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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Finally, a sensible and correct answer. We always take some with us, no problem. And I think most posters here don't know what nam prik is. Endless varieties and whoever was calling it chili oil is just plain wrong. Nam prik is eaten practically as a dip with vegetables. And for those saying "you can buy it in the UK". First you don't know where in the UK he is going, and second he wants to take a variety of different types. Imagine a poster in the UK asking if he can bring fresh gourmet sausages in to Thailand and people saying "you can buy sausages here". Or someone wanting to bring back speciality cheeses, why bother you can buy cheese here. And only on AN can a simple question degenerate into bickering about nothing, so ridiculous. To the OP, it's not a problem, put it in your checked baggage.
  2. I think you'll find that the US has the worst "friendly fire" record of any nation, and also far outpaces China for expansionism. But keep believing your propaganda, good boy.
  3. Yet another person who can't be bothered to follow a link or watch a video. Please don't be a domass.
  4. Those are prostitutes. Are you saying she is a prostitute?
  5. I'll fix it for you. It's not a good time to be a farang doing hit and runs, attacking people in supermarkets, spitting at people after you forced them to knock your bike, kicking someone sat on some stairs and threatening to shoot them or have them put in prison, and all the other stuff. For the rest of us nothing has changed. Be good, be respectful, and you are very welcome here, apart from Bob - I wonder why that could be.
  6. It's only the paranoid foreigners on here that think that as it fits their chip-on-the-shoulder outlook on life here. As I said for the rest of us nothing has changed - your 11 year old Thai thinks the same as 99% of the population.
  7. I don't get this thread - all toasters last for years, they are incredibly simple devices.
  8. Yeah, it is very very sad, but the video doesn't show what happened. If he was in a collision he should have stopped, but other than that we don't see what happened. But if he was saying "sorry" and then sped off it doesn't sound good..
  9. It's not a good time to be a farang doing hit and runs, attacking people in supermarkets, spitting at people after you forced them to knock your bike, kicking someone sat on some stairs and threatening to shoot them or have them put in prison, and all the other stuff. For the rest of us nothing has changed. Be good, be respectful, and you are very welcome here.
  10. Agree with this. If champagne and caviar is important to you you'll be flying business or first so the rest of what is in the airport is completely irrelevant. Economy passengers are not looking for champagne or caviar at any airport so the whole exercise and ranking is just silly.
  11. Surprise surprise, you want to criticise it but you don't want to know anything about it in case ti doesn't reflect your prejudice. Ignore me if you like, keep shouting in to your echo chamber, you'll be happier there. And I'm not triggered, but when I am presented with information that seems unlikely (Suvarnabhumi being a top luxury airport) I like to check it out before I inform an opinion and yes, I will correct people who base their opinion on nothing more than prejudice or without doing the slightest bit of research - I found the original survey and criteria in about three minutes. But rather than do that you all jump around and say it is bribery, "they've" done this quickly (even though it was done a month ago) etc etc. Very boring, yet very predictable.
  12. It is neither, clearly. The list was for any airport that had more than ten lounges, then they got scores for how many luxury hotels were nearby, how many caviar and champagne outlets there are, how many luxury brand shops there are. That's it, nothing more, nothing less. And yet it triggers people, it is hilarious. https://www.allcleartravel.co.uk/blog/worlds-most-luxurious-airports/ Suvarnabhumi does have a lot of lounges and luxury brand shops. It's not one of the world's best airports, nor is it anywhere near one of the worst. It is what it is, a slightly above average, middling airport.
  13. It was published in February, Here's the criteria. Which one of these criteria do you question exactly? https://www.allcleartravel.co.uk/blog/worlds-most-luxurious-airports/ It's really a meaningless survey but funny to see all the bitters on here getting so triggered by it.
  14. Who is "they"? Here's the original article and the criteria used. They survey was also done in February, so unless the Thai government a) can influence an independent survey conducted without their knowledge, and b) can time travel to go back in time from when the negative one was published, then I would love to know how you think "they" rushed out and did this. https://www.allcleartravel.co.uk/blog/worlds-most-luxurious-airports/
  15. Home grown in New York, which is where Travel + Leisure is based.
  16. What an absolutely beautiful story, and so typical that the first reply is a negative one. Really, how pathetic and bitter.
  17. I haven't seen video of what sparked it initially, but there is video of him riding alongside her then swerving in front and braking hard. There is also other footage of him in the same link throwing the middle finger whilst someone drives slowly past him when he is playing with his skateboard (yeah, an adult riding a skateboard) so he obviously has anger issues. Maybe she cut him up, maybe she beeped at him, maybe she was initially at fault, we don't know. But seems this guy is a bit of a low life judging from his reactions, his ridiculous bling, the fact he is riding a big bike wearing headphones and no helmet, and he clearly has anger issues.
  18. Where did I say that? She managed to slam on her brakes and tapped him so his bike fell over, she did well. I wish he had been hit harder because his reckless actions deserved it, just a bit of damage to his bike would have been fine. And he can help his own safety in future by: a) not driving like a knob and swerving in front of someone and slamming his brakes on b) wearing a helmet c) not wearing headphones so he can actually listen to his surroundings and be more situationally aware. Seriously who drives a motorbike while wearing headphones??
  19. You obviously didn't see the other video (or you conveniently missed it out) where he overtook her, swerved in front and slammed on the brakes from maybe 2-3 metres in front of her car. A car takes a lot longer to stop than a motorbike, no one could have avoided hitting him. Shame it wasn't harder.
  20. You're wrong. The two lowest fare business class tickets - Business Lite and Business Classic both charge for seat selection. Only Business Comfort and Business Elite give it you for free. If someone comes here and says they flew Qatar business recently and paid £62 per leg for seat selection why would anything think they would be lying? It beggars belief, and now you look silly.
  21. Ha ha, I thought the same, although I think I'd go with the business cheeseboard.
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