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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Whislt you come across as a bit pompous / officious for posting something like that it's actually true. And the Swiss guy has shown he is not afraid to abuse the defamation law and computer crimes act as he pressed charges on the ambulance drive under both of them after he posted the video of him.
  2. What a coincidence! I just came back from Villa where I bought stuff to cook for dinner. At one point an old lady was browsing cereal and had left her trolley in the aisle. I immediately clenched my fists and was about to pummel the Hell out of her and smash her stupid face in to the floor, but weirdly - I don't know what came over me - but I smiled and said "excuse me", and she immediately apologised, smiled, and moved her trolley. She doesn't know how close she came to a violent end, lucky lady.
  3. So they should all have their own bikes and drive them to Phuket when they want to go on holiday?
  4. In all seriousness the boat looks great, and sailing from Bangkok will be a winner. I recently drove from Bangkok to Samui and it was eight hours there, nine hours back, plus 90 minutes for the ferry and a bit of waiting around time. 23 hours is a long time, but I know it is a long way, so it is what it is. Personally I feel it's just too expensive. I can drive there for about 2,000 baht in petrol plus 550 for the ferry. And I can take four adults in comfort. 2,500 baht for a car, plus 3,500 for the most basic seat is 6,000 minimum one way for one person and you have nowhere to sleep. I know it's an "experience" and it looks great but for me it's not worth it at that price, I would just drive. I wish them luck as they have had a huge run of misfortune over the last couple of years, it looks very professional and well designed and the route makes sense, but for me they've priced themselves too high. I hope I am proved wrong.
  5. What happened in the hot and spicy yummy food eating challenge episode 329?
  6. Sorry if this affects the chip on your shoulder, but "alien" isn't a uniquely Thai term, it is standard. The UK has an "Aliens Act" about immigration, and most countries refer to non nationals as "aliens".
  7. Yes, I agree. They will want to get justice for her after she had her face smashed in the floor, her nose broken, and sufferent many other injuries after being brutally attacked by a maniac.
  8. She threw it after she'd been pummeled once. Did you actually read the article?
  9. Ah, here he comes riding in on his white horse - the great defender of all farangs! Surprised it took you eight pages to get here, did Dobbin have a problem?
  10. Even if she had pushed in, is that a green light for him to beat the <deleted> out of her, break her nose, and smash her face in to the floor? He is scum and so is anyone who tries to defend his attack on an old woman.
  11. In this case please explain how he isn't. He attacked her (dozens of witnesses). She is old, she has a broken nose and facial injuries, there are pictures of her with severe injuries and blood everywhere. He doesn't have a scratch on him. So please tell me why we shouldn't think he is guilty. I am truly almost done with this forum. So many disgusting, Thai hating, misogynistic losers, and they are allowed to post freely.
  12. Wow, Ross Johnson, you've just hit new low for AN (which takes some doing). There are photos of her with a broken nose, blood everywhere, facial injuries. There are witnesses, lots of them. And there is a photo of him, sat in the police station, not a scratch on him. So tell us, how you YOU think it went down? I honestly can't believe there are people who hate Thais and/or women so much that they can say something like you just did. Sick sick sick. By the way, I'll take you up on your offer - how much are you willing to bet? Put your money where your disgusting misogynistic or racist mouth is. Why automatically side with him otherwise?
  13. You haven't seen the pictures then.
  14. Pathetic, absolutely pathetic. There were dozens of witnesses. Have you seen the pictures? He clearly beat her up quite badly. What's your take on it then? She randomly attacked the innocent farang then maybe fell and broke her nose and cut her face up?
  15. You'll notice from my posts that I think he is odious scum and deserves what's coming to him, but to be fair it seems the elephants are well cared for (maybe that's why he married one?). Look at TripAdvisor and Google reviews and they are unanimously positive and comment on how well cared for, healthy and happy the animals are.
  16. So people are not allowed to go out alone? It doesn't say if she was going home or going out - could have been coming home from work, could have been going out to work, you don't know, I don't know. She could have been coming home from a party, is that not allowed? 20 year old girls can't go out with friends? Yeah, she faked it, asked the motorbike driver to get drunk and expose himself. You are a sad, grumpy old man and I detect more than a hint of misogyny.
  17. Old news from less than 24 hours ago?? Let me guess, another AN poster who doesn't read anything but has to post based on headlines....got to get your count up at all costs!!
  18. Wow, what is wrong with people??
  19. Ooooh, we have a hero on the thread! Always love when an anonymous hard man joins in on the internet.
  20. Absolutely hilarious! I assume you don't have a daughter, loser.
  21. Did the Spanish inquisition let you off if you agreed to mutually apologise and walk away or mutually not apologise and walk away? What a ridiculous escalation, even for AN that is special, well done. It is like the Spanish inquisition! Ha ha ha ha.
  22. No worries, big of you to come back and admit that, thanks. And I agree, what on earth was he thinking? Obviously so arrogant and confident in his "connections" he thought it would be an easy win.
  23. Thanks Tyler for the reply. That does offer some reassurance on some levels that I should be able to go straight out and come back on a 30 day exempt. I will need to extend that exemption for another 30 days by which time my money will be "seasoned" enough to apply for an O. How long were you on B's before that?
  24. Did you read the thread or just his dramatic subject heading? He won't answer what happened to spark the road rage thereby implying maybe he did something like bang the car, flick a finger etc - not that that would justify what happened at all, but it would add some context. HIs silence is deafening. He answers people who give him sympathy, doesn't answer anyone who asks him how it started. He also said he can't be bothered to press charges and is too lazy to go to the police station to follow up himself, but he just wants a good old whinge in his echo chamber - I assume you're a member of that chamber. In the police's view he was fully compensated for his medical costs and bike repair costs, there is compensation coming from the insurance company, he doesn't want to be bothered to press charges or get a lawyer to do it on his behalf, therefore the matter is resolved. Normal. In this case the victim immediately decided she would be relentless to get justice so she went to the police to press charges and also went to the media, therefore action was taken. BritManToo couldn't be bothered so the matter is closed. Big difference.
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