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Everything posted by josephbloggs

  1. Imagine if a Thai had done it and then said they tripped. People like alien365 would be up in arms saying Thais don't take responsibility, "fragile egos" etc etc blah blah. Pathetic hypocrites of the highest order.
  2. So, what's your take now? I notice you didn't answer.
  3. I don't know what those numbers mean. 5th column is how much you spent on diesel, the rest I have no idea. Not sure what you are trying to prove really. Care to elaborate? (By the way I don't own an EV before you accuse me of something silly)
  4. Of course you do. And you drive 700+ kms without a break. You are my hero.
  5. @alien365 would love to know your spin on this and how it was the Thai lady's fault. After all a farang could not behave in such a manner. His defence was he "slipped". Did he? @alien365 how exactly did she provoke this?
  6. You've got it all worked out then. Well done Sherlock. And tying this in to a drunk woman who thought you were hansum.......just weird, but good to imply all Thai girls - even doctors (and your lawyers and judges) - are nutters and must be wrong.
  7. Wow, what a marvel of modern technology that D-Max is, I must get one.
  8. There was a similar bar in Singapore called The Beer Market with prices listed on stock exchange like monitors and they would fluctuate based on demand. However, being Singapore, they went from being really expensive to horrendously expensive.
  9. Yeah, the LF-A and the Carrera GT sound amazing. How many times have you seen/heard one on the road? I have seen one Carrera GT in the flesh, one. I have also seen one LF-A, once. So not sure what your point is. Let's be honest, every single diesel vehicle sounds absolutely disgusting. 99% of petrol cars sound disgusting and give no visceral pleasure at all. Do you like the sound of a 4-pot Vios or Camry? A Honda Civic? A Suzuki Celery? A Volvo XC40? An HR-V with it's droning CVT? Imagine if every single vehicle in Bangkok was magically turned into an EV overnight. Can you imagine how peaceful, quiet, and clean the streets would be? How much better the air would be? How many times do you hear a screaming vehicle that you liked the sound of in Bangkok? Once a week? Once a fortnight? How many times do you just hear NOISE that is just painful and annoying? That's worth the trade off isn't it. And how many LF-A or Carrera GT noise experiences would you lose? You've probably never heard one in the flesh so I would say you'd lose nothing. I love the noise of a great engine, I loved the noise of my modified 500bhp Subaru Impreza with it's burbling boxer 4 (that great noise disappeared when they switched to using equal length headers so they now sound as dull as any other 4-pot), but having tried an EV over an extended period I loved the quietness and the smoothness! The silence is something you quickly come to appreciate but of course that would mean actually trying an EV with an open mind which I am 99% certain means you would never try one.
  10. Where are you getting this "one after the other" fantasy? She was married off to one Dutch member early on, they had three kids together (which all died from malnutrition and pneumonia as they literally had no food or care) and she only left him when she managed to escape and the caliphate fell. He was abusive and controlling - do you think she was just a party girl there sleeping around for fun? Watch the documentary (I know you won't). For the record, if an adult decides to go off and join ISIS and fight then strip them of their citizenship. But she was a vulnerable 15 year old child who was recruited by a school friend, groomed, and went on the journey. Do I believe everything she says? No. Do I believe a child can be groomed, manipulated, and cajoled in to doing something they later regret? Absolutely! Do I have basic human standards of decency towards children who were manipulated, who have lived in poverty, have had three children die, who have been living in a refugee camp for several years in atrocious conditions and are now rendered stateless? Yes. Do I believe a knee jerk populist decision by a right wing politician sparked by the mainstream gutter press is the right thing? Absolutely not. And people like you are the problem. No independent research, not interested in learning what happened, just keep repeating your fantasy of this 15 year old girl getting gladly "rogered". A child made a mistake (albeit a big one). The government should have no arbitrary right to strip her of her citizenship. Let her come back to the UK and face trial in a court of law, and if guilty be punished appropriately. What is your problem with that? Leave out the childish rogering thing and perhaps try answering as an adult. Why can't a child who was groomed be given a trial in the UK? Why should a decision made as a child lead to being made stateless? Just use normal adult words, give it a go, I'm all ears.
  11. You wouldn't because it would only interest someone who has an open mind and is interested in facts, not speculation or childish name throwing (rogering etc),
  12. I just watched this BBC documentary and interviews with her, her husband, intelligence agents and other people who know a hell of a lot more than anyone in this thread. You'll need a VPN to watch it. And sorry @transam there is no rogering of a 15 year old child in it so it might not be of interest to you. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m001j079/the-shamima-begum-story
  13. You can take as much water as you like on a plane. You just can't take it from outside security screening.
  14. You must be new to his posts to just realise this. It is standard, as is the trolling. And I think he gets turned on every time he writes "rogering" because it is in every post - fantasising about a 15 year old getting "rogered" is a little disturbing to be honest.
  15. You're right, I was getting mixed up with Circle K in Vietnam. I used to go there often but it's been a couple of years. Still found Circle K's to be very underwhelming at least in HCMC.
  16. So it was 50gm for 20 bsht. Now 48gm for 20baht. Do you notice the 2gm? Is that one crisp or two? Do people really have nothing else going on in their lives??
  17. They are better in Japan, but I don't think the Thai ones are far behind - they keep adding more fresh food and more range all the time. You can even buy ribeye steaks (199 baht) - I bought one once for the novelty and it wasn't bad, but I do prefer to pay more for better quality steaks. 7-Elevens in the rest of SE Asia are dreadful: Vietnam, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia are dirty, tiny, and have nothing of interest. The Thai ones are clean, well run, bright, well stocked., and have excellent service.
  18. Eh? 7-Elevens are full of that kind of junk! Hotdogs, pizza slices, burgers, all sorts of ready meals, some do donuts and even fresh croissants.
  19. Oh my God, you just said something positive! Wow, did it feel nice?
  20. Wow, you actually posted a GB News clip as "evidence". Hilarious. You do know that is the most rabidly right wing piece of crap on British TV right? (Of course you do, it's why you watch it, no doubt along with Fox "News").
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