents to government agencies or relevant authorities, who then record these deaths and add them to the overall statistics on road fatalities. Thailand, like many other countries, follows a comprehensive approach to collecting road death statistics to accurately reflect the impact of road accidents on public health and safety. This approach helps in identifying trends, implementing interventions, and formulating policies aimed at reducing road fatalities. Therefore, both fatalities that occur at the scene of the accident and those that happen later in hospitals are usually included in official road death figures in Thailand.
  19. We've had public art there for 25 years, rotated every two years so that continues. Why should we ditch that for the queen who only recently died? She'll get her place in due time, for now London can continue as a city or art and culture, not pompous celebrations of privileged people born in to wealth (although I do think the queen was a decent public servant, unlike the rest of her entitled family of leeches). She'll have a prominent statue somewhere, probably parliament square or somewhere - not Trafalgar Square. Does it bother you?
  20. Sickening, just sickening.
  21. Yep, no one was hurt at Tak Bai, it was all a misunderstanding. No one was murdered in the war on drugs, they were actually all suicides or accidents. His wife didn't buy prime land from the government at way below market value, he didn't approve a loan from a government bank to the military junta in Burma to buy his satellites, He did pay fair tax on his sale of Shin Corp, there was no corruption in the building of Suvaranbhumi, he didn't transfer shares to his drivers and maids to avoid declaring his wealth (it was an "honest mistake" as he said), he didn't get the BOI to approve tax breaks for Shin Corp etc etc Hallelujah, the saint has returned! All hail Tony!!
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